Sunday, 29 September 2024

My Month of Victory


Welcome to the month of June, our Month of Victories!  But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.1John 4:4. This month as you appear before God you shall go from victory to victory in Jesus name.

 I had this dream recently. We were in a prayer meeting, it was a very sober meeting, God was convicting people of sin and people were crying out their hearts. While some prostrated, some were standing, some were sitting. I said people should raise prayer points. Because of the heavy presence of the anointing of God, the people's prayer point was not the regular selfish, me, my family, my husband, my wife prayer request about trivial none essentials, highly materialistic, non heaven based things.
One sister V stood up with tears in her eyes and said we should pray for one  lady M. That she is always posting some semi nude pictures of herself on the FB. That we should pray for her salvation, God should give her victory over her flesh.  Sister V continued in the dream and mentioned another brother G. That we should pray for him in a similar way that God will redeem his soul. Then I got up to ask the people at the back of the auditorium 'did you hear the prayer point?' At that point I woke up.'

I knew in my spirit that the focus this month was on victory. But not the usual victory over material things but victory over sin. I knew God wanted us to intercede for people we have despised, condemned and ignored.
When God was writing to the seven churches in the book of revelation there was one phrase that was repeated seven times  'he that has hear let him hear what the spirit is saying to the churches'. Specifically the bible says
'Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who is victorious will not be hurt at all by the second death.' Rev 2:11NIV
'The one that is victorious will not be hurt by the second death.' Meaning every victory that will make you to be hurt by the second death is not victory. Meaning there are victories and there are victories. All victories are victories but some victories are more important than the other. I pray this month that God will give you victory over loneliness, rejection, poverty, barrenness, stagnation, Lions, Bears, Goliath, sicknesses and diseases. I pray this month that God will give you victory over limitations,  frustrations, life struggles, financial struggles, business not doing well, joblessness, health struggles, social struggles , peer pressure, academic struggles,
matrimonial struggles, prodigal spouse, prodigal children, infidelity, children not doing well in school, children into drugs, narcotics, marijuana, cigarette smoking, party spirits, masturbation, watching pornography, inability,  loss of pregnancies, bad dreams, transgender tendencies and confusion.
I pray for you as a Pastor, General Overseer, Bishop, Apostle and Evangelist, Church Leader  that God will give you victories over ministerial struggles, church challenges, instability in church, members not growing, members not being faithful, members wandering about like Cain, no sufficient money to execute what God has puts in your heart. I pray God will give you victory over physical challenges, sicknesses, hyperthermia, hypertension, arthritis, chest condition, lameness, deafness, dumbness, blindness, and all manner of affliction according to Psalm 34:19.

I perceive in my spirit that God gave Paul victory in all these areas above, but read what he said, “But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.

Brethren there is one victory that is critical in your life you must pursue. It is the mother of all victories. It is called victory over sin. Victory over spiritual struggles - battling with one sin or the other, lying spirit, inability to pray, to read the word, to fast, to fellowship, to give to God, to pay your tithe, to obey God in totality. Paul was talking about this spiritual victory when he said writing to the Galatians: "This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, reveling, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." Gal 5:16-21'

Let us ask ourselves some pointed questions. Why is the family in disarray, why are nations in trouble and continents swimming in religions that cannot save them, why is the church grossly incapacitated, so critically powerless in our generation, financially and otherwise, how come the politicians are manipulating the citizenry endlessly from nation to nation despite all the technological advancement of our time? The reason we are not enjoying other victories is because we do not have victory where it matters; in the spiritual realm over sin where victory matters.
The situation is so bad now those pastors who talk about sin are considered out of fashion. People abandon such churches like a plaque. Such churches thin out and the mega churches swell up. Friends, this month ask yourself a very pointed question - do I have victory over sin? Pastor, choir member, deacon, deaconess, my Usher brother, church curator, bus driver, Leader of men, Women leader, faithful tither, ask yourself despite your luxurious apartment, your 2016 car model, your lake side multimillion dollar mansion, your countless shoes, designer cloth filled closets. You are asking me why you must ask yourself this question the answer is why not?  This is the only victory I repeat, this is the only victory that will matter at the end of life.
This is the victory that will give you a ladder to the heavenly throne. This is the only victory that will not make you a victim of this world and the world to come; this is the only victory that will give you victory in this present world and in the years that are countless, called eternity. Did you not read that Jesus raised up Lazarus, the question I am asking you now is where is Lazarus, long dead! I pray you come out of that bad situation again, but you will not remain on this earth forever. There is one victory that you will rejoice that you have, one victory that will give you peace it is the victory over sin. I pray you will have victory this month even today over sin.

How do I have victory over sin?
"For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.5 Who is he that overcomes the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? 1 John 5:4-5

How do I overcome sin, 'be born of God, through faith'. When you gave your life to Christ the Spirit of God takes you over. Your physical body did not change your spirit man changed. The evil desires mentioned above are still there, that is why Gal 5: 16 says there is a 'struggle' the flesh, the power of death is struggling to maintain their position. Sin doesn't want to leave the place, but you have to develop the Spirit of God that you have received when you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior to root out those desires, satanic strongholds using the scriptures to exercise your authority over those unclean spirit. Work out your salvation bible screams.

"Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." You have what it takes to overcome and have victory over sin.
Nobody wins war just because he or she is well kitted? There are principles of warfare, it is that you identify the enemy, you locate the enemy and you attack the enemy that is why you hear that the best defense is attack. You cannot win in a boxing ring by just defending yourself; you must throw out the punches and hit the opponent where it matters!
How do you have victory over sin? Identify the sin(s) that trouble you. The bible did not say you are beset by all sins, no, it says the sin that easily beset you. That once it pops up you are weak, maybe it is watching pornography, maybe it is hot temper, (there is a check list in Colossians three) when that sin pops up even in your heart, attack it. I have compiled 10  bullets that you can put in your gun, confessional gun, prayer gun that you can use to shoot sin in your life and ensure that you kill it totally. You may need additional bullets go and buy in Isaiah 55:1 without money. Where do you get these bullets in the bible?

There are six locations of power in the bible you must do your best to receive power for victory from them
1. Power in the word of God Heb 4:12
2. Power in the gospel. Romans 1:16
3. Power in prayer1Thes 5

4. The blood of Jesus Rev 12: 11
5. The Holy Ghost Act 1:8
6. Resurrection power Phil 3:10

Ten keys to acquiring power to overcome sin and all form of evil in your life

1. You must be born again John 3:3-82 Cor 5:17.Your life must be rearranged not refurbished
Those who are born again do not commit adultery. No hot temper

 2. You must have a divine encounter. Every man that did exploits in the bible had an encounter
Moses, Elisha, Elijah, Jeremiah, and Isaiah. People want to become Pastor, general overseer and have no encounter, it will not work. I had my encounter in the night of February 10, 1977 at University of Ife now Obafemi Awolowo University. That night I challenged God to speak to me and I will serve him Jesus appeared to me cleansed me and gave me the bible to go and preach it around the world. By His grace I have not looked back.
There must be a day in your life that you can point to when you had an encounter, once you are through that process, sin will no more have dominion over you. Temptations will still come but you are empowered to deal with it rather than yield to it. God is more than ready to give you victory.

3. You must die to yourself. Meaning that your flesh must die. Paul says I die daily. It does not mean he dies and is put in a coffin; It means he brings himself to subjection. Nothing can provoke you and you will slap your wife or church member. Anger will die in you. If you are still easily provoked, the flesh must die.
The story was told about a pastor who had a church and it was not growing. Then he was directed by his friend to go and have three days dry fasting and pray to get power. He obeyed and after three days Jesus walked into his room. Son ‘you want power’ he said yes. Jesus said you must die.  I will have to kill you. I don't work with living men but dead men. The man said 'If I die how I can work for you. Jesus explained to him the type of death he meant. He ordered him to get a piece of paper and write down 3 things he must allow to die in his life. Anger, Pride, Lust of the eyes. He obeyed. He began to work on them and God gave him victory. Rather than going to look for voodooist and herbalist.
Get a sheet of paper write now; don’t wait to finish reading this article write down things that are wrong with you. Things you don't want in your life. Areas you want victory over e.g. You are easily upset, you still lie, you are sleeping with other women, you get worried when they complain about you.

4. You must be filed with the Holy Ghost. Acts 4:1-2 Be filled every day.The key to supernatural power is the Holy Ghost. There is no man on earth that can have victory over sin without the power of God.
5. Key into the attitude of prayer. The more you pray the more power you have.
No prayer no power. If there is a man to pray there is a God to answer. Peter Wagner described how going to Prayer Mountain in Seoul South Korea changed his life. He had gone to see Pau Younggi Cho the man acclaimed to have the largest church on earth. He said when he got there to the prayer mountain he brought out his camera to take picture and Dr Younggi cho told him politely-we don’t take pictures here we kneel down and pray. He said that was the first time he prayed for one long hour. Friend when last on your own did you pray for one hour. Jesus said: Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. "Couldn't you men keep watch with me for one hour?" he asked Peter.Matthew 26:40.
Be a prayer addict. Use pray books, use music. General prayer and public prayer rarely bring power that makes you an overcomer. It is power acquired in the secret place. Jacob wrestled - you will need to wrestle.

6. Key into the Word of God. Know the bible. Read the bible daily. Study it. Memorize it
Understand it. Digest it. Be an addict of the word of God.
7. Engage yourself in purposeful deliberate fasting. Jesus said “But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting." Matthew 17:21
8. Meditate in the word. Reading is like scanning through. Studying helps you to comprehend while meditation delivers the content to you. Meditation is applying the scripture to your life. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Joshua 1:8
9. Develop great spiritual thirst and hunger for the things of God.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Matthew 5; 6

10. Become a broken Christian. Broken Christians obey God. Many Christians make Jesus Savior but not Lord not prepared to do his will. Many Christians are out to ‘use Jesus’. I am sorry for you; you cannot use Jesus and dump him.  He has the final say. When God says sit down, you sit down. God says stand up you stand up. Keep quiet you keep quiet. When God says this is a sin don’t go there guess what, broken Christians will not go there because they are broken.. When God says don't eat they put the food away. For broken Christians, any instruction the Lord gives them is not burdensome, they obey no matter how uncomfortable. When God says pray for that person you met on Facebook, or other social media they pray without giving excuses. When God says give they give. They don't argue with God, ruminating whether what is left will take care of their bills, they know if God has spoken their bills are paid in full. When God told Abram leave, he left, when God told Abraham go and sacrifice your only son, his prompt reply was Yes Sir! – When you get to that level of your Christian walk you are victorious! I pray that you shall be victorious.  This is the month God has purposed to give you victory, get ready it is a journey of life you shall go through it and be successful.

Prophecy:  I prophecy to you  this month that God will give you victory over loneliness, rejection, poverty, barrenness, stagnation, Lions, Bears, Goliaths, sicknesses and diseases. I pray this month that God will give you victory over limitations,  stagnations, frustrations, life struggles, financial struggles, business not doing well, joblessness, health struggles, social struggles, peer pressure, academic struggles, matrimonial struggles, prodigal spouse, prodigal children, infidelity, children not doing well in school, children into drugs, narcotics, marijuana, cigarette smoking, party spirits, masturbation, watching pornography, instability,  loss of pregnancies, bad dreams transgender tendencies and confusion.
I pray for you as a Pastor, General Overseer, Bishop, Apostle and Evangelist, Church Leader  that God will give you victories over ministerial struggles, church challenges, instability in church, members not growing, members not being faithful, members ‘giving bad offering’ wandering about like Cain, no sufficient money to execute what God has put in your heart. I pray God will give you victory over physical challenges, sicknesses, hyperthermia, hypertension, arthritis, chest condition, lameness, deafness, dumbness, blindness, and all manner of affliction according to Psalm 34:19 in Jesus name.

Very important information. Remember International Gathering of Eagles conference Toronto is September 15-18, 2016. You cannot afford to miss it. Strategic Leadership meeting in Asia this year is from September 28 - October 17 we shall be going to five nations, namely Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, South Korea and China. Africa Trip is slated for November 16 to December 3, 2016; we shall be holding conferences in Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Ghana and Nigeria by the grace of God.



Pastor Amos Dada PhD;P.Eng This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pastor Amos Dada is the Convener of International Gathering of Eagles Strategic Leadership Conference. He doubles as the Senior pastor and Superintendent of CAC Bethel Canada.,


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