Monday, 30 September 2024

Rev King: Life Imprisonment, Execution Or Pardon?

…Clerics React

Fresh concerns have emerged lately regarding the death warrant against Chukwuemeka Ezeugo, the bearded General Overseer of the Christian Praying Assembly (CPA), who in 2007 was convicted for murder cum attempted murder. He was sentenced to death by hanging and 20 years imprisonment by Justice Joseph Oyewole of the Lagos State High Court, with the state appeal and supreme courts upholding the judgment afterwards.

Ezeugo, otherwise addressed as ‘Rev King,’ allegedly set six of his followers on fire as form of punishment for the sin of fornication. This lead to the death of one Ann Uzoh who could not survive the serious injuries she sustained.

Meanwhile in another development, human rights lawyer, Femi Falana urged Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode, the state governor to commute the death sentences of all condemned prisoners (including Ezeugo) in the state to life imprisonment, and that death by hanging or firing squad violates the fundamental human right to freedom as contained in the constitution.

This however did not go down with some Nigerians who feel Rev King deserves to pay for his crime.

One of such Nigerians is Sheikh Abdulrahman Adangba, Chief Missioner Al Fathiu Quareeb Society of Nigeria.  He believes in the hands of faith leaders lie the security of their followers, which Rev King contravened, as such should face the consequence of snuffing life out of his follower. He as well believes that if granted life imprisonment would live as a king in prison as his name goes, hence the need for clerics to rise up for justice contrary to what Falana has requested.

“The security of the followers lies in the hands of the leader. What Rev King committed is homicide which should not be treated with levity. The Bible says those who kill by the sword shall die by the sword. The Quran as well says anybody that kills if not by mistake should be killed too. But it is left for the family of the slain to either pardon or demand for justice. If they ask for compensation, they must be compensated adequately and if they ask for revenge so be it.

“If Rev King is given life imprisonment don’t be surprised that while in prison he would be enjoying life like a king. I beg to apologise that Falana is not doing the right thing by what he said. It would be sheer injustice. Though as clerics we are not saints but only messengers of God who have more spiritual insight, so we should be able to be held responsible for our action. To me if all clerics do not stand up against what King did, it then shows we are not being true messengers of God,” Adangba told Independent Faith Views.

A Christian cleric, Rev Eseme Unen is of the opinion that King should not be treated differently due to whatever sentiments. He however called on the state government to do as the Supreme Court has ruled.

Unen did state that: “For me, his case should not be different. The onus lies on the Lagos State government to do what the court said it should do, whatever the Supreme Court orders should be done. Rev King’s personality does not change the law. People are bringing in sentiments to this that death penalty should be abolished.

“As men of God we are called to lead people to live a life leading to eternal life.  We are not called to commit murder. In my ministry I keep letting it known that I am not called to curse but to bless. Every minister of the gospel should bless and not curse. This case should serve as a deterrent to others, to know what they ought to do and not to do.”

Rev. Peace Goodey, an executive member of The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, Lagos Chapter, toed the line of Unen and Adangba as she unapologetically voiced that the cleric in question deserves to face the judgment given by the courts.

She as well added that: “God is the final judge and nobody can escape it. The day of reckoning would come. My prayer is that our ears would be attentive to listen and obey God. I have no apology for anyone. Whatever he gets he gets, because all of us are going to stand before God one day.”

For Dr. Fidelma Onyemobi  of Global Outreach Day, God can come through for Ezeugo in preventing his execution if  truly he is remorseful for his wrong doings.

“There have been Christians who were sentenced based on their deeds but the Lord came through for them. So if he is truly repentant and has asked God for forgiveness and God wants to intervene he would make a way for him. But I have not seen any form of repentance amongst his members. He should face the wrath of the law because he has transgressed the law as concerns Nigeria. So let the law take its full course. He has killed several persons I’m not sure if he is even repentant and if his followers are not seeing any wrong in his action, it shows that’s something is definitely wrong.

“They say everyday is for the thief and one day for the owner. For hypocritical faith leaders I will say this; ‘Even if their deeds are not discovered on earth they should not forget that there is a righteous judge that they would meet with after their life on earth.’ Some people start their punishment here on earth as in the case of Rev King I hope he does, because you know we are in Nigeria where justice can be thwarted.”

Another faith and moral advocate, Mr. Emeka Ejims expressed mixed feelings stressing that he does not believe in capital punishment as the worst person today might turn out to a world changer.

Ejims’ words: “I have got mixed feelings. Was he really guilty? I belong to the school of thought of repentance and forgiveness; you know life is very sacred. Only God creates human beings we can create robots and build computers but can’t create human beings. People can commit manslaughter by mistakenly killing a person but there is room for forgiveness and change.

“Some people change, what if he repents and change the world in the future. I have really got my reservations, I do not believe in capital punishment though the society can be very cruel I still believe people should be given another chance. We cannot give life so why should we take life. I know a pastor that used to be a drug addict but now winning souls for Christ.”

He added that Pastors should stay away from adopting wrong approaches in a bid to convince people to live righteously. He suggested that clerics should lead in humility and love while giving room to the Holy Spirit to change people’s negative lifestyles.


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