Monday, 30 September 2024

Part I: The Bible and American Racism-The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

There is a certain sadness in watching Black America throw its own heritage down the tubes, ONCE AGAIN, with the lack of understanding of The Bible and what it means and stands for. The lack of education that surrounds its meaning in nearly a quarter of a million years of World History is being flushed down the toilet and more and more Black people around the world are dwindling toward atheism than ever in the history of this nation or any other nation. But as for the REST of us ... US and OUR HOUSES ... let us now " tell the WHOLE truth -and not just the small whitenized Roman racist piece of it- and put the ENTIRETY of the devil to shame ".

By thy words thou art justified and by thy words, thou art condemned. – Matthew 12:37

Dear ‘Precedent’ Trump and all Trumpean cronies:

If you mention Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson in your attempt to prove you are not a racist, it means you don’t know Black people and can’t call most of them by any other name that is not racist.

If you do know any Black people, it’s usually a “Terrence-type” or some other of his kind who goes internet-viral because he has to clown it up like something str8 out of a Jim Crow Museum just to get white people’s attention, only because he has something to prove to them about his own alleged blackness.

In the case of Sharpton and Jackson, racist white America, all you have are two Fox TV-made symbolic Black males that you throw out there into a remarkable conversation just because you think it proves something about civil rights and Black people being ‘racist’ when it’s actually yourselves that you need to take a long hard look at.

When you mention their names, Sharpton and Jackson, or even “Snoop Dawg E. Dawg,” it says a lot about your own spirit and it means you don’t know any Black people in the real world that you did not create out of your own racist notations, and any Black people at all … that you cannot relate to us as Black Americans by any stretch of the truest imagination.

If you did, or could, you would know that the majority of Black people out here don’t know Jesse or Al, ain’t trying to get to know them, don’t -‘ad majorum’- support them or their definition of Civil Rights, and although they do have their personal fan clubs, most Black people only know OF Jesse and Al because YOUR American whiteness made them what they are. They are two insider operatives, paid ‘wypipo’ shills who are there to soothe the sensitivities associated with white privilege.

Other than that, just mentioning those two names tells me two things about you: You ARE an actual racist and you watch waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much danged TV, probably and more than likely FOX tell-a-lie-vision.

It also means you have no clue who Black people are, where we come from, where we are, or where we are going.

It means that you haven’t taken the time to find out anything about Black people because YOU don’t think it’s important, which always makes us ten times smarter than the average white person because we know ABSOLUTELY everything about you. We were forced to know it. We didn’t have a choice BUT to know you as the all-American Patriots that you have yet to become.

If you start a sentence with “I hope you don’t think this is racist of me…” or “I was going to say something, but you might think it’s racist…” you are an automatic racist by your own words, because you could care less what anyone thinks of what you are about to say or you wouldn’t feel a need to preface it.

For it is “By thy words, thou art justified, and by thy words, thou art also condemned.”

That’s the TRUEST Word of God out of The Bible, and if you were a real Christian the way the authentic Black Hebrew people laid it out from the Very Beginning in Jerusalem, and not a fake European Romanesque version of “white jesus salvation”, you would know better.

*The Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil: Our People Perish Due to Lack of Righteous Knowledge*


PUBLIC NOTE: The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not reflect the view of the Urban Intellectuals, affiliates or partners.


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