Sunday, 29 September 2024

My Month of Walking in Miracles By Pastor Amos Dada PhD; P. Eng

It is with great delight that I welcome you to the month of February, our month of Walking in Miracles. “Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion” Is 8:18.

The plan of God is that we experience miracles and be dispensers of miracles. I am always thrilled by the life of Peter, how he went from nothing to greatness, zero to hero, from miracle seeker to miracle worker, how this temperamental, loquacious, Jesus denying personality developed himself in the Lord and the Lord did so many mighty miracles through him. St. Luke wrote some things about Peter “As a result of the apostles’ work, sick people were brought out into the streets on beds and mats so that Peter’s shadow might fall across some of them as he went by.”Acts 5:15.  “Peter and John looked at him intently, and Peter said, “Look at us!” 5 The lame man looked at them eagerly, expecting some money. 6 But Peter said, “I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ, the Nazarene, [a] get up and[b] walk!”7 Then Peter took the lame man by the right hand and helped him up. And as he did, the man’s feet and ankles were instantly healed and strengthened.” Like they say, Peter of yesterday who was a professional failure, who toiled through the night without visible results progressively transformed himself to a man of substance that people were running after to catch miracles. Why was this written in the bible? I believe itis to help your growth. You are a child of destiny. You are not just supposed to be a consumer but a producer of miracles, signs and wonders, for the bible says these signs shall follow you.... Mark 16:17.

This is my prayer for you this month that, like Peter you will experience miracles, signs and wonders and also go to the higher dimension of making miracles happen in people's life this month by your life style, giving, prayers and prophetic declaration!

What are Miracles?

Events which unmistakably involve an immediate and powerful action of God, designed to reveal His character or purposes. A miracle is the occurrence of any event apparently contradictory to and unexplainable by the laws of science and usually attributed to God. Words used in the Scriptures to describe the miraculous include sign, wonder, work, mighty work, potent power. This points out the inspired authors' sense of God's pervasive activity in nature, history, and people. Miracles are divine interventions. When divinity intervenes in human activities to bring comfort, peace, healing, deliverance to humanity.  Miracles break protocols and records. Miracles draw people to God. “Then said Jesus unto him, except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.” Jn 4:48. Miracles put an end to reproach. Remember Hannah -1 Sam 1:6; 2;1

 Why do you need Miracles?

We need miracles because the challenges that demanded for miracles, signs and wonders in those days of old are still with us today. Sicknesses, diseases, bareness, delays conceptions, breakthroughs, poverty, lack, juvenile delinquency, lameness, blindness, premature death and many more. 

We need miracles to relieve us from all these challenges. We need peace and good health in our bodies to be able to function well and fulfill purpose. The good news is that the miracle working hand of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is still available today. Heb 13:8, says: Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever. In Acts 3, Peter saw a lame man and activated the name of Jesus to perform a healing miracle.

Permit me to share a few testimonies of miracles from CAC (Bethel) Toronto and the International Gathering of Eagles Conference (IGOE): During the IGOE Conference in Malaysia (2015) one of the people that attended the service at The Light of Life Community Church, Pastored by Pastor Joshua Sandanasamy in Segamat experienced a similar miracle. He walked in with his cane but he went home to the glory of God totally healed.

At Singapores International Gathering of Eagles Conference, 2012 at The church Called Jesus Reigns, Pastored by Pastor Sam Rasoo, a man came with a cane to the evening service. When I called for the healing line he did not get up, however, The Holy Spirit prompted me to ask him if he wanted healing, to which he responded positively. Like Peter, I said "Silver and Gold I do not have, rise up and Walk in the name of Jesus." It was a Friday service. This man had a special taxi driver that picked him up. He said when he walked out of his house the following Sunday without any cane the taxi driver asked in his local Tamil language what happened. He testified it was gone! He told him a man came from Canada and took it away! This man who got his healing usually attended a Presbyterian church on Sunday mornings and a Pentecostal service in the evenings. He shared the testimony at the Presbyterian Church in the morning. In the evening 8 people with diverse sicknesses came to the Pentecostal church from that church. We had another service that evening and God healed them all to the glory of his name. It was amazing to see all manner of sicknesses that God healed during that trip. The testimony of this man was captured on video and it’s available on YOUTUBE/Dramosdada.

Jesus The same yesterday today and tomorrow.

God is still performing miracles through his servants, I am one of them. If I may share one more testimony.

In John Chapter 11, we read of Lazarus who was a friend of Jesus, how he felt sick, how Jesus was approached, Jesus delayed and Lazarus eventually died. However, Jesus performed a miracle and raised him from the dead! God still supernaturally raises people back to life in our time. Many years back, we just started the Christ Apostolic Church in the City of Warri and I was newly married, living in the company estate. One evening, one of our church members living in the same estate, ran to us in a panic that a child in our estate was convulsing, the parents did not have a car and could not get a taxi to take the child to a hospital. By the time we got there someone had helped to transport the woman and the child. Despite that my wife and I drove after them from Effurun to Agbarho hospital. When we got there no medical doctor or nurse was available to attend to the now lifeless body. So my wife and I prayed that God should raise this child back to life, not minding the people around us, after about 15mins and God raised this child back to life. We ran back and made tea and brought it to them. It was a Saturday. The following Tuesday evening a lady I did not recognize came into our living room, she introduced herself as the mother of the child we prayed for and God raised from the dead. I shouted, “Praise God”, went down on my knees and expected this woman to join me but she said “sorry sir, I don't pray with people, our sect forbids it” I asked “what did you say?” She repeated what she said and I warned her to bring that boy for deliverance. She never came back.

How do you perform Miracles?

There is no quadratic or almighty formula to how miracles happen. It is not in the control of man, even though God uses man to perform miracles He holds the aces. Psalm 115:3 says “God is in the heavens he does whatsoever pleases him”. We pray and he answers the way he chooses. In some cases before you lay hands on a person, they experience a miracle, in some cases you lay hands, you anoint people, you make prophetic declarations yet no miracle takes place. Miracles are the prerogatives of God. However since miracles still happen, there are some preparations on the part of both sides -the miracle worker and the miracle receiver.

  1. Sound Relationship with God. If you want God to use you to perform miracles you must be a child of God. The sons of Scevas wanted to perform miracles, the demons demand for certificate of relationship with God. Since they did not have it they were not qualified. In John chapter 9, Jesus healed the blind man, when the religious leaders who wanted to deny that Jesus walks in the miraculous queried the man- his reply was “once I was blind now I see and as for the credentials of the man who healed me – I know God does not hear sinners”. In other words, those who want to walk in the miraculous must be born again.
  2. Steady Faith, Life of Prayer and Fasting. In Matt 17, the disciples were unable to heal a lunatic. Then the father brought the child to Jesus and instantly the boy was miraculously healed. The disciples who obviously wanted to walk in the miraculous asked this question. “Afterward the disciples asked Jesus privately, “Why couldn’t we cast out that demon?”20 “You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible 21. Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.” Matt 17:19-21. On the day the miracle I narrated above happened in Singapore, I recall waking up one of my mentees from Sri Lanka-Pastor Soruben(who accompanied me on that trip) to pray from around 5am till 9 am on a scripture: Acts 4:16-  “Saying, What shall we do to these men? for that indeed a notable miracle hath been done by them is manifest to all them that dwell in Jerusalem; and we cannot deny it”. Miracles are products of prayer. The fathers of faith that we are talking about today that raised the dead and healed the sick spent their lives on Prayer Mountains praying and fasting. I’d share one more experience with you. In 1996, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation NNPC sent me to undertake preliminary post- doctoral research at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) for two weeks. . I had spent one week in Manchester and returned to London. It was my first time in England. So I called the Christ Apostolic Churches there -to say I am a pastor from Nigeria, I just wanted to see how a church looks like in England. The CAC headquarters in Seven Sisters replied and I went. Before leaving Nigeria I had started a forty- day fasting and prayer which was going end that Friday. I was shaking like a reed by the waterside when I got to that church that evening. I was asked if I wanted a cup of tea, it was already after 6pm when I usually break my fast, so I said “yes”. He said “do you need cookies”, saw the puzzled look in my eyes and said –“I mean biscuit,” I said ‘yes’. As they say my spirit was revived. That church was starting a 3-day program. The meeting was to start by 7 pm and the guest speaker did not show up. I was asked if I could minister, I said “yes”.  That night God glorified himself. I called for a healing line and miracles were the order of the day. They canceled the appointment of the initial pastor and I was made to continue for the remaining two days including the following Sunday which was Easter Sunday! Guess what miracles I never saw in my ministry happened. I know God honored himself but I also know it was a fulfilment of scripture-these things cannot happen except by praying and fasting!  
  3. In-depth knowledge of God’s word. One major tool for walking in the miraculous is the word of God both the logos and the rhema. The logos is the written word, the rhema is what God tells you to do at that time. Jesus Christ is the Word the Logos and so he knew the word, but in performing miracles he doesn’t use the same style depending on rhema.  In some cases he touched the person, lifted up the person, spoke the word or made a mud from the earth and put it on the person. That is Rhema. One of the apostles of faith that raised many from the dead was Apostle Smith Wigglesworth. Story had it he did “weird” things, sometimes he hit the person on the chest, sometimes he laid hands, sometimes he hit the person against a wall. Prophetic insight is also based on the word.
  4. Gift of Miracles. “To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:” 1Cor 12:10. Some people are given the gift of working miracles. Reading God’s Generals by Roberts Liardon he lists the following: Kathryn Kuhlman, A.A. Alen, Jack Coe, John Alexander Dowie, William Branham, John G. Lake, Oral Roberts, Lister Sumrall, F.F. Bosworth and many more. Though Robert Liardon did not mention their names but we also know Joseph Ayo Babalola, Benson Idahosa are God’s Generals that walked in the gift of miracles. The essence of this sharing this month is that you can tap into that anointing of receiving the gift of working miracles.
  5. Spiritual Growth. Walking in the miraculous is not for spiritual babies. That is why this year is our year of growth and development. Say to yourself “I will walk in the miraculous and pay the price”. Isolate yourself with God. Ask for the power to perform miracles. Paul says” covet spiritual things” miracle working anointing is part of it. But don’t just covet it, pursue it! Those whom God is using for miracles were born the way you were born they gave their lives to Christ the way you did, but they desired more!

How do you receive miracles?

The matter of miracles is a matter of two sides of a coin.  It’s not just about miracle workers but also about miracle receivers. How do you receive miracles?

  1. Do Nothing:  Some people receive miracles as an act of God’s benevolence.People who don’t know God in the sense of being born again may come in contact with someone God wants to use to pray for them.
  2. Believe in Miracles. Most times when Jesus has healed someone he said- your faith has made you whole.  Paul observed the man in Lystra had faith to get healing “and listening as Paul preached. Looking straight at him, Paul realized he had faith to be healed, so Paul called to him in a loud voice, “Stand up!” And the man jumped to his feet and started walking. Unfortunately, many are in the church today that have no faith for miracles!
  3. Ask: A closed mouth is a closed destiny. If you need miracles ask God! The story of the blind Bartimaeus “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked. “My Rabbi,[j]” the blind man said, “I want to see!” 52 And Jesus said to him, “Go, for your faith has healed you.” Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus down the road” Learn the art of asking. Though some people tried to shut down Bartimaeus he persisted until he got his miracle. The bible says ask till your joy is full. Ask for miracles this month!
  4. Go where miracles are happening. (Atmosphere of Miracles) Go to a bible believing church where they believe in the working of miracles. God the Holy Spirit works miracles. If a church says they don’t believe in the Holy Spirt or healing and are making jest of such churches, you can’t get miracle there except by God’s sovereign mercy. I told you about the miracle where God used us to raise the dead child above. I warned the parents to bring the child for deliverance but they told me their church even forbids them from praying with people.  The twelve-year-old boy died 6 months after we prayed to revive him.
  5. Patience. Some miracles are 24-hour miracles, some take seven days or twenty-one days or one year or more.  But many are not prepared for such. That is why you see people running from one church to another and in the process fall into hands of fake ministers, pastors and prophets.
  6. Do the necessary. Live a life pleasing unto God. You cannot use God. God is not prodigal with his miracles. The bread is for children not for dogs. Live a holy life, a life of integrity. If you want God to give you financial miracle you have to do two things-1. Do a legitimate work/business -Psalm 1:3. He will prosper the work of your hands. Give what belongs to God- Pay your tithe Mal 3:8-10-He will rebuke devourer and open windows of heaven. The process of God opening widows of heaven is called miracle. It comes in any and unimaginable dimensions.

Conclusion:  It was said Smith Wigglesworth wrote at the back of his bible “The Bible is the Word of God: supernatural in origin, eternal in duration, inexpressible in valor, infinite in scope, regenerative in power, infallible in authority, universal in interest, personal in application, inspired in totality.” That means you can do much with your understating of the bible and the level of your believe in it. People of God there are still miracles, signs and wonders and if God can use little people like me, He can use you. I want you to know that I am asking God to do more through me. Because he said 'These signs shall follow those who believe. Mark 16:17. I pray today that you will experience signs and wonders this month but more importantly that God will perform signs and wonders through you.  God is committed to bringing you out of childhood into maturity. Many Christians that are supposed to be solution providers are still crying babies. God's desire this end-time is to storm the world with the manifestation of His sons. Where every man and woman in the church is a worker of signs and wonders to the glory of God

Prayer Points:

Pray that you will desire and covet spiritual things. I Cor 12:31

Pray that you will not be an ordinary Christian.

Pray that Holy Spirit will fill you up.

Pray that God will begin to use your handkerchief/apron to heal people as that of Paul Acts 19.

Pray that your shadow will begin to heal people as that of Peter - Acts 5.

Pray that you will begin to hear God as John was hearing Jesus. Rev 3.

Pray that you will begin to know hidden things as Peter did in Acts 5.



Pastor Amos Dada is the Senior Pastor and Zonal Superintendent of Christ Apostolic Church Bethel Toronto. He is the Dean Christ Apostolic Church Bible Institute North America, Chairman CAC Men Association North America,  The Convener of International Gathering of Eagles Conferences, President of Eagle Academy and Canadian Institute of Leadership and Development. Subscribe to him on YouTube/Dramosdada and follow him on Facebook and twitter @amos_dada.;




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