Sunday, 29 September 2024
Dr. Amos Dada PhD, P.Eng Chem Eng Dr. Amos Dada PhD, P.Eng Chem Eng

My Month of Freedom from Sin By Pastor Amos Dada PhD, P.Eng

With great delight and joy I welcome you to the month of October, our month of freedom from SIN.

The time we are in is dangerous, especially spiritually. The problem is that we know the root of our problems, but we dare not mention it. It is difficult to preach and teach about sin. Those who preach about sin are labelled. Sin is disappearing from church vocabulary, if it has not done so totally.As my people say, we are battling acne or body rashes while we ignore cancer.

We talk about bandits, kidnapping, murder, is that not sin? You are advised not to talk about sin to our youth. It is too stressful! Try and condemn any unbiblical action, you will be told, don’t judge me or don’t judge them. When I relocated to Canada and was thinking of planting churches, I consulted the “sons of the soil.”They counselled me “This is not Nigeria - if you want people to listen to you or come to the church don’t talk about sin!” The question is where is the world heading to? Why is the world dictating to the church what to preach and not to preach? How come holiness, salvation, sanctification and consecration have disappeared from our vocabularies in the church, and on the pulpit? Why did Jesus come to the world is not mainly to deal with the issue of SIN? God told us, three others bore witness. The angel that announced his birth said “and thou shall call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Matt 1:21b. John the Baptist his fore-bearer said- “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” John 1:29. Peter said - “He (Jesus) himself bore our sins in his body on the tree,that we might die to sin to live to righteousness.” 1 Pet 2:24a. God has this to say- For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved. John 1:17.

If God knew the problem of the world is SIN and addressed it, we shall be undoing ourselves if we fail to run away from SIN. “The wages of sin is still death” according to the bible. Jesus came to offer us freedom from SIN let us not just discuss it this month let us do whatever it will take to be free from SIN. God is still mighty to save if we confess our sins.

Celebrating Nigeria at 62!

I join all Nigerians home and abroad and all friends of Nigeria to wish our great Nation HAPPY 62nd INDEPENDENCE ANNIVERSARY. 

I believe in a great future for Nigeria. I believe the ROAD MAP is for us individually and corporately to shun SIN and other vices especially corruption because no one single person has a magic wand to redeem our land.“Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” Let us run away from sin and watch our nation lifted. A 62-year-old nation should know the proper direction to go!

 I pray for great leaders who will take us to our promised land to emerge in the 2023 elections.

What is SIN?

Sin can be defined as any thought, action, or attitude that falls short of God’s holiness (Romans 3:23). Sin has many layers. There are specific actions or thoughts which are sinful. Murder, adultery, and theft are sins (Exodus 20:1–17). Even the desire to commit murder, adultery, and theft are sins (Matthew 5:21, 28). But sin goes deeper than that. We commit sins because we are sinners. Since Adam and Eve first sinned in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:17; 3:17–19), every person born has inherited a sin nature from them (Psalm 51:5; Romans 3:23; 5:12). We cannot help but sin because it is in our nature to do so. A bird does not have to be taught how to build a nest and keep her eggs warm or a fish to swim in the waters or an animal to live in the bush. It is in their nature to do so. A child does not have to be taught to be selfish and demanding. That comes naturally. The acronyms of SIN - are Satan’s Identification Number or Success In Nothing! Because the bible says what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul. Sin is the passport and visa to hell. Sin is a killer it has killed many people, ministries, marriages, careers and it has not stopped. Sin is bondage, it is the root cause of all evil. Sin is deceitful, offers temporary pleasure and destructive. Sin  brings reproach, it destroys honour, terminates, dignity,and brings down the mighty ask Samson , David and Company! Are you living in sin?Find your way out before it is too late!

What is freedom from Sin?

In our year of Growth and personal development the focus is to draw nearer to God, there is no way to draw closer to Jesus except by moving further from sin.  Satan puts sin on our necks as a noose to swing us around.

Freedom from sin is talking about freedom from the yoke of sin. Sin like a coin has two sides- one side is pleasure (momentary pleasure, which attracts us to sin) and the other side is the yoke of sin, the terrible, devastating consequences of sin.

Those who have been born again (John 3:3) have received a new nature. Whereas the old nature drew us toward self-pleasure, the new nature tugs us toward holiness (2 Corinthians 5:17). To be free from sin means it no longer wields the power it once did. The stranglehold of selfishness, greed, and lust has been broken. Freedom from sin allows us to offer ourselves as willing slaves of the Lord Jesus Christ, who continues to work in us to make us more like Him (Romans 6:18; 8:29; Philippians 2:13).

What is the theory of freedom from Sin? - Jesus Component. There is onlyone human being on earth that did not sin- the man Jesus. He is the only one theoretically and by imputation that qualifies to wipe away our sins. So, when Jesus died on the cross, He took upon Himself all the sin of the world (2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 John 2:2). By taking the punishment for our sin, He cancelled the debt that each of us owes God (Colossians 2:14). He also reversed the curse of our old natures, which keeps us enslaved to sinful passions and desires (Galatians 3:10, 13). Before a person meets Christ, he or she is enslaved by that sin nature (Romans 7:25; 2 Peter 2:19). At the moment of conversion, we are given a new nature that has been freed from sin (Romans 6:18; 8:2). Rom 6:14 says, "For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace."

What are the practical steps to freedom from Sin? -Human Component

1. Appreciate Gracethat saved you from Sin:

Celebrate grace. Appreciating God for having you in mind to save you from sin, by sending His son Jesus Christ to dieinstead of us on the cross for our sin. What if God sentenced us to everlasting hell as he has determined for Satan without hope of redemption. Unfortunately, we take God for granted. Even when we seem to be thanking God for saving us from our sins it is so cosmetic, peripheral, superficial, shallow and hardly in genuine reverence for Him saving us from everlasting destruction. I once witnessed a crusade and an altar call was made, it was obviousninety percent of those who came out were doing it for show! If one is sinking in a pool and a lifeguard comes to save that person from drowning, simple ethics demands you appreciate such a person for delivering you from death. Lack of appreciation for what God did at Calvary is one reason for this generation’sshallow Christianity.

2. Embrace Grace that saved you from Sin.

Recognize the grace - Eph 2:8-10 Jesus is the Center of the OT &NT. Without God’s grace, salvation is impossible. Salvation is not an achievement. Salvation is not reward for work done. Salvation is a gift. Accept that gift.The son ofman came to those who are sick not those who are well. As new covenant believers we owe our lives and all that we are to the grace of God, the sacrifice of Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit. Before God created mankind, He knew of our need to be rescued from sin. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus was not God’s back up plan. His last resort, His “get out of jail free card.” Absolutely everything that happened between Adam’s first breath and Jesus’ death was part of God’s gracious plan to redeem mankind. It is not the case of a mother running from eatery to eatery to find food for her starving and crying baby who she is out and about with, but more like a mother who brought a prepared meal in anticipation for when the child she is out and about with will be hungry. She will feed that child. However, the child must open their mouth and eat the food to get nourished and be healthy.We must acknowledge our sin and accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour. We must embrace all that grace brought to us to be free from sin on a continuous basis. The mystery of grace is that God has reconciled man to God. God reached down, picked us up, cleansed us and made us sit in heavenly places, but we have to sit there!

3. Walk in Grace that saved you from Sin.

Walk in freedom from Sin. Rom 8:1. You are a free citizen. You were once in jail. Jail of adultery, fornication. Whatever name the sin is called. Jesus has set you free. If you have confessed your sin, accepted him as Lord and saviour, enjoy your meal. Have you been to an eatery, and you made your expensive order. You waited for the meal  and the waiter brings it, you look at it with joy the aroma blows you away and as the waiter delicately set its before you he/ she says - “enjoy your meal” Friends make sure you enjoy a life free from sin!

What is the meal of salvation?

The Word of God.

Fellowship with the people of God.

Privilege of prayer.

WitnessingChrist {AKA Evangelism).

Living a life of faith. Bringing all challenges to God.

4. Face the challenges of sin by faith. It will be an illusion to imagine that since you embraced a new life in Christ you will no more have needs (shelter, clothing, feeding) or that you will be free from challenges, attacks, temptations from Satan. Temptation which leads to sin when yielded to happens to us when we are in search of eking a living.Satan and his cohorts would like to test you, even God will test your genuineness as he did with Abraham and Job.Satan willlike to draw you back to that life of sin. That is where many of us miss it. That is where we dilly dally. That is where our lives become a rollercoaster. Up today, down tomorrow, up another day. That is where we get frustrated. It need not be so. The simple solution is using the instrument of faith. Do you have a need for your children or for yourself, a husband, school fees, profession/business growth or governance? Walk by faith in Christ Jesus, ask for wisdom for what to do. Trust Him to help you. He is called the great provider.  Isaac asked Abraham where the lamb for the sacrifice is. “The Lord will provide”- was the faith building answer and God did it. Challenges will come. “Lie with me” Mrs. Potiphar said to Joseph.“No Madam” was hissimple but emphatic reply. He was prepared to go to prison. The reason we are not free from sin is that we want the easy way out of challenges, temptations and life issues. Most times be prepared for the worse but have before you the total picture. All things work for good. Rom 8:28. Joseph knew by faith he will not be stuck forever in prison. He ended up in the palace. Abraham by faith had a child. You too will have your child, your immigration papers,and your career fulfillment by faith. Rahab used to be notorious; three times she was called a harlot in scripture but by faith she entered the hall of faith in Heb 11. David loved God deeply in his heart but made terrible decisions along the way (haven’t we all?). He lusted, stole,fornicated, lied, and killed, but always turned from his sin and repented. “Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin” Psalm 51:1. Guess what God did!

Conclusion. You and I can be free from sin, if we chose to. To be free from sin all you have to do is accept Jesus as your Saviour and make Jesus the Lord of your life. You will no longer be enslaved by sin. Obey his commands, laws, statutes and instructions as spelt out in the bible. Pray and receive the Holy Spirit so that you will have the power and help to overcome sin and challenges on life’s journey.  Walk by faith to meet your daily needs. Just like we once followed fleshly desires, those who are "in Christ Jesus" now follow the Holy Spirit Because we live in a fallen world and are still prone to fleshly creatures, hence we may still fall into sin Romans 7:21-22 however if we confess that sin we shall be restored.(1 John 1:9; 2:1; Prov 28:13)You have been freed fromsin those who follow Christ do not make sin a lifestyle choice, neither should you!

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