Monday, 30 September 2024


They are boldacious, braggadocious charismatically eloquent and gifted of God or the devil I do not know!

But they have commanding personalities in the prophetic arena of the Christian faith,

They have marmot’s follower-ship from where they operate thus breaking all the rules of christ-like life and living ” the good life not caring whose ox is gored ” .*

Some people call them penti-rascals but l call them** badboysof the pulpit. ..

They all had humble beginning growing up
from terrible poverty stricken back ground never were able to afford formal school. This became a stepping stone to their immutable quest for wealth at all cost even if it warrants delving into the occult.

They struck gold in the church by using scriptures fake prophecies and miracles to deceive gullible folks and as soon as fame and fortune came calling they had no discipline as is required by their calling.

Gullible, raped, religious and ignorant group of people who are searching for the heavenly light are caught in their web of lies, manipulation, greed and lust for power!
While they silence them with their popular creed “touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm”

These bad boys threw caution to wind and went on rampage with women duping them raping them & having children all over all over the place outside wedlock.

One of them so reckless had the audacity to stand before a his crowd of over ten thousand people and told them to their faces that his wife has been sleeping with other men and having bastard children therefore he was pained and does not want to die, consequently he went on an orgy and having children from other women in the church.
What a shameless and unregenerated prophet !!!

Because they are so loved by their African, ignorant religious church members who do not seem to notice the shenanigans of these so called men of God.

Here are top five count down of the bad boys of pulpit

No five (5) amongst them is the eloquent pastor of the celestial Church of God
Israel oladele Genesis

Prophet Israel Oladele Ogundipe was born on the 10th of March 1974 into the Muslim family of late Elder Ogundipe and Mrs Lydia Ogundipe.

He is the first child of the family and was born into abject poverty.

Prophet Oladele barely managed to attend the elementary and high school in Nigeria, he was always out of school most times in search of what to eat and to mellow the sufferings of his parents and siblings.

He is a church boy always seen in the company of his mother, going from one prayer meeting to another.
He says he loves the Lord and aspires to be the best for his family and loved ones.

Prophet Oladele’s mother taught him the essence of prayers and the need to trust God completely.

He is philanthropist after the order of TB Joshua his videos of giving the whole church offering to woman went viral on the net..also boldaciously making a statement that is not accountable to celestial church authorities .

“How do you as pastor arrogantly arrogate powers to yourself to dispense church funds without necessary approvals..this attitude in my opinions is Pentecostal rascality and robbery.”

Forgetting to note that a man of authority needs to be accountable to an authority

A powerful man without authority over him to call him to order is a loose and dangerous canon going somewhere to destroy .

He has refused to abide by the rules and doctrines of the celestial church world and even got a man of God anoint and prophesy over him as the new and rising baba Oshoffa.

He claims to be mordernizing the celestial church of God world wide.

A braggadocios inspirational speaker always taking advantage of the media to teach his Babylonian principles of breakthrough to the top.

No wonder why Prophet Tibetan of Asabe TV calls him a thug and a criminal in the celestial church who is doing abominable & unprintable things to the women in his congregation.

Prophet Israel Oladele Genesis says he is not deterred as he now has money power to overcome his miserable childhood challenges.

The prophet has learnt to play with words like most Pentecostal preachers

“Am too loaded to be avoided”
“Am too connected to be frustrated”
“Am too blessed to be messed”
“Am too focused to be distracted”

He is quick to boast and tell you that the cream du-la cream of the society, shakers and movers of government are in attendance to his church.

He speaks good English for a school drop out but his inferiority complex makes him want to constantly remind you that he didn’t go to schools.

Prophet lsrael oladele Genesis of celestial church Alakuko is the number 5 bad boy of the pulpit in our top five count down!

Please watch this video

If you are not a religious ignoramus please take note .

Bad boy on the pulpit number 4..

Hear his humble testimony:

I Was An Okada Rider Before God Called Me To Serve Him.
Prophet Sam Ojo is the General Overseer of the Freedom Apostolic Revival International Church, Ikorodu , Lagos State .

Prayer mountain remains vital to every Christians because it is seen as a divine platform to seek the face of God in Africa

You know as a prophet, before you engage in anything, you must seek and hear from God’s.

It has never been my plan to own a prayer mountain; I have never prayed for that, but you will agree with me that God ways are not ours.

I was in a revival one day and I heard it clearly from God that: ‘Get me a mountain of glory’ and someone brought the attention of a place to me the next day.

God also confirmed the place as the exact location. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the money to purchase the place and I told God,
If indeed it is your will to go for this mountain,
provide the money within 24 hours (He commanded Almighty God) and He did it.
Someone came to me and said God told him that we needed money and that was how we got the place and God has been manifesting through miracles and wonders.

I lived on the mountain for seven years,
At some point, I had to be begging for food, clothes and shelter, despite the fact that I am not the type that loves begging for things. In order not to continue to be a beggar,

I had to look for something to do. So, I went into transportation. I was an okada man for some time, before God decided it was time for me to work for Him.

My Growing up wasn’t sweet at all, although, some of those challenges then were as a result of my negligence.
I still remember how I was hiding, running away from God because I didn’t want to do His work.

You can imagine having to drop out of school due to financial challenges, and then taking up a career in pharmacy, and yet, I still can’t boast of a good life. I invested in several businesses, but all to no avail.

Truth is that I never wanted to be a pastor I wanted something different. My father made a covenant with God that all his male children would become prophets, and that was exactly what happened.

All my father’s sons are prophets, about seven of us. So, for me, I wanted to be something else, but God wanted something better, and I had no choice than to oblige.

I am from Ibadan, Oyo State. I was born and schooled in Ikire, Osun State. Much later, I proceeded to seminary when I surrendered myself to God.

After my theological course, I went to a prayer mountain; I was on the mountain for seven years and that was where my ministry started.

One of the responsibilities of my church is to raise hopes and support people, aside prayers and sermons, but the case is different now.

I have been in ministry for 20 years and part of my goals is to impact lives. I am not after the affluence of life and God has been so faithful to me.
I have enough grace to continue to impact more lives positively. It is not a matter of blowing my trumpet about what we have been doing.
People have a clear understanding of what is expected of us as clerics. For instance, I am not a graduate, but God has used me to produce hundreds of graduates.
I am led by the Holy Spirit to bless 40 aged; especially those above 60 with no roof over their heads as part of the activities to mark my birthday.

We are giving each a plot of land and we are trusting God to build houses for them within the next five years.

My journey from grass to grace has taught me the importance of love, to be a cheerful giver, and more importantly to know that all fingers are not equal. These experiences also led me into starting a ministry that is committed to not only raising soldiers for Christ, but also a ministry that is committed to giving to humanity.
I am someone who is passionate about the underprivileged and everyone that knows me can attest to that, especially my members.

I have made giving a part of my calling, there is virtually no day that I mount the pulpit that I don’t give. So, I will say, those experiences made me who I am today. In fact, I have refused to succumb to discouragements false claims and accusations by some people,
but you see when something has become a part of you, nobody can stop it. My experience during my struggling days made me to understand what people; especially the needy are facing on daily basis.

So, why should I not give a helping hand since I have the capacity? People, even the members of the church are going through a lot of things and it is part of our responsibilities as cleric to support them. Prayers, sermon and performing miracles are not enough to win souls for Christ..

What a humble beginning you might say ?
But fast forward to date.

This two faced prophet has now won the heart of his hopeless members who now see as a hero and dare not question his actions

He taken advantage of his followership and has turned round to extort money from he rich and poor ones among them..

He now sell miracle water and anointing oil from lsrael..

He demands your landed properties before certain prayers are made for you.

He moves in convoy of numerous cars at the expense of his congregation

He is social media savvy as he pays the internet boys to doctor the church presentation to the outside world..

He puts curses on members who doesnt believe in his style of doctrine and pay tithes to other churches

The painful part of his story is misleading a group of ladies promising to marry them as he is no longer interested in own wife.

The randy handsome prophet has several baby mamas and some of them complain of being neglected after using and dumping them with an illegitimate child ..
Farim lead randy pastor is our number four bad boy of the pulpit.

Up next on our bad boys of the pulpit number 3 count down is the blind & famous rascally kasali moses (Oko dolapo Awosika)

The famous blind Prophet and General Overseer of the The Mountain of Mercy (aka Ori-Oke Alaseyori Church) of Moniya area of Ibadan, Oyo State,

Moses Muyideen Kasali, dropped a bombshell during a weekend, declaring that President Mohammadu Buhari would be defeated should he contest in the 2019 Presidential election..

“My candid advice for President Buhari is to heed the counsel of the wise and godly and retire to his home in Daura and perish the thought of re-contesting in 2019. I pray he would be wise enough to do this and allow Nigeria to have peace. If those who have constituted themselves as a cabal of this government make any attempt to deploy state machinery to rig President Buhari into power in 2019… they will not only fail but would bring damnation on themselves and their families.”

*The 2019 elections have come and gone and now we know who the true prophets are!
Prophet Moses Muyideen Kasali became blind at the age of 3 as a result of measles outbreak in his village, Sanu Ijaye.

He is not only blind; he was an illiterate
but today,
He constructed Police posts and donated of generating sets for different communities.

During his 40th birthday, he got 25 cars as gifts, the least being a Toyota Corolla; as he gets them he gives out to the poor and deserving members and non-members of his church. ( philanthropist)

In an interview with SAM EYOBOKA & OLAYINKA LATONA,

Kasali narrated how God miraculously pulled him out the clutches of poverty to become the Elijah of this age.

*Were you born blind?

My parents had nine children and I am the only male child. At age three, there was an outbreak of measles epidemic in my village and it affected my two eyes and became blind as a result.

My parents went through lots of challenges. My mother died when I was 10 and naturally I was helpless and hopeless since there was nobody to take care of me.

To avoid being starved to death,
I started gathering firewood from bush to sell to those in need of it since there was nobody to render help to a blind boy.

One day I was in the bush to gather firewood when the hand of God found me and from the bush I was taken to a mansion where an angel taught me the Word of God, (Angelic visitations)

Jesus Christ appeared to me in that mansion. He anointed me and told me that I will be an evangelist to the world. The oil Jesus poured on my head flew for seven days physically. One of the angels took me back to our village and my father was surprised seeing the anointing oil flowing.

*Did you have any formal education?

No! I did not attend primary school.
But Isaiah 42:16: “I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth.
These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.

*How do you read the Bible  since it is your preaching instrument?

There is an angel assigned to me at every situation, as you are talking now there is an angel beside me. If my interpreter makes a mistake reading the Bible, I correct him because immediately I mount the podium all the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation will immediately appear before me like a television screen and I will see with my inner eye; anyone that is not clear to me will be interpreted by my angel.

(His Marriage)
I can remember was when I tried to woo a lady for marriage, she insulted me, saying I don’t know my boundary. How can a blind man like me approach her. I also told her that she should be happy that someone like me was coming after her. And glory to God, I did not only marry but God gave me a wonderful, caring and loving woman as wife. She was a virgin when I married her.

As we said earlier the bad boys had humble beginning..
Fast forward to the present !
What is the man of God who God gave a virgin wife doing cohabiting with the footballers wife ?*
(Was an angel assigned to him to take dolapo? These men are strange.)

His teaching excerpts:

I don’t know of any kind of restitution that someone who has already married two women would do.

What they are talking about is Paul’s restitution not God’s. Many of what Paul said in the Bible are mere pieces of advice not commandments and this is by way of his training and profession as a lawyer,” he said.

The cleric also advised women who become vengeful because their husband is planning to marry another woman outside to rather apply tact and be prayerful to put the situation under control.

He said: “Rather than being foolish, it is the time you hear that such a thing has started happening that you are supposed to start using tactics to bring him home. It is not a matter of fighting so you don’t lose him totally.

( Meaning his wife should not be worried about dolapo Awosika his concubine. )

“The Bible says in the last days seven women would go after a man, just to bear his surname not to get his money. Jesus didn’t say he has come to go against what the prophets has said but to further support it” the cleric said.

Rascally Randy prophet kasali who blindly loves tush babes is a bad boy of the pulpit no 3 .

Up next in our bad boys of the pulpit count down at number two is the promiscuous prophet Joshua lginla .

This man of God defecated in the church and was still preaching and laying shitty hands on people..

And now he boldaciously, arrongantly has the effrontery, impunity and shamelessness to tell the world how his wife was sleeping around with men and having bastard children,

Therefore he as a great man of God is on a revenge mission sleeping with a group of women in the church outside his matrimonial home to raise children for himself..

After the reggae he played the blues !!!**

He announced that now he is officially divorcing his wife so he will not die but live to enjoy more beautiful women !

This bad boy is undoubtedly reckless!!!
Not minding the goodness of God to him.

The judgment of God will begin in the house of God.

Watch this link

Randy Joshua
is the senior Pastor at Champions Royal Assembly Incorporated
and the founder/ Chief executive officer of Champions Television.

He is also the President and Lead Lecturer of Champions Royal Bible College, the Bible school arm of the ministry where ministers are raised as a tool for effective ministry.
( l wonder what he teaches them fornication 101)

He was born on 21st of May 1969 to the family of Pa Lasisi Iginla in Adoekiti Ekiti state Nigeria,

He came from an Islamic background, with his father and mother being Muslims.

After he encountered Jesus he converted into Christianity. (I wonder how true this is)

He is a pastor to thousands of ignorant religious people.

He is known for his unusual fake prophetic oil.
Randy Joshua Iginla is a great philanthropist, a role model, a mentor and he is fondly called Papa by thousands of peoples who are randy champions,

Brother Joshua Iginla is married an adulterous wife Yemisi and blessed with 3children with unknown fathers.

Prophet Joshua is an original bad boy of the pulpit


The number one spot of the bad boys of the pulpit award goes to non other than the two faced charismatic Baba Johnson Suleman of the Otobo saga. A man who needs no introduction!


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