Sunday, 29 September 2024

Islamic Sectarian Differences, Where Do You Belong; The Media Asks Buhari By Abubakar Nafiu


I designed this, so that people should stopped attributing certain School of Thought, Sect or certain Sub-faith Group to our dear President. A conversation between the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Media.

MEDIA; Sir let me start by askkk….

PMB; No No No I think before you start asking your questions, I should clear the air first. Since I was told the subject, I want to make a Preamble.


You see I did not belong to any of the following; Tijjaniyya, Quadiriyya, Izala, Shiites, sunni, Sallaf, Or any other Group as you may know. So all I’m going to tell you that I’m a Muslim, because that is the name I was given in the Qur’an, by the Creator. The creator of the heaven and the earth, and the name is heard from one of the Mightiest Messengera of God, Prophet Ibrahim or Abraham Ahlaihissalatu Wasallam. So I ease your tension if your questions is related to the aforesaid.

MEDIA; well Mr President, it has a relationship with the above statement you made, but let me ask you why you also felicitated with those doing Maulud Nabiy, despite all you said above when some certain Sub-faith group have prohibited the act by saying it is a fabrication and unislamic.

PMB; Hmm you see you media People, as you know I’m the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, ruling Christians, Muslims, Traditionalist and even those that do not believe in the Existence of God, so you can imagine the complexity of the country, and that doesn’t mean because I’m a Muslim, I shouldn’t do justice to All. You see as a Practising Muslim I’ve learned that one of the methodology embraced by our Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) in his teaching, is being kind, trustworthiness, sympathetic, and Just to all People  irrespective of their Faith. He did business with the Jews and others. You can imagine after his death, one of his property was sold to repay a debt he owed a Jew. Therefore, if I’m truly a Muslim, then I have to be kind, sympathetic and just to all people. Hence congratulating them doesn’t signify I’m this or that as you alleged,….

MEDIA; Well sir all we are sayyy….

PMB; No no I’m a Muslim as I earlier said. Nothing else.

MEDIA; Mr President what school of thought are you following?

PMB; Well the issue of school of thought doesn’t arise here, but let me tell you the Malikiyya, Hambaliyya, the Shafi’iyya etc, If one is a sincere Muslim, is just the same thing, but the difference fundamentally is the issue of ilmul Fiqh, the knowledge of Fiqh, and most of them said if you come across any Authentic Hadith of the Prophet PBUH concerning the same issue they’re explaining, drop their fatwa and use the Hadith of the Prophet. I think to rest this case, the diffidence many may think of is the issue of Akheedah. And that is fully explain by the Prophet PBUH and his companions RA. Prophet PBUH translated the Qur’an to his companions and the companions made much explanations concerning All the Verses in the Only Qur’an, therefore I do not expect translation from Any body apart from the Prophet whom the Qur’an was Revealed to, and his Companions, hence as a knowledgeable Muslim, I sincerely and objectively follows the Teaching of the Qur’an and the authentic Hadith of The Prophet PBUH.

MEDIA; So, sir what you’re all saying is that you are only a Muslim.

PMB; Absolutely, nothing attached to that.

MEDIA; Finally sir what is your call to the entire People, the citizens in general, not a particular Faith or a subgroup of Faith, the whole nation?

PMB; Well as a Leader, and a true follower of the principle of my faith, I ‘ll urge the people to stop attacking other people’s Faith. Because you feel that your religion is the true religion, or the group you’re following are the true and correct followers of a particular Faith, these has no basis on attacking others Faith. And I think we should stop Practising our Religion by just saying with a word coming out from our mouth, but, Putting what we learned into practice, let the teaching of our religion be manifested in our daily affairs. If people want other people of faith to embrace their religion, then they should put what they sincerely know about the religion into practice, not being subjective and claiming Holiness, but in actual practice people see otherwise of them. People should know that if really you want others to believe in what you’re doing, then you must learn to be truthful, no false statement and your actions should justify where you belong to not what you say around, what you pronounce shouldn’t be contrary to your action.

MEDIA ; Thank you Sir we really Appreciate your kind Gesture.

PMB; Your Sincerely Welcome.

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