Monday, 30 September 2024


Prophet Muyideen Moses Kasali is not a man that runs away from controversies. One thing you however cannot deny is the fact that he is indeed a man of God.  With the spate of miracles and deliverance that attend his programmes, you cannot but marvel at how he does many things as a visually impaired person.

His story is as captivating as his personality, his message and approach, also unconventional. For a man of God who sings Fuji, juju, Apala music on the altar and uses these to win souls, there is no doubt that his approaches are different. He is indeed a multi talented man of God.

He was in Abuja for a 3-day programme a few days ago and we caught up with him and had this chat with Managing Editor Bamidele Ogundana which centres around, his calling and  Nigeria’s contemporary challenges. Excerpts.

Sir, were you born blind?

No, I wasn’t born blind. I became blind  when I was three years old, only to lose my mum when I was ten. These two things marked the beginning of the suffering and turbulence that characterised my growing up.

Prior to her death, she told me of a message she was given while at the market where she sold her wares one day. According to her, she was informed that her only son would be very famous and popular and that he, would be a crowd puller. She also revealed how the prophet who gave her the message also informed her that she would have to take some step to avert a situation in which she would not be alive to witness her son’s rise to stardom. My mother told me that she told my father when she got home but he discountenanced the prophesy because he did not like anything that involved him making sacrifices more so since he was a Muslim.

That was not all, a very renowned alfa, also came , he was the one who named me Muyideen, he personally  came to see my father and told him to take some steps so that those who paralysed my mother’s one arm would not be able to stop her from being witness to my day of glory. The Alfa became a major Islamic teacher and died last year after over one hundred and twenty years on earth.

He also informed my father that I may not serve as a man of God through Islam but through Christianity. Despite his prophesy, my father did nothing.

The last one, which came in form of a dream was from my mother she personally told me this. According to her, she had a dream and saw people in our community lining up to wait for the Governor and eventually when the Governor and his convoy came, it turned out that I was the Governor. After the usual salutation, I decided to introduce her as my mother only for big storm to take over and ensured that she was not there. She was taken away by the storm.

After she told me this, I thought about her vision and what it meant and prayed to God that I would not lose my mum before  my day of glory.

I was about eight or nine years old then, but I remember it like yesterday, especially so after storms now started as I lost my mother and became a wood gatherer and seller.

You mean as a visually impaired man you went into the bush to collect firewood and sell?

I went into the bush to cut firewood and then sold them to make money. Till date, the people I sold firewood to are still alive. Despite my being visually impaired, people were still jealous of me and because of that they also flooded the business and tried to compete with me. But God has been good to me, God really like me. What happened was that those who bought firewood from my competitors encountered losses in their business as a result of patronage to others. Based on this, they always had to come back to me. I had angels on alert, who ministered to my needs.

When I entered the bush, they directed me to dry wood, instead of cutting undry ones. They told me where to go and how to move.

At a point I dreamt and I was told that I should not carry wood on my head again and that I had people around who should help me to carry wood. The voice told me that any time I needed anyone to help me carry firewood I should just call and say I am ready, you people should come and carry this wood to “so and so” place and it would be done. I forgot the dream until I had to carry Indeed this was so until I needed to carry  some very heavy logs of wood. I now recalled the dream and decided to activate the promise by putting it to test. Low and behold, the logs of wood were carried to the place where I wanted them to be.

This continued until Jesus appeared unto me and and eventually anointed me.  My anointment was indeed special. I was lost in the bush one day, i had gone to cut firewood. I thought all hope was gone but Jesus appeared unto me and poured oil on my head. The oil flowed for seven days. We attempted clearing the oil but it did not stop flowing. We tried washing it, yet it didn’t stop. Jesus took me into a big house where I was anointed . He told me He was Jesus Christ. I cannot describe his look. Meanwhile , inside the house where he took me to, I was no longer a blind man there. It was then that He told me that I would be a great prophet. He spoke Yoruba to me.

After the calling, I started with Rev. Gabriel Oluyori. I was with him for some time. It was from him that I started ministering as he used to take us out. That time, I marveled at the miracles God wrought through him, how people were delivered from spirits of wizardry, and they received healing also from all forms of ailments.

It was surprising to me that that Jesus I encountered was the one who gave him so much powers and I there and then decided to stick to him. From then on, my calling manifested. At a point, I was a Ewi exponent.

As  I grew, the anointing became overwhelming. At that point the Alaseyori Mountain came up. It has become a reference point where extraordinary miracles take place. I recall very vividly the case of a woman who had been staying in America for forty six years. She was married for forty one years and you can only imagine what she had gone through in America in an effort to get a baby. She eventually conceived and had a set of twins, a boy and a girl.  She was sixty nine years old.

A gospel musician who is married to an Ibadan man also had the same barrenness problem.

She was indeed disvirgined by her husband so it was not a case of her having affairs before marriage and in the process damaging her womb. She was directed to the Alaseyori mountain and we prayed for her  and she was told that someone gave her fifty kobo old note during her wedding and that was where her barrenness originated. I told her what to do and she did it and became  a mother. Since then, she has been going round the whole world giving testimonies of what God did through us.

Not a few came to the Alaseyori mountain on bike and after the encounter, their fortune changed. The house I am living in Ogbomoso was given to me by someone who had such an encounter. Another one also came on bike, today he has ships and trawlers for ferrying fuel on high seas.

God has really proved Himself in the ministry. He has manifested more than ever before in every aspect of my life and the ministry a well.

Nigeria is at crossroads, some of us can only see the problems physically what do you see spiritually sir.

Nigeria is truly at crossroads, we need God’s intervention. He is God. Where we were about having    elections, I warned those asking for change that we should categories what we wanted. Was it a Case dropping One hundred Naira and collect Fifty Naira. We didn’t tell God, we just said we wanted change. Look at what we are having now. Things have gone from bad to worse. Imagine the price of rice. It was 7,500 Naira when we voted but now it is about three times the same price. Nigeria is gradually becoming lawless, imagine those who should know the laws are keeping quiet and the laws are being broken.

Imagine what’s happening with Customs, they now go to shops, forcefully open shops and confiscate rice that ordinarily they should have seized. Those who are doing ordinary businesses have become criminalized as the custom men now break open shops to confiscate goods. We now have licensed robbers as customs men. Where were they when the rice passed through the border?

Cars that were bought years back, they are now asking for Custom duties on them. I bought my car three years ago. I collected all the papers, they stopped the car on the road weeks ago and stated that the papers were fake.

This should not be so. They need to examine their operational guidelines and ensured that they do not unnecessarily punish the people.

Nigeria needs to get closer to God, it is obvious now that the problem is not PDP as we thought neither is it APC but we Nigerians. And it is only God who can help. We need to draw closer to Him, forsake sins and cling to Him. Imagine politicians who kill pregnant women with pregnancy for rituals all because of power, how do you expect God to be happy with them, yet they are the ones ruling us. They kill others, they kill themselves.

Our President is ill sir

His people should not allow him to be consumed. His health is important. Anybody can fall sick. They should know when he deserves rest so that we will not lose him. His family should remember that only the living can rule.


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