Sunday, 29 September 2024

FLASH BACK: Nigeria will overcome all obstacles .. Dr. Amos Dada

As we all know that Nigeria is in a semi-conscious state politically, socially, and economically now, and  when disorder erupts, no amount of hammering a wooden mallet on a sounding block is going to do anything but aggravate an already bad situation, in this interview with OASES NEWS Dr. Amos Dada  bares his mind on the current situation in Nigeria.  He discusses the Economy, Religion, Politics and social situation going on in Nigeria. Highlights:

  •  Nigeria is not on a collision course she will not encounter disaster
  • Solution to Nigerians’ Obsessive Compulsive Disorder  or fetishstic obsession with religion
  • Leadership is by convictions
  • Distributing rice and vegetable oil to woo …… insult to the collective intelligence of the people.
  • Clueless leaders, etc.Please find here the exerpts of the interview.

Oases News:  Did you foresee any trouble in the  Nigeria’s election coming up on February 14, 2015  because your last month release was on Prayer and you specifically mentioned that we should pray because of the election?

Pastor Dada:  I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to air my thoughts on the current and future situation of Nigeria.  If you read the article, you will see that I specifically called it a Prophetic call. Hosea  12:13 says.  'And by a prophet the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved.’ Any nation or individual needs prayer at all times, but most importantly at crucial and critical times like election seasons. In the wake of the year there were all manner of prophecies, some saying there will be bloodshed, some saying there will be no more Nigeria after the general elections and all sorts of unprintable things . This is in addition to predictions by nations like America that predicted over four years ago that Nigeria will disintegrate in 2015. To avoid all these evils, woes  and disasters coming to our beloved nation, we need the help of God. Prayer simply means we cannot do it by ourselves, we need the help of God. And based on the scripture I gave earlier, it takes prophets to deliver nations and preserve them, hence the call.

Oases News: As a man of God what advice would you give the next president of Nigeria on NNPC  management system which is causing problems in Nigeria now as a result of on-going massive corruption?

Pastor Dada: Let us face it, it is not easy to lead people.  Nigeria and major corporations, not NNPC alone are used to corruption and I have no apology for saying that. That is why leading Nigeria is not just something one can rush to. Most people leading Nigeria are not prepared to lead, they are opportunists, so they get into office and have no clue about leadership  and how to fix it. Leadership is by convictions and self principles. If you are not a man of principle who believes that integrity is critical in ruling the nation you cannot handle such organizations. To be more direct the next president must be willing to fight corruption and therefore look for someone with a pedigree to fight corruption to man the affairs of NNPC. Integrity is infectious no matter how rotten NNPC is today, if the Group Managing Director says from day one in office that the days of corruption in this organization is over and means it  and makes it clear that anyone caught in any act of corruption will be dismissed and later handed over to appropriate authorities for prosecution the  staff and agents and contractors will sit up. As a retiree in NNPC if you have worked for ten years and over you will not want to lose your pension for life.

Oases News:  What is your monthly message/topic  to the  Christians this month of February?

Pastor Dada: You mean my watchword for the month of February, it is - My Month of Wonders. February is critical for Nigeria and I want God to perform Wonders in the life of God's people around the world. Joshua 3:5 ‘Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow, God shall do wonders.’ February is part of our tomorrow, therefore let Nigeria consecrate and purify themselves, do what is right, not rig election, not assassinate themselves, no matter the results of the election not killing themselves,or shedding inocent blood for in that month God shall do wonders! Save Nigeria.

Oases News: Your book “To the Rescue” (say no to corruption) generated  a lot of controversy here in in some circles  Canada and in USA.  Shortly after the launching of the book you travelled out to launch the book in Nigeria.  Were you not afraid of being arrested by the Nigerian Government or attacked by some of your former colleagues  for writing about corruption?

Pastor Dada: Afraid? I am a crusader. I am doing what God has called me to do for the nations of the world. The book was Launched inZambia, Uganda,Kenya and Ghana before we launched in Nigeria.When God instructed me to come to Canada, the mandate was to put Canada on the map of the world and raise an eagle generation of believers.  That is called the nations, especially their youth to the path of righteousness, holiness, honesty, probity, accountability and transparency. I have to obey God. Like Paul, I cannot be disobedient to my heavenly vision, even at the risk of my life. Life is a risk.
We launched the book in Lagos and Abuja, many of the corporate organizations were invited; agencies like NUC and Federal Safety were present. I even took some of the books to the headquarters of NNPC, my colleagues  that are still in the system were not surprised that I wrote a book like that, they actually said finally 'you have put your crusade against corruption into a book.' I was not afraid and I was not attacked, I was commended and many are doing whatever they could to get the book in the hands of Nigerians. And I encourage those who have not got their copies to do so. The book as a fictional novel is easy to read and will be a good literature book in secondary schools and Universities. It will help the churches and mosques to fight corruption. It is available online,, etc.

Oases News: We were made to understand that more copies were printed based on high demand. Did you send copies to the Presidency?

Pastor Dada:  Yes, we printed more copies. The chairman of the book launch was the former High Commissioner to Canada - Prof Iyorwese Hagher, he was having a meeting at Aso Rock that evening he took copies to the Presidency.

Oases News:  As a man of high repute and integrity, and also a Pastor here in Canada, would you be interested to serve Nigerian government if given the opportunity to since you were once a Senior staff at NNPC?

Pastor Amos Dada: My response will be that you watch my profile on YouTube put there by Planet Africa. The highest office any man can serve is that of the office of a Pastor/Minister. By their calling they are the King makers. They annoint Kings and Presidents. Why do you think Presidents and governors run and kneel down before them?  It is true that some pastors are making a mockery of that office, but that does not diminish the high calling. Samuel ordained Saul and David. What I am saying is that I was in that place and God called me to a higher office. I am serving my nation now and will continue to serve my nation as thy Lord leads me. I am fulfilling my life purpose. I am affecting millions of people Proclaiming the name of Jesus globally. For instance  under the International Gathering of Eagles conference a  platform for leadership development , whereby the grace of God I am the President, we held strategic  leadership conference in eleven nations last year, 2014 namely: Canada, India, Sri Lanka,Singapore, Malaysia, Kenya, Indonesia, Zambia, Uganda, Ghana and Nigeria.

Oases News:  Next month is the Presidential election in Nigeria, Nigerians living in Canada are jittery about what would happen as some people are threatening fire and brimstone, as a Spiritual leader what advice do you have for the two major contestants vying for the presidential post in Nigeria?

Pastor Amos Dada:  Let them base their campaign on issues not character assassination. Tell the people what you want to do when you get to the office and do it.  Just as they have in the USA where we imported this brand of democracy and type of governance from, the media and stakeholders should organize healthy debates  between the contestants. The electorate should also vote based on what will benefit the citizenry and generations to come not on stomach infrastructure. Distributing rice and vegetable oil to woo the electorate is an insult to the collective intelligence of the people. Give me a fish and I will eat for one day, but teach me how to fish and I will feed for life.  As a spiritual leader I see a peaceful election. I see in the long run a stronger and better nation. I do not see Nigeria disintegrating. Our strength is in our unity, size and God.

Oases News:  When disorder erupts, no amount of hammering a wooden mallet on a sounding block is going to do anything but aggravate an already bad situation, what spiritual advice do you have for the two major contestants  vying for the highest office in Nigeria to avoid the more chaotic situation? 

Pastor Dada: There are eleven contestants for one office even though two are more prominent or have larger  membership, but there is only one office.  So there will be one winner and ten losers. People should learn to be good losers and good winners. Who ever wins should rule and favour the whole nation. Those who loose should not instigate people to violence. Nigerians should also be mature, I mean the electorate, that your party candidate looses should not give room for anarchy, chaos, looting, mass protest and similar things. I understand the two leading contestants have signed a peace accord they should follow through  particularly the looser.

Oases News: If one had asked you ten years ago whether you were  optimistic or pessimistic about  Nigeria’s future, you would have told that person with a conviction that we were on a right path, now it is evident that Nigeria is on a collision course with a disaster.  Where do you see Nigeria  in the next ten years  after February 14, 2015?

Pastor Dada:  We are not on any collision course. Yes, we have challenges, particularly the insurgency of Boko Haram and other terrorist groups around the world, but we shall overcome. The plan of God will come to pass over Nigeria. God will rather change government rather than change his plans and purposes. Daniel said 'And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:  Dan 2:21 God ruleth in the affairs of men.  God will deal at one point or the other with those who are holding that nation to ransom. Everyday is for the thief one day is for the owner. Sooner than imagined, God will deal with the gladiators and perpetrators of evil  in that nation. The days of corrupt leaders are numbered. Going forward, I see a better, stronger and developed Nigeria. People are praying for Nigeria, God answers prayer, God will help Nigeria. I am optimistic about Nigeria. Nigeria is on a journey to its promised land. Nigeria will not perish in the wilderness. We shall reach our promised land, the land that flows with milk and honey! My prayer is that the milk and honey will not be hijacked again, that all the people will benefit from it through development of infrastructure, good roads, constant power supply, pipe borne water, employment for the youth, quality education, security and many things the citizens are yearning for.

Oases News: Nigeria’s fetishistic obsession with religion is evident in the ever-increasing  number of  troubles facing the country.  Without overanalyzing, how can this be managed in Nigeria?

Pastor Amos Dada:
Nigeria is a secular country. We have Muslims, Christians and other religions. No religion should boastfully, violently plan to take over the land. As entrenched in the constitution people should be allowed freedom of speech and worship. We have to respect both our individuality and corporate entity. As the mantra goes, we have no other home than Nigeria so let us preserve it for prosperity and posterity. Nigeria is a blessed nation withhuge  human resource,  black gold and other minerals, I pray we shall have good leaders that will take us as a nation to the next level of peace, prosperity and posterity.  Nigeria will overcome these problems soon.



Dr. Amos Dele Dada a ChemicalEngineer by training and former NNPC Staff is  the District Superintendent and Senior  Pastor of Christ  Apostolic Church (Bethel)

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