Sunday, 29 September 2024

Welcome to the month of March our Month of Prayer & Fasting.

Jesus gives us reason for praying and fasting in this 'live' experience where he removed literarily 'lunacy' from a young boy. Not parable. It was coop. It was industrial training session for the disciples and I guess, fast tracking it forward for you & I.

Praying and fasting has capacity to suspend the natural and make room for the supernatural. That was buttress by Jesus when  he declared  'This kind' cannot happen except by prayer and fasting .
There is too much talk about praying, particularly in North America, we are talkers and not doers when it comes to the issue of praying. The least attended Christian event is prayer meetings and least participated christian spiritual exercise  is fasting. No wonder the seemingly powerlessness of our spiritual age.
My advice, let us shift gear, this month from prayerlessness to prayerfulness .
From fastinglessness to fasting-fullness .

As we fast and pray -
-The lunacy of our children will disappear
-The lunacy of our spouse will disappear
-The lunacy in the church will disappear
-The lunacy of our parents , relations will disappear
-The lunacy, madness in the society will disappear
-Lunacy in your business will disappear. There will be profitability and corresponding prosperity.

-The lunacy(corruption) in governance will disappear . Secrets will be revealed and appropriate sanctions will be applied.
- The lunacy of your life will disappear .

Where do you want lunacy to give way this month and beyond- Jesus prescription will help you- take an injection of prayer and fasting.(An overdose has positive effect and is allowed and recommended!)

Join us in Christ Apostolic Church Bethel as we commence today 21 days (March 1-21) praying and fasting.

Prayer points
1. O Lord empower me for the journey of life.
2. I cannot go through this month and others
without you.
3. O Lord release fresh revelations , fresh information, fresh ideas, fresh energy , fresh capacity for me to navigate this month successfully .
4. O Lord Let those who mourn this month be comforted
5. O Lord let those who are humble inherit the earth .
6. O Lord make me the light of the earth this month.Let me not loose my flavour .
7. As I work hard & smart in my business prosper me.
8.O Lord empower me not only to fast and pray this month but to get rid of the spirit of lunacy that is so prevalent around and within me.

I pray you will have a lunacy free month in Jesus name.
Jesus is Lord!


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