Sunday, 29 September 2024
Pastor Amos Dada PhD; P.Eng Pastor Amos Dada PhD; P.Eng

Our Month of New Beginnings by Pastor Amos Dada PhD, P. Eng

It is with great delight and joy that I welcome you to the month of August, our month of New Beginnings. New beginning does not deny the past, it only emphasizes the new. The Bible says, “And the one sitting on the throne said, “Look, I am making everything new!” And then he said to me, “Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true.” Rev 21:5.

Biblically number 8 is associated with regeneration, resurrection and the beginning of a new era or order. Jesus is not just saying things will be new he encourages you to write it down so that you can run with it! Write down what you don’t want anymore in your life, the old things that have frustrated and limited you and write down the things you want to experience in your new horizon that will catapult and help you achieve your dreams.

The Bible authenticates it:” Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it, I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert” Isaiah 43:18-19

Therefore, I decree and declare; in this 8th month, The Almighty God will cause you to rise above the level of mediocrity and put you on the world stage. You shall matter where things matter in Jesus name.

In a month of new beginnings fresh doors of opportunities shall open for you. God will also grant you the wisdom, energy, strength, mental and physical wellness that will help you to translate it to achieve your destiny.

I prophecy that God will make a way for you, where you think there is no way, Also for your family, His Church, Canada, Nigeria, Africa and the rest of the world.

What is New Beginning?

It means that you had a beginning before and whether for bad, good or better you decided to restart to have the best. In God’s spiritual perspective for example you have some issues in your life that are unpleasant, but God has promised to do something new. In other words, God is set to replace ashes with beauty, sorrow with joy and garment of heaviness, frustration with garments of praise. In business perspective, you started a business, things went down, instead of giving up you decide to start again.

How to start a new beginning.

The story was told about a man that started a poultry business and as the chickens were hatched and were growing to maturity point of laying eggs for him to sell, they all died in one night. He was consoled by friends, family and associates; he started again. A similar thing happened again and again. He decided to find out what was responsible, he discovered that the land he was using was where his ancestors dedicated for the worship of their gods, and they were sacrificing fowls. But as the children grew, they became Christians and refused to sacrifice fowls anymore. So, when he started his business, the gods took all the fowls as arrears due to many years of abandonment! Significance, many of us always rely on our intellectual prowess, degrees, capitals, and many other factors without the spiritual factor when we are starting a venture. The spirit rules the world. The world is spiritual. The unseen forces and invincible world at times are more real than the physical. To have a new and successful new beginning, start with your creator. Seek the face of God for the business you want to do or the employment you are seeking. Many businesses start well on the surface but soon collapse because they ignored what I call the God factor. Let us look at three cases of people that had a new beginning in the bible and how they employed the God factor and succeeded.

  1. The Samaritan woman. John 4:1-28. This woman that we could call a social outcast the way she lived her life, had five husbands and was living with the sixth one in what Canadians will call common law marriage. Although she was looking for literal/physical water, Jesus decided to reach out to her for something deeper and higher. This woman had good cultural knowledge, she knew the Jews and Samaritans don’t mix, that she had dirty marital history and that the Messiah is to come. (Jn 4:25) Jesus said I must pass through Samaria! Though she was not the initiator of the spiritual factor to get a new beginning it was God himself, she had a new beginning. She became an evangelist. Some of you reading may have need for a career change, or marital life straightened out. My prayer is that as you engage the God factor or God engages you in His own factor  you will have a new and glorious beginning that will help you to succeed.  
  2. Naomi and Ruth. Ruth 1:1-22. The story of Naomi is a classical case of how God gives us a new beginning and also a proof of “it is not over until it is over” Economic factor drove Mr. & Mrs. Elimelech to Moab from Jerusalem. Many of us are in the diaspora for similar reasons today. Not just from Nigeria, emigration is a global phenomenon. Many people are seeking for new beginnings.  Going down the memory lane, the day I was sworn in as a Canadian citizen, the judge made it clear that we were about 100 people and that we were from 65 nations! Things did not go well with Mrs. Naomi Elimelech she lost her husband, within a short time tragedy struck again and she lost her two sons-Mahlon and Chilion after they had married Orpah and Ruth. Naomi was so depressed that when she got back to Jerusalem when the economy bounced back, she desired that they should change her name from Naomi (meaning sweet) to Mara (meaning bitter). But Ruth one of the daughters-in-law engaged God on several levels to be used to give herself and her mother in-law a new beginning. She abandoned the god of the Moabites and committed herself to the God of Israel- the True and the Living God. - But Ruth replied, “Don’t ask me to leave you and turn back. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. Ruth 1:16. Ruth followed her Mother in-law to Jerusalem to live, made Naomi’s God her God, made Naomi’s people her people, married Boaz. God gave her a fresh beginning. She worked hard, added to it godly character and God blessed her with Obed who became the father of Jesse, who gave birth to David and the ancestral root of Jesus. I don’t know whether you are living in your native land or in the diaspora, and things have gone haywire or sour, seek the Lord Jesus today. The one that turns water to wine can turn your ugly life to a better life. It is your month of New Beginning!
  3. Paul of Tarsus.  Acts 9:1-7 Another case especially for people who need a new beginning in their spiritual life. Paul as we were told was an erudite lawyer. A high-ranking officer in the pharisaic religion but with a misplaced purpose and life priority. In defence of his Judaism, he was vehemently against anything Christianity. Like the other leaders of other faith today, he was so obsessed with exterminating Christianity that he left no stone unturned to ensure Christians were killed. Is that not what we are witnessing in our dear nation Nigeria today? Although with faceless leaders they champion the cause of Boko Haram, banditry and terrorism. Paul was highly involved in the killing of Stephen. Acts 7. Through the prayers of the apostles God himself intervened and accosted Paul on his way to Damascus to arrest Church leaders.  Do you know there are many like Paul in Canada, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, China and many nations that need a new beginning, sadly they don’t even know it. They are too blinded by wickedness, blood shedding, killing, kidnapping, arms carrying, war mongering across the nations. I perceive in my spirit that God wants to use you and I to give them a new beginning through our intercessory prayers. Many of them that seem to be persecuting Jesus are searching for a solution to their deprived souls. Like Paul they are asking the two potent questions humans being that desire salvation must ask- Who Is the Lord (Jesus)? What will Jesus want me to do? ”And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecute: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. 6 And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall have told thee what thou must do.” Acts 5-6.  Jesus met Saul and changed him to Paul and gave him a new beginning may that be your portion today.

Who needs a new beginning?

You and I.  I think we all need to start afresh in one area of our lives or the other. New beginning can be on issues of our social, matrimonial, physical, health, academical, political and financial areas. A dead battery does not mean a dead car. All it needs is re-charge. A dead business may just need rejuvenation. God’s message to you this month is that you are alive for a purpose. Some of us need forgiveness from our sins, look unto Jesus the author of your faith and start again. Don’t rut away in your backslidden state. You lost your marriage, job, career, ministry due to some negligence, lack of understanding, pride, quarrelsomeness, apologize to your partner, humble yourself-strategize and start again. Friends if you are corrupt and misappropriating Government funds you need a new heart to orchestrate a new beginning.

Nigeria Needs a new beginning.

 Everyone is complaining in Nigeria about a failed system, while I agree that some are more guilty as charged than others because they abuse privileges than the others, we all need to re-think and rebuild our nation. If we don’t change our orientation and change our preferences, mindset and move from hate, wickedness, lack of respect for one another and the economy and we expect one President to wave a magic wand and change Nigeria we are deceiving ourselves.  If you are into one crime or another stop it. Even a failed nation today can become strong nation tomorrow. In 1965 Singapore was a failed nation, today the story has changed, because they gave themselves a new beginning. Rwanda was known for genocide in the 90s today they have chosen a new beginning. Even Ghana that Nigerians drove away from their streets in the 70s and 80s -with the “Ghana Must Go” slogan have at a point chosen a new beginning.  Those nations developed a productive mentality as opposed to a consumer mentality. This is the way the Bible puts it: “But that isn’t what you learned about Christ. 21 Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, 22 throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. 23 Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. 24 Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.25 So stop telling lies. Let us tell our neighbors the truth, for we are all parts of the same body. 26 And “don’t sin by letting anger control you.”[d] Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 for anger gives a foothold to the devil.28 If you are a thief, quit stealing. Instead, use your hands for good hard work, and then give generously to others in need. 29 Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. Eph 4: 20-29. Let the election of 2023 usher in a new beginning for Nigeria through you. Change your character live a life of integrity!

Conclusion: Everyday you are alive is an indication that God has played his part in giving you a new beginning. What you do with days is yours. I watched a video on WhatsApp a young woman interviewed an old Pastor- Why do bad things happen to people? The pastor replied, “If one has faith all things have meaning.” She continued “Why will a loving God allow these tragedies to happen? She asked. “I asked for strength and God gave me difficulties to make me strong. I asked for wisdom and God gave me problems to solve. I asked for courage and God gave me dangers to overcome. I asked for love and God gave me difficult people to help. My prayers are answered.” As you desire a new beginning may the Lord answer your prayer, and may you see the answers no matter what garment they wear!


Pastor Amos Dada is the Zonal Superintendent of Christ Apostolic Church Bethel, Canada. Convener, International Gathering of Eagles Conferences & Dean, Christ Apostolic Church North America Bible Institute.

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1.Join us August 6,2022 for Canada Return to your Maker Prayer

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