Monday, 30 September 2024

REMINDER: A vital Meditation as we celebrate! - Chinedum Ezebugwu

Dearly beloved fellow human citizens of the world,

There is no doubt whatsoever that the 25th day of the 12th month of every year according to the Calendar of the world is not the birthday of Jesus Christ!!!!

Nevertheless, as we, both true and non followers of Jesus Christ, celebrate and gather in all the gifts and business profits because of this season, it is crucially important to note that Jesus Christ is not really about religion nor about Christianity! Rather Jesus Christ is ALL about the only indispensable provision, graciously and eternally provided from the only source of True Love (from the heart of the only unlimited and eternal LORD God Almighty), for the most important need of every Human Soul in a house of clay! AND that Mother of ALL Human Needs is the perfect and permanent restoration of the BROKEN RELATIONSHIP & FELLOWSHIP between the Human Soul and the LORD God Almighty--- the Supreme and Eternal Sovereign who is The Imaginer, Designer, Creator and Sustainer of ALL of the incredible ORDER governing and sustaining every part and aspect of the entire universe and the fullness thereof !!!!!!!!!!

This Restoration is absolutely indispensable because every Human Soul in a House of Clay MUST, after the earthly sojourn, spend Eternity either in Eternal Darkness (Hell) OR in Eternal Light (Heaven)!!!!!AND THE CHOICE FOR WHERE TO SPEND ETERNITY IS PERSONALLY MADE KNOWINGLY OR UNKNOWINGLY DURING THE EARTHLY SOJOURN!!!

This unique relationship and fellowship between the Human Soul and the LORD God Almighty is the true and sufficient meaning and definition of Life for the Human Soul in a house of clay!!! Without this Life defined by the true reign of this relationship and fellowship, the Human Soul in a house of clay is only EXISTING on this earth!!!!

The incomparable and most vital uniqueness of this RELATIONSHIP & FELLOWSHIP can ONLY be perfectly understood when this relationship and fellowship are described as the perfect spiritual equivalent of the physical Umbilical Cord! And that is why this RELATIONSHIP & FELLOWSHIP constitute the only LIFELINE for the Human Soul in a house of clay!!!!!!!!!

Despite the incredible and very laudable advances in almost all fields of human endeavour including phenomenal creation and accumulation of wealth and riches, our world and Humanity, as a whole, are fast approaching a very unique and terrifying precipice!!!! The calamitous fall from such a precipice will be an immesurable and unimaginable catastrophy!!!!! BUT this very frightening Fate can be largely avoided if the restoration of this broken relationship and fellowship with the LORD God Almighty is urgently and perfectly heeded unto while there is still time!!!!

If you can imagine how a broken or severed physical Umbilical Cord makes the condition of the baby in the womb almost completely hopeless and dangerous, then it is very easy to imagine and understand that the baby in the womb was designed and created to depend for its exclusive life support on the relationship and fellowship with the mother!!! AND SIMILARLY, the Human Soul in a house of clay was designed and created to absolutely and exclusively depend on the LORD God Almighty for a secure and true life of good success both in this temporal world and unto eternity!!!!!!!!!!

The Human Soul unlike the Human Body(the house of clay in which the Soul resides while on this earth) has eternal Destiny!!! And this Destiny has two completely different destinations, namely Eternal Life or Eternal Death! And the priceless Fortune of Eternal Life OR the very painful Fate of Eternal Death is a direct consequence of the personal CHOICE, knowingly and unknowingly, made and kept up to the very end of physical existence on this earth!!! As the Day (a fundamental unit of Eternity) has both Light and Darkness, so also does Eternity constitute of both Darkness and Light which automatically are and become eternal destinations for the Human Soul in a house of clay !!!!!!

Thus, there is no gainsaying that the only Master Key for the true life of Good Success for the Human Soul in this world and unto eternal life (instead of eternal death) is to sincerely and faithfully and truly seek, know, obey and diligently strive (including against all manner of temptations and provocations) to live the Truth which is the infallible and unlimitedly powerful and living Word of the LORD God Almighty!!!

AND the only way to perfectly and successfully operate this incomparably and eternally good Master Key is to conscientiously and wisely choose and keep Jesus Christ as your ONLY Navigator all the days of your life here on this earth in the land of the living!!!

Jesus Christ is the graciously given, tested and proven true and infallible Navigator for every Human Soul in a house of clay!!!

The PRICELESS GOOD NEWS is that this restored and the only Lifeline for the Human Soul in a house of clay is freely available to be possessed, kept and used for the true, urgent and permanent salvation of Humanity including the Self, Family, Organisation and ANY Nation during and from this Christmas season!!!

This Lifeline is the greatest and most priceless gift you may ever receive and also help others to receive while there is still time!!!

May the LORD God Almighty grant you and your family a very joyful Christmas Season with a very and truly prosperous New Year; and may the LORD also help and bless you, and make you an incredible blessing with this vital meditation in Jesus Christ`s Name!!!!!!! AMEN !!!!!!!!

Reverend David Chinedum writes from Germany

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