Sunday, 29 September 2024

Nigerian-Canadian Cleric; Pastor Amos Dada Releases Soul Touching and Powerful Prophetic Declarations for Year 2022

Today is the first Sunday Service of the New Year 2022, The Zonal Superintendent of the Christ Apostolic Church (CAC), Bethel, Toronto, Canada, Dr. Pastor Amos Dada PhD; P. Eng.  today delivered prophecies for year 2022.  

  While welcoming you to the Brand New Year of 2022, Please find the underlisted prophecies the Clergy man has for the nation.  

  1. The Spirit of the Lord says the year 2022 shall be your year of GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT.” I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. 10 For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return. 11 May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ[b]—for this will bring much glory and praise to God.” Phi 1:9-11-
  2.  The Spirit of the Lord says WHEN YOU GROW AND DEVELOP yourself in Him you shall enjoy the fruits of Salvation, godly character, maturity, knowledge, understanding, prosperity and peace.
  3. The spirit says many of you will mature this year and no more drink spiritual milk like babies but will eat meat. Those that are being taught will become teachers. Miracle seekers shall become miracle workers. “Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth. 15 Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church Eph 4:13-15
  4. The Lord say those who are willing to leave sin alone, re-dedicate their lives to him, obey Him   and will have the mind of Christ the mind of humility, shall experience high level elevation as Jesus did- Phil 2:5,9 “You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.” Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honorand gave him the name above all other names. God say it will be your year of elevation and promotion if you will humble yourself before him.
  5. The Spirit of the Lord says if you will partner with Him this year to advance His kingdom- “He will supply your needs according to his riches in God” Phil 4:19 This is your year of Prosperity. The Lord says you are poor financially and in other areas of your levels because you refuse to grow.
  6.  The Lord says don’t enter the year 2022 with the spirit of lukewarmness otherwise you will be swept off. Many will be swept off because of the spirit lukewarmness.  “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! 16 But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth” Rev 3:15
  7. God says he will no longer tolerate the spirit of lasciviousness in His church. Lasciviousness is the spirit of lewdness, lustfulness, unbridled sexual desire, lascivious thoughts, indecent dressing, pornographic watching life style, profanity, raunchy, unprintable vulgar words in His church. Those who engage in such practices shall be disgraced!
  8.  God lifted me up in the spirit and I saw the church altars globally from Africa to Europe, Australia, Asia, North, South Central America, The Caribbean Islands, altar is the place where God and divinity meets, but what the Lord showed me was this altars were invested with maggots, worms, ring worms, I saw carcasses, I saw all kinds of flies .God said that is what pastors are feeding the people, that is why the churches are suffering from malnutrition and are weak, involved in sin  and have no vision or energy to proclaim His undiluted word to this generation.
  9. I saw a mighty hand with a big broom sweeping them away, just like Jesus did when he drove away the money changers those that were buying and selling in the church. The spirit of the Lord says God will start the cleansing of His altar and sanitize his  CHURCH afresh!
  10.  In addition, I saw another set of people on the altar, drinking, wining, engaging in all kinds of drunkenness and debauchery of the highest orders on the Altar like king Belshazzar when he began to drink and wine with the golden vessels that were taking from Solomon temple in Babylon. God said That the same way he saw his hand writing on the wall many will see his hand writing in the wall. Daniel 5: 24 Then from his presence) the hand was sent, and this writing was inscribed. And this is the writing that was inscribed: Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Parsin. This is the interpretation of the matter: Mene, God has numbered[g] the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; Tekel, (BQ)you have been weighed[h] in the balances and found wanting; Peres, your kingdom is divided and given to (BR)the Medes and Persians. “Daniel 5:24-28. What does this mean, God said he has given many people time to repent and live a godly life but they are taking him for granted they shall see his hand of anger this year!
  11.  In the revelation I saw around the altar on the pews I saw dwarfs, pygmys’ men that were looking malnourished, God said that is the state of the church because they’ve have not been fed with his balanced diet. What is the solution to these Lord I asked “ He  said Pastors, and ministers should wake up and call for the Holy Ghost fire to kill all the worms, the flies and all the ugly creatures on the Altar! God says ministers should keep his fire burning on the altar. They should preach the unpolluted, undiluted word of God. God say he will sanitize his church his own way. That he has promised that he will build his church and the gates of hell shall not prevail! It shall be a year of sanitation of ALTARS!
  12.  The Spirt of the Lord says he allowed COVID- 19 to ravage the world. The Spirit of the Lord says this is not tribulation as some are insinuating, but he is using this experience to show, confirm and warn the sceptic and those who are making mockery of the end time prophecies as explained in the Bible. Those who are saying there will be no end, no rapture, no tribulation, that he allowed Covid-19 and the management of vaccine passport to show the world what his to come! What the world is seeing now and wailing is a MOCK exam. The REAL exam will come when he will appear in the sky and take away his beloved ones for the marriage supper. Those left behind on earth will suffer, wail and cry because they will witness more a terrible situation-the tribulation! The Spirit of the Lord says Jesus is coming back for the church His bride. The solution now is to accept him now before it is too late. The Spirit of The Lord says the only escape route is the ship of salvation! For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Rom 10:22-13
  13. The spirit of the Lord says our God is not weak. Our God is a man of war. He will defend those who will follow him and serve him in truth. Like the Israelites of old even in these coming years he will carry his people on eagle’s wing. “The Lord called to him from the mountain and said, “Give these instructions to the family of Jacob; announce it to the descendants of Israel: 4 ‘You have seen what I did to the Egyptians. You know how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. 5 Now if you will obey me and keep my covenant, you will be my own special treasure from among all the peoples on earth; for all the earth belongs to me.” Ex 19:3-5
  14.  The Spirit of the Lord says those who look unto him shall be delivered from their enemies as he delivered Moses and Israelites from Pharaoh. That your enemies shall sink into the Red Seas of the world.
  15.  The Spirit of the Lord says those who stand with Him, those who are serving him in truth, holiness and integrity those look unto him for defense, he will not allow them to be stranded, he will deliver them from their challenges as he did for Jehoshaphat, he will cause their enemies to eliminate themselves. Wherever they gather, be it in the church, home, office, workplace, schools, your enemies will eliminate themselves and the juiciest part of it is that you will take their spoils. Many who deny you promotion in the office, you will take their positions- Says the spirit of the Lord.
  16. My children, my children go and proclaim me to the world, why are you afraid to proclaim my name? Why are you sleeping? Why are you living in fear? Why are you intimidated? Did I not promise you I will defend you? Did I not say vengeance is mine? Did I not say you are the apple of my eyes? Go and obey me. Go and stand in the market place, in the streets, schools wherever human beings are found and tell them “I am the Way The Truth and Life.” I am the door to eternal life with God whoever believes in me shall be saved and not perish!
  17.  God is calling All his ministers to teach, lead, know and protect His sheep from straying away.
  18.  God says he will raise a Generation of Eagle believers. Those who will serve him in holiness, righteousness and integrity. Those who will not be corrupt and fight corruption! Will you be one of them! Will you be part of the watchmen for this generation? Will you be part of the intercessors for this generation to find their way back to God?
  19.  The Spirit of the Lord says he will raise men of peculiar understanding that will teach the in-depth  WORD  OF GOD to this generation! They will come with uncommon revelation of scriptures that will cause men to understand Him, follow Him and proclaim his name.
  20.  Global Prophecy: The Spirit of the Lord says whatever challenges the nations are facing he is aware, Islamization, Fulanization, Banditry kidnapping in Nigeria, the spread of LGBTQ2 in the Western world, the rise of the Taliban and all manner of terrorist organizations, poverty and hunger, across the globe, God say the solution is for my people to proclaim my name with boldness. That the solution is not in his hands but our hands. “Arise Ask of me for the nations “Psalm 2:8 That the enemy has been defeated on the cross and his under your feet.
  21. The spirit of the Lord says the solution is in his word -“They triumphed over him     by the blood of the Lamb     and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Rev 12:11-12. I told Moses to spread the rod - He did and highway was created in the Red Sea - My word is your ROD spread it on any challenges and uncommon ways will be opened to you in the year 2022.


Pastor Amos Dada is the Senior Pastor and Zonal Superintendent of Christ Apostolic Church Bethel Toronto. He is the Dean Christ Apostolic Church Bible Institute North America, Chairman CAC Men Association North America,  The Convener of International Gathering of Eagles Conferences, President of Eagle Academy and Canadian Institute of Leadership and Development. Subscribe to him on YouTube/Dramosdada and follow him on Facebook and twitter @amos_dada.;


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