Monday, 30 September 2024

My Month of Walking in Faith. By Amos Dada. PhD; P.Eng

It is with great delight and pleasure that I welcome you to the month of August, our month of Walking in

Faith. Faith is that popular word like love that defines us as Christians. Faith is that word that elicits our

life and energizes us. Faith is that aspect of human life which God says without it He is not pleased. Faith

in the Christian world is one of the vocabularies that is severally used everywhere. Faith is a powerful

word and very rewarding when adequately applied in our individual life or as a group of people. Faith

was what Jesus commended when some people came to him for one favour or the other. Faith has

degrees. I thank God for your faith that has led you to get to this Ebenezer of your life. I pray your faith

will continue to anchor your life in Christ.


What is faith?

We hear so much of Faith and yet the general disposition in our generation shows little knowledge of

Faith not to talk of living in Faith or walking in Faith or practicing Faith.

Some online dictionaries define faith as: “complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Strong

belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.”

The bible popular definition is from Heb 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the

evidence of things not seen" Martin Luther a German priest and professor of theology who initiated the

Protestant Reformation five hundred years ago and who was famous for his discussion on faith defined

faith as follow: “faith is God’s work in us, that changes us and gives new birth from God. (John 1:13). It

kills the Old Adam and makes us completely different people. It changes our hearts, our spirits, our

thoughts and all our powers. Faith is a living, bold trust in God’s grace, so certain of God’s favor that it

would risk death a thousand times trusting in it. Such confidence and knowledge of God’s grace makes

you happy, joyful and bold in your relationship to God and all creatures". Kenneth Hagin who was one of

the leaders of faith in America in the 20th century after he walked out of a death bed by acting on faith

at the age of 17 and popularised Mark 11:22-24 defined faith as follows. “There are a number of kinds of

faith. Everyone, saved and unsaved alike, has a natural, human faith. Faith that is believed with the

heart rather than believed with our physical senses. Faith, in other words, is grasping the unrealities of

hope and bringing them into the realm of reality. And faith grows out of the Word of God. “ In My Book

What is Faith?, written by doing exegesis on The Heroes of Faith in Chapter Eleven of The Book of

Hebrew, I defined “Faith has CHRIST JESUS as its principal object, for it is faith in Christ Jesus—our Lord,

Saviour, Mediator, and Hope that saves and guarantees eternal life. Christ is the bread; faith is the

mouth which eats. "An anonymous online also defined faith as follows: Faith is the connecting power

into the spiritual realm, which links us with God and makes Him become a tangible reality to the sense

perceptions of a person. Faith is what helps us to access and receive salvation. Eph 2:8;Titus 2:12-13


Types and level of faith

In my personal classification I will say there are two levels, the faith that people have that made them to

become Christians. Though they were not alive when Jesus was here on earth, though they have not

seen Jesus in their dreams, they heard the gospel preached to them and they accepted Jesus as Lord and

Savior. It is important that if you as a reader has not crossed the bridge this is the time to do so. The

second level is the one that helps you to live the Christian life. This is the type that Jesus describes in the

synoptic gospels. While Jesus was on earth he had so much to say about faith and in his encounter with

people he gave us different levels of faith. The first was people who had no faith –faithless-the likes of

Thomas- John: 20:27: Then he said to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach

hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. John 20:27. The second

category were those with little faith- Peter heard the word from Jesus to walk on the sea. He walked but

on seeing the wind he started doubting and then started sinking. Jesus said this to him, ‘……..O man of



little faith, why did you doubt?’ (Mt: 14:31). Third level, in writing to the churches he spoke about

lukewarm faith- Rev: 3:16: so, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, will I spew you out of my mouth. Finally, at the fourth level he spoke about great faith-For instance while eulogizing the faith of the centurion Jesus said: to the people that followed him, I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. Luke 7:9. It is within this level you find any categories of people today. And this level of faith you have that determines how you will go on earth in terms of physical, material and

financial blessing. Exercising faith helps believer to get blessed or stagnated. The issue of tithing and

giving to God today is one area where people are missing it. Faith is not about just getting from God,

faith is about giving to God in anticipation of his blessing. Faith as the farmers practice it is about sowing

a corn of seed and expecting cobs of corns. Faith is not about controversies, murmuring and arguments,

it is about what you hope for in Christ. A woman was literarily called ‘a dog’ but with great faith in Jesus

she passed the test and got her daughter healed. James says Faith without works (input) is dead.


What is walking in faith?

Walking by faith is simply being guided by the word of God in the journey of life rather than rational

thinking or logic. Why Abraham was called the father of faith? In Genesis Chapter 12 we were told he

left his parents for unknown destination. Walking by faith is leaving certainty for uncertainty based on

God’s word or direction. In Rom 4:17 we were told he called those things that be not as if they were. In

Luke chapter five we were told that Peter toiled all night when the probability of catching fish was high

but caught nothing, but during the hot sun, when Jesus spoke the word, and the word illuminated his

heart, he obeyed the word which did not make practical sense and caught a net breaking number of

fishes. Faith is following Jesus career wise, like Peter leaving your fishing business to become fisher of

men. Like Ruth, faith is following a widowed mother in-law who has no other son for you to marry, but

propelled by that decision to become the maternal grandmother of Jesus Christ.

Walking in faith is knowing that you don’t need to bribe, steal and do bad things before you have a

glorious future. Walking in faith is knowing that before you were born God has made provision for you

to live well irrespective of wherever you were born. Walking in faith is knowing that even if you are not

married today you will be married tomorrow and based on that you don't go about making yourself

cheap or manipulating or seducing other people's spouses to become yours. Walking in faith is that you

shall have that baby as Zechariah and Elizabeth did even when you have forgotten that it is possible.

Walking in faith is not pestering God with petition but trusting that as you are serving him he will surely

take care of you. Matt 6:25-33. Walking in faith is knowing that if you pray God will answer. Faith is

knowing that there is life after death and that there is hell and heaven and by faith you choose heaven

by living a godly life, irrespective of temptation to do otherwise. Walking in faith is believing Jesus died

for you resurrected for you and he is coming back for you if you are ready.





Practicing walking in Faith

Second Corinthians 5: 6-7 says, "So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at

home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight" Other versions use

the word live, rather than walk. The "walk" here is a metaphorical reference to the way a person

conducts his or her life.

The apostle Paul reminds his readers that followers of Christ must not build their lives around things

that have no eternal significance. Rather than pursuing the same things the world pursues, a Christian

should focus on the unseen realities such as Jesus and heaven. Paul goes on to say, "So whether we are

at home or away, we make it our aim to please God. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of

Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil"

(2 Corinthians 5:9–10). Jesus instructed us to store up treasure in heaven (Matthew 6:19–20; Luke

12:33). He promised rewards to everyone who does His will (Matthew 16:27; 1 Peter 1:17; Revelation

22:12) and punishment for those who reject Him (Matthew 25:24–46; John 3:16–18).

Walking by faith means living life in light of eternal consequences. To practice walking by faith is to fear

God more than man; to obey the Bible even when it conflicts with man’s commands; to choose

righteousness over sin, no matter what the cost; to trust God in every circumstance; and to believe God

rewards those who seek Him, regardless of who says otherwise (Hebrews 11:6). You see all kinds of life

styles by Christians today because instead of practicing faith and walking in faith they walk in fear and

doubt. The exact opposite of faith. People steal because they do not have faith that God can supply their

needs. People worry themselves dead over things that are unnecessary. If you are reading this article

practice walking in faith by telling that situation, “you know what I will not worry about you.” “I will not

be ruled by fear”, “I am a man/ woman of faith.”, I am not a doubter, doubters don’t receive from God"

It requires faith to live this way because we cannot see, hear, or touch anything spiritual. When we base

our lives on the truth of God’s Word, rather than on the popular philosophy of our day, we are going

against our natural inclinations. Our natural instincts may be to horde money, but walking by faith says

we should "give to those in need" (Luke 11:41; Ephesians 4:28, James 1:22). Society may say that sexual

immorality is acceptable, but those who walk by faith base their standards on the unchangeable nature

of God’s Word, which says any sex outside of marriage is sin. Why do you want to be a baby mama when

you can be a full fledge wife and mother if you practice walking in faith? (1 Corinthians 6:18; Ephesians

5:3; Galatians 5:19). To practice walking in faith requires that we tune our hearts to the voice of the Holy

Spirit and the truth of His Word (John 10:27; 16:13). We choose to live according to what God reveals to

us, rather than trust our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5–6) or walk in the counsel of the ungodly.

Psalm 1:1.


The Benefits of Faith.

When God told me to leave Warri Refining and Petrochemical Company a subsidiary of Nigerian

National Petroleum Corporation, it was a difficult decision. It was leaving certainty for uncertainty. It

was leaving a comfort zone for a difficult zone, but by the grace of God I obeyed. And to his glory I have

not lacked, I can say like David I was young and now I am old I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor

his children begging bread. We did not borrow money to send our children to college/University. The

benefit of faith is not just in material provision or blessing of good health, it is about knowing you are

fulfilling destiny. I am sure you have your testimonies! Everybody has his story. If you don’t have that is

why you are reading this. Take the step of faith. Time and space will not permit to tell how faith has

helped me even in ministry and ministering. You cannot pray for people and expect them to get well if

you don’t have faith. In Matt 17 when the disciples prayed for the lunatic boy and nothing happened, he

upbraided them about having little faith. Yet part of benefit of faith is when you pray for people and

they are delivered. How many were in labour and God gave me opportunity to pray with and today by

faith, God has given them children. Maybe you are believing God for something, I pray for you by faith

that God will grant you your heart desire right now in Jesus name. I pray by faith for a reader of this

article: “Receive favour on your matter of Immigration” in Jesus name. Many years ago before I

relocated to Canada, I travelled from Nigeria to minister in a church in England and I prophesied by faith

to a brother that within six months God will give him his paper and he will buy a house. When God did it

he shared the testimony with my friend how he said in his heart this man does not understand the level

of what he is saying. Faith is not logic. Faith is calling those things that be not as if they were. Till Rev

Kenneth Hagin died he never stopped sharing how he exercised faith on a dying bed and got well. You

can exercise faith on your situation right now. This article is not just for intellectual purposes, it is to get


you to where you need to be right now. Mark 11:22-24, Psalm 107:20. My friend I can tell you, faith is

the major key for an effective healing and deliverance ministry. Jesus Christ “the same yesterday, today

and forever” lives in the Christian (Hebrews 13:8, Galatians 2:20), and through the Christian wants to

reveal the power of salvation to men in a way they can see and feel. In this way, our evangelism

concerning the Kingdom of God will not be in talk, but in power (1 Corinthians 4:20). The message God

enabled me to preach in three different churches in the last three Sundays (July 2018) when I was in

USA, Maryland, Boston and San Jose, was titled –What signs are following you? taking my text from

Mark 16:17-18. Those signs will never follow you if you are not intentionally walking in and by faith.

The Bible teaches us that genuine faith is “more precious than gold that perishes” (1 Peter 1:7). Indeed

such faith is going to be “tested by fire”. You can expect difficulties and persecutions in your life of faith,

as well as blessings. When you read Hebrews Chapter 11 you will understand that it was in the time of

all kinds of challenges that those people stood out by exercising faith. I encourage you to hold onto and

develop your faith, and enjoy the benefits of faith. Reader, faith brings salvation. (Ephesians 2:8, 9).

Faith brings answers to prayer. (Matthew 21:22). Faith gives us our daily bread (Matthew 6:11). I was in

a serious traffic situation one day on my way to Heathrow in London, England. And I prayed with the

people driving me to the airport-“O Lord give me this day my daily flight”. I was the last to enter that

aircraft that day. Halleluiah. I could have been lamenting why there was so much traffic, why did the

people to pick me not come in time. No, stop complaining, speak faith. Act in faith. The matter of faith

excites me. I encourage you to get a copy of my book what is faith online or on our website (That is what I call commercial break) Faith is therefore a key to our material

provision. Faith brings all the benefits of salvation into our lives (Ephesians 2:8, 9). This includes healing,

prosperity, peace, love, joy (1 Peter 1:8), deliverance from demons and the curse, sanctification of the

mind and emotions (the salvation of the soul) and any other benefit which the word of God promises to

us. Faith is a spiritual force through which our ministry for Christ becomes effective. (Mark 11:23;

Matthew 17:19, 20). Faith is a major key to ministry success. It brings to you what you need for your

ministry, and by imparting it to others through your life and your ministry of God’s Word, you enable

them to receive the blessings of God’s grace mentioned above. Part of the benefit of faith is what has

allowed us to take International Gathering of Eagles conferences to all the continents of the world.

Every year by the grace of God since 2011 we hold these conferences in ten nations. Last year (2017) we

held the conference in Liverpool, England; Dublin, Ireland; Ostersund, Sweden; Kathmandu, Nepal;

Lahore Pakistan; Chennai and Salem in India; Freetown in Sierra Leone; Monrovia and Kakata in Liberia;

Abidjan in Cote’D’ivoire; Tessie Ghana; Lagos, Warri, Port Harcourt and Uyo in Nigeria.



The death of Christ is the engine of the car called Christianity, but faith is the fuel that drives it. You can

trust an unseen God with your unseen future, more than you can trust what you see with your own

eyes. That’s because when your faith is in God, you can walk by faith and not by sight. My plea with you

is that you don’t just drag along in Christianity, be the driver of your life, put full gas –faith in your car

and keep cruising. Faith shall see you through. Faith will make a way for you. Let faith propel you to

prosperity, healing and miracles. Faith shall motivate you and help you to be a major stakeholder in

winning souls for God in your generation. Eight speaks of new beginning, the month of August is the

eighth month of the year, go and begin your walking in faith anew and share fresh testimonies. Go and

walk in Faith.

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