Saturday, 06 July 2024

No NYSC member was brutalised in Kaura Namoda, Zamfara State — Fact Check reveals

A factcheck image of alleged NYSC member Brutalised in Zamfara

A factcheck image of alleged NYSC member Brutalised in Zamfara

A viral photo circulating on social media showing a man with a bloody back and wounds has been debunked as false by PRNigeria’s fact-check team. The photo was claimed to be that of a National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) member brutally attacked in Kaura Namoda, Zamfara State.


However, investigations revealed that the photo is a special effect created by a makeup artist in 2014 and has no connection to the alleged incident. The fact-check team found that a similar incident occurred in 2017, but the photo accompanying that incident is different from the one currently circulating.


The NYSC management had relocated the corps member, Esi Uwakwe, from Zamfara State to Anambra State after he was assaulted by a policeman in Kaura Namoda in 2017. The matter was resolved amicably, and the corps member was redeployed to ensure his safety.

Journalist Abdulrazak Bello Kaura, a resident of Kaura Namoda, and the Nigeria Police Force have also debunked the claim, stating that it is entirely fabricated and misleading.

PRNigeria’s fact-check conclusion states that the claims of a corps member being brutalized in Kaura Namoda, Zamfara state, is misleading, and the public should disregard the story in its entirety.


More detail on the Factcheck here: (By PRNigeria)


Source: News Express

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