Monday, 30 September 2024

My wasted years in Olumba Olumba Obu’s Evil Brotherhood

I was a pharmacy technician, a soldier, with the Military Hospital Port Harcourt, in Rivers State. After serving from 1985 to 1987, I found myself desiring to leave the service for greener pastures, I and my younger sister (the then miss FM 1986 Flora Amangala) targeted going to London. I had already bided my job an unceremonious leave when it dawned on us that we had entered the wrong hands. We were duped. A speed boat, a Volkwagen car and lots of properties went the wrong way and the young man Alatari Taribo who did the connection, also lost much to the tricksters, although his was not as much as ours.

Alatari Taribo was a member of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star (Rumukwurushi Bethel) and being highly dejected during our visit to his place we all headed to the bethel and that was the beginning of my journey into the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. I was made to understand that the promised comforter had come. Others insinuated God had come to earth to dwell in the form of a man. Chief Melford Okilo (one-time governor of Rivers State) was a member too. I met so many top personalities (whites and blacks). I was overwhelmed by the signs that manifested at 34 Ambo St. Calabar, where a mere mortal Olumba claimed the personality of God.

Due to manipulations of an homosapien, I believed that God had come to dwell among us. He told us times without number that he sent his son our Lord Jesus Christ to the world and since they killed him, he now decided to come not to die anymore. We went ahead preaching that, far and near despite stiff opposition. So many lost their lives. Many found it strange that a man that does not physically go out should be appearing here and there (mostly in people’s homes, behind closed doors). Due to these manipulations, many donated their children to him for life and these are the 144000 virgins (young girls and boys) whose duties are to kneel, sing, and pray, welcoming him as God from time to time, whether Olumba was awake or asleep.

Sister Helen was the one serving the father faithfully. Rowland the son was not the serious type. I made a great blunder by writing two pamphlets calling Olumba God (In Tune With the Godhead and Thank You My Father). My late mother Mrs. Roseline Obhisi Amangala was a Deeper Life member in Ogbia town. With deep pain in her heart she tried to make me leave Brotherhood. From time to time, their men of God would come and since I believed I was in the right place, I snubbed them. I can now imagine how she felt. Not only that I joined the Brotherhood, but I also took my younger one along. Mum tried to send my late uncle Amos to call me for a family meeting but I was so involved to the point that I refused.

The reason I am writing this article is that a reporter from one of the newspapers last month misquoted me that I said I brought my mother into Brotherhood – such never happened. I called their attention to it, and I want everybody to take note. For God’s sake, my Mum never had anything to do with Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. She kicked against it with her soul, spirit, and body.

During our stay, there used to be a yearly programme where men and women would visit Biakpam and both sexes would bath together in a small stream, naked. My husband was unfortunate to partake in it once but I give God the glory that He (God) never permitted me to partake. Those crusaders who went to Osun State in year 2001 to preach about Olumba’s Godhead, about 12 were killed and Olumba claimed that the dead souls were already with him. My husband got an insect bite on his right hand which developed into something else, bringing out blood and pus regularly for a year and half. He was accused that he donated his hand to Olumba, so on summoning courage to reach 34 Ambo Street, Olumba said he was the cause and that my husband should accept everything as his will. My husband returned home. With prayer and fasting his hand was restored.

In those days, when devotees like myself went to 34 Ambo Street, Calabar, after overstaying, a Christ servant would come, asking everyone to vacate the hall. If you insisted to stay, your load would be flung out with the command: “Go and proclaim that God is here on earth; you have no duty just hanging and serving God alone (selfishly).”

There was this period I visited Olumba. We had a vigil in 34 Ambo and in the morning I noticed two men in mufti moving close to the testimony place. I dozed off, only to be woken up by the lady next to me to see what just happened. The two men were running out naked. On asking about happened, she said that the two men confessed that they were sent to test Olumba’s powers and that Olumba reacted.

This was the very first negative sign I got. I wondered: if truly these men did not know that God had come to dwell with man, would that justify Olumba making them mad? Is he truly the God he claimed to be?

I started realising how I stupidly combed the whole Odual district of Rivers State for Olumba. How we were fond of going round with the gospel that except people repented and accepted God and his new name (Olumba Olumba Obu), they would not make heaven. Same also in some communities in Bayelsa State. Extensive work was done in Lagos State, too.

On April 14, 2000, Olumba crowned Rowland as the “Christ”, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. And I started wondering if both of them knew what they were doing. Roland had never been a spiritually minded type. Does he really know the implication of bearing such a name and title? How can a man threaten his old and blind father to commit and continue such an abomination, especially given a damn to the spiritual consequences, which could be highly disastrous. It was not long before the division in Brotherhood started. He happens to be a gold digger.

We wondered aloud how God could go blind. The animosity between Rowland and Helen was getting worse; fighting started taking place between their supporters. With Olumba still breathing the air, a vehicle was set ablaze in 34 Ambo. Christ witness Imme Akpakpan, a devotee to Helen, was almost killed by Rowland’s group. Blood was flowing; Helen was forced to leave with her group to her husband’s place. Brotherhood at this time became two. There was nothing a blind old and weak father could do. All occultic powers disappeared into thin air. We were told to shun wealth and seek God’s kingdom. Rowland was practically the contrary. Olumba constantly warned us to abstain from eating meat and fish and that he could manifest in any of these things to visit us. Many complied.

In places like these, apart from leading many to hell, the people lose much money and properties especially land donations since they are misled that God is in their midst. A lot lose their lives in most cases when defending a mere human. A GREAT CALAMITY INDEED! GOD, HELP YOUR CHILDREN! Countless times Olumba claimed to give the holy spirit to people. There was this yearly programme where a lot of us gathered expecting to receive the holy spirit from Olumba as he claimed. A lot of people including our white brothers and sisters used to partake. Lord, have mercy!

Olumba Olumba Obu claimed so many things: the Promised Comforter, God, mention it. He said he came not to die anymore, just as Guru Maharajji is also claiming to be the Perfect Master and there is nothing perfect in him. They are busy destroying souls. What a pity! I left with my husband in year 2001. God has seen us through many assassination attempts. After addressing the press in 2003, Olumba gave up the ghost and was secretly buried. AND THE god DIED AT LAST. The foolishness of man!

Despite these, the level of deception rose to the stage where if asked by journalists and their members from afar, the answer is always “he is sleeping”. To those from nearby places, he has ascended into heaven. Lies upon lies! How long will mankind continue to wallow in darkness? Who will they blame when they deny so great a salvation?

In the year 2001 God brought us out from the kingdom of darkness into his marvelous light. I came to experience the beauty and power of God. God has been faithful. We had to personally burn our soutan in spite of tales that whoever burns his or her soutan will go mad or meet with sudden death.

Lot of souls have been saved and our lives have been filled with exploits. My very dear mother, my sweet mother, rest in bosom of the lord. Your heart’s desire came to pass far after your departure. I HAVE LEFT BROTHERHOOD, A VERY NOTORIOUS BROTHERHOOD, THE BROTHERHOOD OF LUCIFER. I wonder why my brothers, Roland, Guru, etc, will deliberately choose HELL and leading lots of souls to hell too. If you refuse to repent, YOUR BLOOD & THEIRS BE ON YOU.

I command right now in the mighty name of Jesus that all that are held hostage in this Brotherhood and its likes to be set free.


Pastor Lovina Amangala Iburene, who appears with husband Enoch in the photo accompanying this article, is of The Truth Ministry/The True Lovers of Christ World Charity Ministry, Lagos.



Source News Express

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