Sunday, 29 September 2024

Muslims, Beware Of Ramadan Termites By Rashidat Ajuwon

Termite is a group of social insects that cause gradual degradation of wood. The soft-bodied insects are feast on wood without knowing the damage they cause to it. Any wood infested by termites are usually considered bad or unsuitable for use.

Ramadan is a holy month in lunar calendar during which Muslims must compulsorily abstain from food and other activities of pleasure. The month is regarded as a period of uncommon blessings and magnificent rewards. Therefore, Muslims are expected to step up their faith and engage in periodic prayers to become beneficiaries of Allah’s blessing and mercy. For fasting to be accepted by Allah, Muslims must keep to the guidelines of Ramadan.

However, there are some factors that can hinder us from receiving the full blessings that accompany the holy month. Those things that can make Muslims not to be beneficiaries of Allah’s grace can be likened to “termites”. For the purpose of this piece, let’s call them “Ramadan termites”.

The term “Ramadan termites” refers to acts by Muslims, which are done intentionally or unintentionally during the period of Ramadan. They are mostly acts or actions that are forbidden by Islam and which Muslims must not engage in at all times, and especially during this holy month.
Those observing fasting should always strive hard to safeguard their fast from what may reduce their rewards or deny them the reward completely. Those despicable acts, such engaging in backbiting, erotic chatting, falsehood, mockery, trick, dishonesty, false witness and cursing, among others are forbidden in Ramadan.

According to Hadith quoted by Al-Bukhari, Prophet Mohammad, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “Whoever does not give up false statements, that is telling lies, acting upon it and intolerance, Allah will not be in need of his [fasting] leaving his food and drink.”

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) also said in Al-Buhkari and Muslim: “Fasting is a shield. When anyone of you is fasting, he should neither indulge in obscene language, nor raise his voice, or if anyone reviles him or tries to quarrel with him, he should say ‘I am fasting’.

Therefore, Muslim brothers and sisters, Allah recommends fasting for us to attainTaqwa (piety), not only by giving up food and drinks, but by also refraining from odious acts that make us to transgress against the warning of Allah.

Some people see Ramadan as a period to lose weight. We shouldn’t just lose weight, we must also burn sins by renouncing immoral acts during and after Ramadan. This way, we would receive full reward from Allah.

Since we have exceptional grace to witness this Ramadan, we should strive to have our share in the blessings that accompany the holy month. Let us do away with actions that will reduce or deny us the Barakah(blessing) of Ramadan.

We must know that sin is like a fire that consumes blessings, just as termites consumes wood. Allah forbids that seeing His blessings being lost. Let us share this message with other Muslims.

Allah knows best and may He accept our act of Ibadah

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