Sunday, 29 September 2024
Dr. Amos Dada PhD, P.Eng Chem Eng Dr. Amos Dada PhD, P.Eng Chem Eng

Pray for Nigeria by Pastor Amos Dada

“In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.” -Hebrews 1:1-2 


Don’t write off Nigeria, don’t curse, Nigeria, rather like Ezekiel in the valley  of dry bones  prophecy (pray) for Nigeria. The New, Greater, Better, Stronger, Well Developed and Advanced Nigeria we all wish for SHALL surely come!  - Amos Dada


  1. Prayer of thanksgiving. 


Thank God for the nation called Nigeria. Thank God for the vast human and natural resources. Thank God for the past,present and future leaders. Thank God for the wasted and useful years and the current level of development. Thank God in advance for the New Nigeria in the making through you & I and our future generations 1 Thes 1:18.


2.  Prayer of repentance. 


“O Lord, according to all thy righteousness, I beseech thee, let thine anger and thy fury be turned away from thy city Jerusalem, (Nigeria) thy holy mountain: because for our sins, and for the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem (Nigeria) and thy people are become a reproach to all that are about us” Dan 9:16. O Lord, like Daniel, the church in Nigeria is on her knees repenting and asking that you will forgive us our sins as Nigerians.The sins of our forbears, leaders in all spheres, youth, and children. The sins of bad leadership, corruption, wastage of vast human and natural resources, rigging of elections, wickedness against the masses by successive government, failure to use our human capital to develop our nation. Sins of tribalism, nepotism,terrorism, injustice,bad governance, bloodshed, kidnapping , and many more ( include your list ). We plead for mercy for if you are to mark iniquity Nigeria has no chance. Be merciful to us your people; spare this nation Nigeria from chaos, anarchy and doom.


3.  Prayer for paradigm shift and  development. 


Pray that every Nigerian will develop a new mindset. That  we shall all realize that we have all contributed to the downward trend of our nation by our corrupt practices, in our little corners,institutions, market places, in carrying out our daily businesses. Pray that we shall  change our lifestyle. Decide that we shall no more be corrupt but be an anti- corruption crusader. Let us pray that we shall use this new mindset to build great institutions, businesses, govern well and lead well. Pray that God will give our leaders, youth, businessmen, and academics  wisdom to use our resources to develop our nation. Pray that we shall grow our economy,build our infrastructures,good roads, railways, power supply, hospitals and the like. Heavenly Father, we lift our voices in unity, seeking Your divine intervention for Nigeria, a nation rich in diversity and potential. Please use us to bring about positive change that will lead to a brighter future, in the mighty name of  Jesus.


4.  Prayer for the church. 


Thank God for the role especially in prayer that the church has played in stabilizing the nation over the years. Pray that the church will rise up to the challenge. Like the sons of Issachar, understand that we are the ones God is depending on to develop the masses through proper teaching of the word of God , laying more emphasis on holiness, righteous living, and integrity. So that as the congregants leave the four walls of the church they shall do the right things in the market place and their offices. Pray that God will help the leaders of the church to get it right.


5.  Prayer for salvation of souls in Nigeria. 


Over 50% of Nigerians are yet to know the Lord Jesus as Lord and Saviour, Pray that God will raise a formidable workforce of preachers who will be ready to go and preach the gospel and lead many Nigerians who have not known the Lord to Jesus. Pray that ALL Nigerians including future generation shall know the Lord. Lk 10:


6.  Prayer  for prosperity, peace and unity. 


Prosperity is not just acquiring what you don’t have it is also managing well what you have. Pray that Nigeria shall prosper in managing their resources well. Pray for peace. Pray for an end to killings, through secessionists,Boko Haram, banditry, kidnapers,terrorism, bad roads etc. Pray that Nigeria shall be united in building one great nation. Pray that every  political, regional zone, state and local government will be given a sense of belonging. Pray that the three arms of government and three levels of government will be used to bring the desired peace to Nigeria.


7.  Prayer that you shall eat the good of Nigeria.  


“If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land” Isaiah 1:19. Pray that God made you a Nigerian for a reason , that God will help you to eat the good of this land. Pray that from you and your generations to come poverty shall be far from you, you will not be complaining about Nigeria watching others enjoy Nigeria, you shall be a partaker of those that shall eat of the prosperity of Nigeria. Amen



Pastor Amos Dada seeds prayer points from Warri, Nigeria as International Gathering of Eagles Conferences of 2023 comes to an end. Dec 2, 2023.

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