Monday, 30 September 2024

Topic: The “Witherism Syndrome” By Pastor Amos Dada PhD; P. Eng

“As the Scriptures say, “People are like grass; their beauty is like a flower in the field. The grass withers and the flower fades. 25 But the word of the Lord remains forever.” And that word is the Good News that was preached to you.        1 Peter 1:24


I don’t know about you , but I am  seriously in love with the bible, the Word of God. It heals, soothes my nerves , comforts my soul , gives me direction . Rejuvenates my heart. Empowers me and I am so glad it will never perish, it lives forever . All things can perish but the word of God remains forever. God spoke it from Genesis to Revelation, but it goes from generation to generation. It is not only the contents, merits and the benefits of the word that gladdens my soul there is more.


It is the presentation, the cohesion, the philosophy, the parables, the history, the narratives, the axioms, the comparatives. Take the word above for instance- People are like grass; their beauty is like a flower in the field. The grass withers and the flower fades”!


People, human beings in all their  glory, majesty, wisdom, beauty, power, knowledge , creativity they are like grass that withers!


Men in all their glamour, their political will, technological advancement, socialization , aspiration, ambition, transformation, great institutions, great architectural developments are like grass that withers.


There is another side of men that baffles me, that makes this issue of ‘wither’ a great concern. Men with all their wickedness, greed, corruption, wizardry , witchcraft, kidnapping one another for rituals to make money, men with their unforgiveness, fear, anger, men that behave as if they will live forever will wither!


Do you mean that Kings , Presidents, Senators, Professors, Governors, Congressmen, Vice Chancellors, Business moguls, the richest man/woman, the famous celebrity, the uncommon philanthropist, that richest pastor, General Overseer, that famous televangelist, the prosperity preaching pastor , the holiness preaching pastor , the fastest runner on earth, the celebrated footballer, the CEO of conglomerates, the prostitute, that peasant farmer, that petty trader, the beggar under the bridge, the orphan, the homeless, the man in the most glamorous mansion is not spared by the word WITHER?


I can list the classification from now till eternity. All human beings are certainly under the almighty “Wither” No one will be spared. To some sadly where is that child of yours, he/she has withered, that loving husband/ wife has withered and rendered you a widow/widower don’t worry, your wither season is still ahead too! Where is that your parent(s), grandparent, great grandparent, the wicked/loving  boss, where is that your sin mate, where is that corrupt politician who stole the collective wealth of his/her nation, if s/he has not withered it is a matter of time. Where is that beautiful girl and handsome man of yesterday s/he has withered. People are as grass, the grass withers!

What does it mean to wither- become dry and shrivelled. Fall into decay or decline, diminish, dwindle,shrink, lessen, fade, ebb (away),wane, weaken, languish, evaporate, melt away. disappear.


I am writing this on the first day of our International Gathering of Eagles Conference in Cameroon, all the way from Toronto. It occurred to me that whether I like it or not, I belong to the category of people that withers, I am not an exemption, no matter how you wish you are an exemption, I am telling you no one will be an exemption. As I sat in the breakfast room of the hotel I see every one in that prism. The Holy Spirit taught me you can make the best of that experience since it is inevitable. Yes we shall all suffer what the Holy Spirit coined in my vocabulary as the “Witherism Syndrome”


Make the best of that witherism syndrome.

The best way to make the best of that syndrome is to live this world with the right legacy and most importantly make heaven. How do you make that happen ?

1. Get born again. Stay born again. 


2. Live a life of intergrity, holiness , generosity, sinlessness, a life that will pave way for a generous positive legacy when (not if) you wither.  


3. Billy Graham told a story about Albert Einstein, who was going on a train to an out-of-town engagement. The conductor stopped to punch his ticket. The great scientist, preoccupied with his work, with embarrassment rummaged through his coat pockets and briefcase to no avail. He could not find his ticket. The conductor graciously declared, “We all know who you are, Dr. Einstein. I’m sure you bought a ticket. Don’t worry about it. Everything is okay.” The conductor walked on down the aisle punching other tickets. Before he moved to the next car he looked back and saw Dr. Einstein down on his hands and knees looking under his seat trying to find his ticket. He came back and said, “Dr. Einstein, please don’t worry about it. I know who you are.” At which the great Einstein looked up and said, “I, too, know who I am. What I don’t know is where I’m going.” Like Dr Einstein you know you must ‘wither’ what happens to you when you wither should be your concern.  Like Dr Einstein do you know where you are going? When you wither, do you know where you shall wither to? There are two possible locations , hell and heaven. Since we must all wither those who wither and go to hell will have the second wither- the mother of all witherism syndrome. Those who know Jesus and serve him . Will not know and experience the mother of witherism syndrome rather they will from witherism be made alive!


4. Therefore do whatever you must to ensure your name is writing in the book of life. “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” Meaning if you must wither , then wither well.  


5. In conclusion, The coming of the Lord is near. Jesus will soon appear in the sky. Even if he does not appear, the day you die is the day you wither! Therefore  as you suffer the witherism syndrome while he tarries, ensure you wither well!  


6. If we don’t meet on earth may we meet at the glorious place where people will no more be like grass, that withers, but like angels. This mortal body would’ve given rise to immortality!



O taste and see that the Lord is good.(Psalm 34:8). I have tasted and found that the Lord is good. I do testify that the Lord is good.Join me to taste him.

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