Sunday, 29 September 2024

Prayers for 10 categories of women on Mother’s Day Pastor Amos Dada PhD; P.Eng

Prince Nico Mbarga sang that popular classic song “Sweet Mother” several decades ago. In the lyrics, he enumerated how mothers usually suffer in raising children.


From the time of Eve, mothers have experienced much suffering, even though all humans have them to thank for bringing us into this world. I salute all mothers and thank God for their lives particularly on this Mother’s Day. Mothers across the globe are going through terrible challenges, for example, I watch in horror how many are troo0ping out of Ukraine clinging to their young children leaving their husbands fighting for their nation.


Jesus has passion for the plight of women, he liberated the woman from the issue of blood,restored to life the dead son of the widow of Nain, and forgave the woman allegedly caught in the act of adultery.


As we celebrate this Mother’s Day let us salute their courage, rejoice with those who are rejoicing, and pray for these categories of mothers/women.


1. All Mothers: Thank God for all mothers across the globe for all they went through in pregnancy and labour to bring you to this world including your mother living or dead.


2. Those who need salvation: Pray for all mothers that are yet to know Christ that God will give them grace to know the Lord and Saviour, the burden-bearer. and problem solver. Jn 1:12, 3: 3-8. Isaiah 50:7.


3. Those living in fear and confusion: (2 Tim 1:7) Pray for courage and boldness for all our mothers. Pray for those paralyzed with worry and fear, confused, those who may be among our most vulnerable, or those who are mothering at-risk children . For those in fear of tomorrow. Matt 6:25-34.Pray for those contemplating abortion that God will help them not to go there- not to have shedding of blood in their hands.


4. Those in crisis while raising their children: Obadiah 17 For the mothers who are in crisis, spiritual crisis, financial crisis, parenting crisis, business crisis, career crisis, marital crisis, separated, going through divorce, or already divorce, their children have dropped out of school, their children are in hospital , some in mental institution, some in jail, some into drugs. Pray for divine intervention. Pray for God to God that specializes in stilling storms will show up for them .Mk 4:37-39; Isaiah 43:2-3.


5. Trusting God for Children: Deut 7:14 “Thou shalt be blessed above all people: there shall not be male or female barren among you, or among your cattle.” Pray for women who are in their husbands' house and are trusting God for children. They’ve done everything in the book, ivf, surrogate, adoption, and nothing seems to be working ask God to open the book of remembrance for them as he did for Hannah and Rachael. Gen 30:22 “And God remembered Rachel, and God hearkened to her, and opened her womb.23 And she conceived, and bare a son; and said, God hath taken away my reproach” Pray that God will give them children that will give them joy and peace.


6. Trusting God for relationships: life partners -husband. Single parents , young school leavers, working career women who need husbands to support them , emotionally, physically, financially, to be their crown, save them from passerby/men abuse, Eccl 4:9-12.Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.10 For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.11 Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone?12 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Pray that God will give them genuine, loving, godly husband.


7. Widows: Those waiting to eat their last meal, like the Widow of Zarephath, that God will send their Elijah to them. That some will find anointed Prophets,like the woman in 2 Kings 4 whose husband left in debt and with a son found Elisha. Pray that God will meet their range of needs.There are some that are still of marriageable age that God will give them another chance again.


8. Those that are sick: Suffering from infirmities and diseases. Sick of life. Sick physically, mentally, depressed, oppressed, afflicted, violated, traumatized, abused, raped, by spouses, relations, step fathers, step brothers , uncles, brothers, fathers, neighbours, strangers,even,church members and pastors. Raped and abused in the house , church, workplace etc. Pray for emotional , physical and metal healing. For the women who are worn out from asking questions while answers elude, for those whose tears fall unending and are weak with sorrow etc: Pray that God will bring healing, restoration and comfort to their souls. Isaiah 43:1-2


9. Those rejected by the society:  Sex workers, school drop outs, drunkards, social misfits, those in baby factory homes, those that are victims of women traffickers. Pray that they will find Christ and better life in Christ. 2Cor 5:17; Pray they will meet with divine helpers who will bring them out of these unpleasant situations and settle them to a better life of joy peace and prosperity. Jer 29:11-13


10. For those who are enjoying their marriages: For the woman whose heart is bursting with joy. Psal. 34:1 Pray that their joy will not be short lived. Pray that calamity,catastrophes, accidents, premature death of spouse, death of children, separation, divorce, marrital failure will not be their portion . Pray for all mothers  that they will not know the lost of their children. Ex 23:26. 




Let me Pray for  mothers: “Father in the name of Jesus, Almighty God, I thank you for the gift of life for all mothers and would be mothers. Lord, You are Sovereign, You are good, and Your faithfulness endures forever.  I praise You for each woman in our life: for her faith, her courage, her creativity, her laughter and her leadership.  O Lord, bless each and every mother today as we celebrate Mother’s Day with the joy, grace, prosperity, love, knowledge, understanding, long life, wisdom and peace that can only come from You in Jesus name I pray. Give them special Mother’s Day present that no human can give in Jesus name .




Pastor Amos Dada is the Senior Pastor and Zonal Superintendent of Christ Apostolic Church Bethel Toronto. He is the Dean Christ Apostolic Church Bible Institute North America, Chairman CAC Men Association North America,  The Convener of International Gathering of Eagles Conferences, President of Eagle Academy and Canadian Institute of Leadership and Development. Subscribe to him on YouTube/Dramosdada and follow him on Facebook and twitter @amos_dada.;



O taste and see that the Lord is good.(Psalm 34:8). I have tasted and found that the Lord is good. I do testify that the Lord is good.Join me to taste him.

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