Saturday, 06 July 2024

FROM THE ARCHIVE: Dr (Pastor) S. K. Abiara In Toronto. Canada - We Are All Super-Bonafide Nigerians

Prophet (Dr.) S. K. Abiara celebrated his 50th Anniversary of his Divine Ministerial Call at Woodbridge Banquet & Convention Hall on Saturday, August 16, 2014 in Toronto, Canada. OASES NEWS had one-on-one interview with this man of God shortly before this unique occasion started. A very humble, soft-spoken, spiritual prayer warrior and prophet walked into the lounge with all his spiritual entourage leaders for the interview, please read

OASES NEWS: Congratulations sir on this great milestone of your 50th anniversary of divine ministerial call as well as the 20th celebration of the founding of Christ Apostolic Church, (CAC) Vineyard of Comfort Canada Zone, Toronto. Sir, what advice would you give to the newly ordained and present pastors to enable them attain such a similar milestone?

PROPHET (DR.) ABIARA: Thank you, I am honored to celebrate this unique occasion. It marks a significant milestone for the ministry where miracles happen, CAC –Agbala Itura is recognized all over the world. Over the last fifty years, the ministry has moved from performing miracles with divine healings to a charity organization, providing jobs, winning souls and helping the communities all around the world. Fifty years, to God is not up to a day but to human beings this is a long journey. Pastors should love the congregation as Jesus loves the Church. Prayer is the key that unlocks all the treasures in the kingdom of God. Pastors should have faith in God because faith can move mountains only if you believe, so believe in God. Pastors should preach the gospel and stand like the rock of Gibraltar. In addition, all the spiritual men of God should love, forgive and win souls into the Kingdom of God which is their calling.

OASES NEWS: As a prominent Christian leader in Nigeria, what do you think are the causes of the instability currently facing the country?

PROPHET (DR.) ABIARA: It is disunity, unfaithfulness and the love for worldly things. Also, these are the signs of the end times. Do you know what Bible says about the end time in 2 Timonthy 3:1-5 “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people”.

Nigeria is our country hence we are all super-bonafide Nigerians we should love each other and stop fighting one another. There should not be discrimination in whatever we do. Nigerians should shun tribalism, intolerances, Ignorance, disloyalty and self-centeredness. We should embrace peace and continue to live together in harmony. There should not be any difference between Hausa, Ibo or Yoruba, we should all join hands together and make the country a great one. No matter what is happening currently in Nigeria, we can still redeem our image in the eyes of the world. Nigeria would soon overcome all these problems with a positive story to tell.

OASES NEWS: What advise would you like to give Nigeria current leaders on how the country can move forward?

PROPHET (DR.) ABIARA: They should avoid corruption because the effect is devastating. No country can move forward in a totally corrupted state. The government should not be an embodiment of disappointment to the people but an epitome of happiness, joy and satisfaction because when you take care of those in need, operate transparency system of government and understand with patience the needs of the people there will be normalcy and the society will be free from corruption.

OASES NEWS: Do you think the churches need to do more in terms of propagating the word of God to people?

PROPHET (DR.) ABIARA: In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray without ceasing”. Churches need to pray more and teach the truth. Prayer is the key to live an exemplary life. We should pray together at all times as a church and not relent in our prayers.

OASES NEWS: What are the churches doing to educate our youths who are the future leaders of tomorrow on Christian spirituality?

PROPHET (DR.) ABIARA: The youths need to know and grow in their daily relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. A youth conference is coming up in Texas in 2015, this is an avenue for the youth to know how to have closer relationship with God. The essence of this type of conference is to enable the youth to learn more about the word of God and not to be led astray by the worldly things. They should wait patiently for Gods ordained time so that things will be in place according to His will.

OASES NEWS: Do you have any spiritual message for President Jonathan?

PROPHET (DR.) ABIARA: Jonathan is there to serve Nigerian Citizens and he should have the fear of God in him because the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and that is the wisdom he needs in order to govern the country well. The president also need to be prayerful to make the right decisions that will be beneficial to the country.

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