Monday, 30 September 2024

21 Days Praying And Fasting 2018 - By Pastor Amos Dada PhD; P.Eng


Hannah prayed even when the bible says “God shut her womb,” and her womb was opened. 1 Sam 1 &2 God said He will destroy Eli’s priesthood, Eli said he is God let him do what He likes, God destroy him and killed his two sons in one day and terminated his priesthood heritage and linage. 1 Sam 2 -4. Your prayer can go far in determining your destiny.

Pray in this 21 days as if everything depends on it. PUSH. Pray Until Something Happens.

Praise Points

1. Thank God who has qualified you to see this month. Psalm 91: 14; Lam 3:22-23

2. Thank God who has made you a partaker in this year’s 21 days praying and fasting.

3. Thank God who has qualified you to be a partaker of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Col 1:12; 1Tim 1:12

4. Thank God for your family, job, career, relationship, spouse, spinsterhood ,bachelorhood ,progress in life, challenges, failures, losses, and all the favors of past years. They all build up to make you who you are today. Psalm 124; 1 Thes 5:18

5.Thank God for your church, fellowship, your Pastor, Your president/ Prime Minister, boss(es), political leaders, church leaders, community leaders, business leaders.1 Tim 2:1-14,Rom 13:1-4 PRAYER POINTS Pharaoh Let Me Go – prayer focus Ex. 1-8 1. Every spirit of Pharaoh that makes it difficult for me to fast and pray lose your grip upon my life. 2. Every spirit of Pharaoh that makes it difficult for my spouse, children, siblings, parents, and church members to fast and pray lose your grip upon their life. 3. Every spirit of Pharaoh that does not make me to grow spiritually in the Lord let me go, grow and glow in Jesus. 4. Every spirit of Pharaoh that does not make my spouse, children, siblings, parents, to grow spiritually in the Lord let them go, grow and glow in Jesus. 5. Every spirit of Pharaoh putting me in bondage leave me alone.

6. Every spirit of Pharaoh that has not allowed me to make progress leave me alone.

7. Every spirit of Pharaoh that has not allowed me to serve God leave me alone.

8. Every spirit of Pharaoh that has kept me in bondage of sickness let me go

9. Every spirit of Pharaoh that has kept me in bondage of frustration let me go.

10. Every spirit of Pharaoh that has not allowed me to have a husband /wife, that does not allow me have children, be destroyed by fire in Jesus name.

11. Every spirit of Pharaoh that has not allowed me to have ‘my papers’ in Canada/nation where I reside, let me go.

12. Every spirit of Pharaoh that has not allowed me to live well, in peace and prosperity in Canada let me go.

13. Every spirit of Pharaoh that has not allowed me to sing my song of joy and dance my dance let me go.

14. Every spirit of Pharaoh that has not allowed me to flourish be destroyed by fire in Jesus name.

15. Every spirit of Pharaoh that has not allowed me to pass my exam, loose your grip upon me.

16. Every spirit of Pharaoh that has not allowed me to buy a good car, build my house, buy my house, for God’s use lose your grip on me.

17. Pray against the spirit of Cain that does not allow you to give your best substance to serve God. Pray that you will have the spirit of Abel -be a generous giver.

18. Spirit of Pharaoh that has not allow us to get our church building in CAC Bethel Toronto lose your grip on our building in Jesus name. Lord help us to secure this facility.

19. Spirit of Pharaoh that has not allowed me to make progress in my marriage. Have my children, causing strife and acrimony, destabilizing my life, scatter in Jesus name.

20. Spirit of pharaoh that makes me to grumble in silence let me go. Spirit of Pharaoh that makes me to have bad dream, scatter I Jesus name.

21. Spirit of pharaoh that has kept me in poverty let me go. Oh God give me a supernatural breakthrough. A radical favour this year in all areas of my life.

22. Father Lord, scatter and destroy the power of devouring spirit and limitation in my life, in the name of Jesus.

23. Father Lord, any decree made upon my life to waste me because I have come to Christ, let it be revoked in Jesus’ name.

24. Father Lord, release the spirit of the carpenter upon me to destroy the horns of enemies, in the name of Jesus.

25. Association of evil gang-up or witchcraft power to cause derailment in my life; scatter by Fire, in the name of Jesus.

26. Evil decree or curse over my life, spiritually, physically, financially, matrimonially and educationally, I break you, in the name of Jesus.

27. Spirit of the Living God, arise and take me to my place of blessing now, in Jesus name.

28. Father Lord, whatever weapon or tricks of the enemy to steal, kill and destroy my life, destroy them with their weapons forever, in Jesus name.

29. Father Lord, connect, correct and direct my helpers to me anywhere, and everywhere they may be, in the name of Jesus.

30. Spirit of the Living God, arise and remove any evil veil covering my face so I can see in Jesus name.

31. Power to succeed in life, come upon me now, and let me have a breakthrough in my ministry, academic pursuits, business are career in the name of Jesus.

32. Power to see and discern, come upon me, in the name of Jesus.

33. Power to over-come, fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus.

34. Father this is my year of flourishing let me flourish in all areas of my life.

35. Father during this 21 days prayer and fasting program let me encounter you in a special way.

36. Father in this 21 days prayer and fasting program let no prince(s) of Canada (country of your residence) stand against my prayer request.

37. Father in this 21 days prayer and fasting program open the heavens for me in a special way.

38. Father in this 21 days prayer and fasting program all the things the enemy has denied me O Lord restore.

39. Father, let any foundational problem responsible for my life travails, be destroyed in the name of Jesus

40. Father in this 21 days prayer and fasting program any foundational problem hiding and waiting to kill my destiny, I send the Holy Ghost fire to your root, be uprooted and die in the name of the Lord. 41. Father, in this 21 days prayer and fasting program any evil root in my life that Satan is planning to use to bring me down, dry up by Holy Ghost fire.

42. In this 21 days prayer and fasting program any inherited evil from my father and mothers house stubbornly pursuing my life, I run to Jesus for cover to purge me.

43. In this 21 days prayer and fasting program I send the blood of Jesus to destroy every cycle of hardship and failure programmed into my foundation by ancestral powers in the name of Jesus.

44. In this 21 days prayer and fasting program every voice of the enemy that is pronouncing failure into my destiny be silenced by the power in the name of Jesus.

45. In this 21 days prayer and fasting program any embargo placed upon my life by the wicked elders of my father and mother’s house be destroyed now by the power of Holy Ghost and fire.

46. In these 21 days wasters of my life coupled with wasters at the gate of my life, scatter to total desolation, by thunder and fire in Jesus name. Isaiah 29:6

47. In these 21 days waster that gather at the gates of my destiny fulfilment, I send the lighting and thunder of God against all of you in Jesus name.

48. In these 21 days any power hiding under my foundation to waste my life, die in the name of Jesus.

49. Oh Lord let me bear my children, let my children do well, let me sing my song, dance my dance in Jesus name.

50. Oh Lord help me to become a good Christian, good husband/wife, mother/father, son/daughter

51. Oh Lord let me grow in the Lord. Let me be useful in your vineyard. Let me become a faithful tither and let things never be tight for me. Make me a soul winner. Lord let our Church CAC Bethel Toronto let it grow, numerically, spiritually, financially and physically.

52. Lord meet the needs of every member of this church. Heal the sick. Prosper the poor. Provide jobs for those looking for job. Help all our businessmen/women let their business prosper. Any member in this church that has no known you personally in these 21 days reveal yourself to them. Make every member in this church soul winners.

53. In these 21 days pray and bless our leaders/Ministers, Pastor Amos Dele Dada, Pastor Titus Owaseye, Pastor Emmanuel Ojo, and Pastor Sunday Dada, All our evangelists, Elders, Deacons and Deaconesses, all church workers and their Heads of Dept. Pray for their spouses and children. Their families. Pray for God to meet their needs, grand them good health that they will not be weary and tired. Pray for God to always meet their needs, emotional, financial, physical needs.

54. In these 21 days, bless all that bless me and curse all those that curse me.

55. I pray for the nation of Canada Lord let your kingdom come. Cause this nation to return to her Maker. Lord August 11, 2018 has been scheduled for the Canada Return To Your Maker Prayer Summit, in Toronto, O lord gather Canadians to this event, more importantly cause this nation to always do your will and never depart from you. Pray that God will not allow terrorism in Canada. Put an end to terrorism in the nations where they exist. Pray that God will destroy every anti- gospel spirit in this nation.

56. Pray for Nigeria, that God will help that nation to come out of the woods of corruption, kidnaping, lack of development, lack of infrastructure, lack of stable power supply. That Nigeria will become a great nation economically and in all good things.

57. O Lord you have done great things through International Gathering of Eagles across the nations, O Lord continue to raise a new generation of eagle believers, men and women of integrity in our churches and nations. Pray that God will help us in all our conferences this year, That God will provide for this project. That God will use you and your family to finance this IGOE conferences. Pray for all missionaries and mission agencies across the world.

58. Pray for your family members, those that need to be saved, to be saved. For God to meet their needs.

59. Pray for peace in Jerusalem –they shall prosper that do so.

60. Thank God for all prayers. Believe God has answered your prayers. Shalom.

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