Saturday, 05 October 2024

The United Nations called on Nigeria on Tuesday to restore law and order in its northeast and to investigate mass killings of civilians said to have been carried out by Boko Haram insurgents. The military said Monday that at least 150 people had been killed in clashes with Islamists in the northeastern town of Baga, but the United Nations human rights office said there were “wildly differing” estimates. “While the exact details remain unclear, what appears fairly certain is that mass killings and mass forced displacement have occurred,” said Ravina Shamdasani of the human rights office. “We urge the government to act swiftly to restore law and order while ensuring that security operations are conducted in line with international law and full respect for human rights.” Also Tuesday, Cameroon’s government said that at least 143 Boko Haram fighters had been killed in Cameroon on Monday. It was not possible to immediately verify that report.



Why Do African/Nigerian Kleptocrats Steal Money They Don’t Need, Use, See, Reach, Or Ever Access?

By Austin Aneke
Why do African/Nigerian politicians steal money they don’t use, see, need, reach, or access?The stealing by government officials in Nigeria is systematic, planned, organised, endemic, and extreme. Nigeria’s thieving autocrats have turned every treasury in Nigeria into a crime scene. They spare no funds- no matter how consolidated. They spare no assets or public accounts because they are morally depraved and ethically bankrupt.

They steal so much that no matter how lavish their life styles within the country become, they can only use a fraction of their loot in their life time. Most times their loots are hidden in foreign bank accounts in tax heavens, especially Switzerland. Their stealing spree creates huge holes in the development process at home; hence HOME is unstable and unsafe to keep stolen funds. Home may explode at any minute.

Nevertheless, at the commencement of the inevitable trouble at home; the foreign hosts of their looted funds also commence their black mail. “Sorry you can’t reach the funds until we clarify certain issues”. The foreign host tax heavens- ensure that the funds are seized, forfeited and ring fenced. The looter gets ill and dies.

The US government recently froze about $483.00 million stolen by former Nigerian dictator – Sanni Abacha, in largest kleptocracy forfeiture action ever brought in the US. If you wish to know; the $483.00 million dollars, is in addition to the £500- $700 million dollars previously recovered from the same culprit by the Nigeria government. These were monies he never used, saw, reached, and as we now know- accessed.  So lets get it right.

Africa/Nigeria is not a tax heaven for depositing stolen foreign/local resources, because the regimes over time, have made it unsafe. However, Africans/Nigerians steal the funds and deposit them into foreign fortes because “HOME” is not safe. Africans/Nigerians lose the funds because the foreign thieves hosting the funds, blackmail their families and Nigeria- at their death, coup, or insurrection. The ultimate loser is the ordinary African/Nigerian in the street.

So when will African/Nigerian leaders stop stealing the funds they cannot use, reach, access, or touch; which are eventually lost to handlers of stolen goods, abroad. When will African/Nigerian leaders start copying Nelson Mandela and stop behaving in ways that endear them to no one? When will they start realising that the public at home and their foreign deposit countries loathe them? The foreign countries do not like them, but love what hey bring to them (stolen money), at the expense of their own people (Africans/Nigerians).

Is it not phony when you hear that Dangote is the richest man in Africa/Nigeria? He may be the richest business man, but he is clearly not the richest man in Africa or Nigeria. The richest men in Africa/Nigeria can be found in ex -ministers/Presidents, Prime Ministers, Governors. Nevertheless and unfortunately Forbes magazine cannot categorise them as richest, because first they know that their funds were stolen, and second- they are aware that they don’t even have access to their funds nor control them. Furthermore, because these funds running into billions are stolen and hidden, groups like Forbes find it difficult to categorise, classify, or measure their wealth. The recent missing $20 billion dollars in Nigeria is a case in point. This is just unaccounted funds just for about one financial year. Where do you think the money has gone? Mobutu is believed to have lost about £4 billion dollars of his country’s resources in Swiss Fortes.

“Kleptocracy is a form of political and government corruption where the government exists to increase the personal wealth and political power of its officials and the ruling class at the expense of the wider population, often with pretence of honest service. This type of government corruption is often achieved by the embezzlement of state funds”.

While the stealing continues, the primary schools are in shambles, there is no primary health care, the Universities are shot, poor roads are constructed, if at all, and there is no pipe borne water. The health systems remain so rotten that almost all the Kleptocrats pride themselves in accessing health facilities abroad.

Past and present African/Nigerian politicians compete on who builds the best marble houses, with looted funds, – for personal use, and on hill tops. They also compete on who is rated as having looted more billions of dollars, pounds and naira. And you know what; the people hail them in these unholy competitions. The people will say that “he/she is doing well”. “He just built a personal marble house after just 6 months in office”.

The culture of stealing public funds in Africa/Nigeria is alarming. African legislative houses are houses of thieves. Unintelligible gangsters rule Africa/Nigeria. African political officials are voted in- NOT to do well, but to help to dismember the treasuries.

So, when will African/Nigerian leaders start to realise the vanity of their stealing spree? When will they begin to realise that the deaths of African presidents Zenawi of Ethiopia, John of Ghana, and Bingu Mutharika of Malawi, all in one year, are enough signs to prompt them to reflect and realise the vanity of their stealing spree? When will they begin to realise that African/Nigerian people are the only losers in the stealing debacle? When will African/Nigerian people stop cheering their kleptocrats?

When will African/Nigerian politicians start returning their loots before they are lost to greedy western banks and countries? Who will introduce an African/Nigerian money return initiative to help save the stolen funds stashed in Switzerland and its ilk? When will the world commence prosecuting African/Nigerian politicians for economic terrorism against their people?

Austin Aneke is the author of Technology and Corruption and founder of


Nigerian Languages; Yoruba, Igbo and Hausa are the three major Languages spoken in Nigeria.  There is high demand from our readers especially those in CANADA, USA and Europe that we should incorporate  Audio Narration of stories written on our website in these Languages for the benefit of Nigerians and others.

It should be noted that English is our Lingua Franca (official Language) in Nigeria.  English is only used for education, business transactions, and show off (because the elites like to speak English to their children as evidence of affluence). Unfortunately  for those children in Diaspora majority of them are unable to speak, comprehend, write  and read in these Languages.

There are Yorubas in Cuba, Trinidad, Tobago and other places in the world where they practice our culture  e.g.  they worship Sango, Obatala, ogun, Orunmila, sacrifice, participate in ifa divinition etc. and they also have Yoruba names given to their children.   The pressure has been on OASES NEWS especially for the fact that in Toronto and other parts of Canada Yoruba classes exist hence the demand for the Yoruba audio narration of stories in Nigerian Languages by the parents and even requests are  coming from non-Nigerians.  Undoubtedly, this system will make it easier for everyone to be able to read, comprehend, practice how to speak, listen and write in Yoruba Language  from this Audio story form.

Consequent upon the above, effective January 1, 2015 we will be premiering Yoruba short Stories  for our children starting from "Babalawo Mo wa bebe" (Chief Priest I am here to beg) , "Ijapa ati Aja lo ji isu ninu oko" (Tortoise and Dog stole tubers of yam), "Alo ni ti Ijapa, abo ni ti ana re,"  (Tortoise and his inlaw) , "A o fi erin Joba Ereku e wele", (We shall crown the Elephant) etc.  These are folklores to teach our children morals.   Adult programs are still in the cooler and will start immediately we get  positive approvals  from the Authors of some fantastic Yoruba Literature books.   In 2015  discussions will commence  with  Radio and Television Stations  for slots  for these programs. 

It our prayer that the reading of the Yoruba literature books and folklores will prepare you for a happy 2015. 


Sensitivity and direct accountability to the citizens is the beauty and cornerstone of democracy in the world.  Unfortunately, Nigerian Political system is beset with triplets called; sycophants,  bad leaders and bad advisers,and consequently damaging the fabric of the Nigerian political society.  The fear of not telling the truth by some of our elders  in the society, daily settlement as mouth blockage, unnecessary  collective punishment, unnecessary impeachment and  exchange of  verbal missles because of politics make  mockery of our hard earned democracy.   

The Health Sector is in shambles, graduates are parading the streets without any meaningful jobs, Education is in chaos while  water,  power, security and other necesities of life are absent.  In short, the significant benefits of democracy are not felt by the consumers of democracy.  Nigeria is facing unprecedented  attacks from every living soul for lack of necessities of life.  The Boko Haram insurgency is on-going, a war that looks unsumountable. All these are the results of short changing democracy unfortunately when this happens the country becomes rotten.

Chief Uche Ezemenari  an Elder/Chairman of the Board of Igbo Community and Chairman of Anambra  Board of Directors, Mr. Chudi Asidianya,The President of  Council of Igbo States in Americas, Mr. Soja Adetutu; a notable figure in Toronto,  and others Nigerians living in Canada  bare their minds on the situation in Nigeria.

Mr. Chudi Asidianya believes that the government should be able to have  enviable milestones for people to benefit from and be able to transform public opinion  into public policy to buttress what is called government by majority.  Chudi went further to say that  Nigerian citizens should hold their representatives accountable.  “Politics should not be seen as a business venture but as service to the  people and the nation and therefore the representatives should have  principal focus when going into politics” he stated.   According to Chudi “The President should be concerned about the citizens and should always task the Politicians with this question; "whose interest are these politicians serving?”  All ethnic groups should think of how to feed into this giant called Nigeria, we should forget tribalism and make Nigeria one.   According to Chudi, "let us change our mind and change the country" we have no other country."

When our Reporter conered Mr. Chudi that “good governance should be evidence-based and that there is nothing to show for this and these politicians are building designers’ houses, travelling abroad and buying customised cars while the citizens are suffering badly at home which is tantamount to  waste of human and  material resources and total neglect of the masses that put them into power”.  Mr. Chudi opined that the citizens should hold their representatives responsible and that these Politicians should always be reminded that one day they would  give account of their stewardship. 

Chudi emphasised on the fact that Politics should be a service to mankind and not a business venture.  He however berated the state of religion and politics in Nigeria.  "These two institutions are Money making ventures for Nigerians in every street in Nigeria there exists at least 15 churches causing Noise pollution  and everybody wants to go into politics because they can get fast money from there instead of thinking on how to serve  the country"!   “Nigerians should all think on  how to feed into the giant called Nigeria and make it a great and enviable country”  Chudi added.

Chief Uche  Ezemenari who fought in the Nigerian civil war in his usual cool, calm and collected manner  appealed to Nigerians to fight the corrupt leaders representing them. Chief Uche Ezemenari  is not happy how things are going  in Nigeria   In his opinion, “Nigeria should employ teachers who have interest of the country at heart and should start teaching students morals  from kindergarten, primary, secondary to University level.  Civics subject should be brought back and government should encourage them, it is then we know that morals are indispensable .’’ 

Mr. Soja Adetutu  is very upset that in a country where we have abundant natural resources the citizens are still suffering, his refusal to accept that population explosion could be  one of the reasons for the rise in poverty level of Nigerians, he canvassed for self-reliance which according to him  is a major key to succeed in life.  However, he decried the way the government is not focusing on helping the masses.  Mr. Adetutu agreed that the quality of education is very important in this modern time and that the standard must be set to enable our children compete with international standards like Canada and USA.  He recalled that in the 70’s and early 80’s Nigerians were the best because some Nigerians in diaspora were sending their children to Nigeria to go to school but now reverse is the case.

The safety and security of Nigerians is now another major concern, Nigeria is back to the old stone age.  According to  Mrs Grace  Konifara; a Banker, opined that  the cold truth is that Nigerians worship Money, the politicians are not helping the situation but making it worse, we dont know where to run to for security.  She  did not hide her feelings when asked about safety and security in Nigeria.  She informed OASES NEWS that her friends  in Toronto and United States of America who had wanted to travel to Nigeria changed their minds at the eleventh hour because of security.  She screamed and said that  “Nigeria is behaving like the ostrich, thanks to facebook and other media that report news on things happening around the world, bad Nigerians are really giving Nigeria bad name.  She continued, "lifeless, bloodied and mutilated bodies are reported daily, people are scared travelling to Nigeria  because of ritual killings here and there  and this is creating bad image for the country”  She advised the government to do more on  safety and security.  Money-cracy is what is on-going in Nigeria not Democracy.  She defined Monecracy as getting Money by all means through human rituals, selling human parts, joining politics with the intention of stealing public fund with inpunity, while insisting without much explanation that introduction of iron law will curb this craze for money.   Her final advise; "Nigerian government should  wake up, regulate social activities, provide jobs and make the youth comfortable otherwise devil finds work for idle hands".

Sule Mukaila who has been in Canada for the past forty years did not mince words according to him “in such our wonderful affluent society it is unpardonable to neglect  our less fortunate ones and belittle their conditions because we will be judged by history the way we treat our citizens”.  Mrs Folashade Adepoju totally condemned how Nigerians behave to worldly materials, according to her “the rush to material success has ruined our country, we no longer consider the intrinsic value of life but we are more concerned with the extrinsic values of life, this negates the social norms in the society she concluded”.   

Mr. Asidianya’s philosophy  of “Change the mind change the country” should sink to all Nigerians so that each ethnic group  should all feed into the giant called Nigeria and hold it together. 

The ministers water down their messages to meet their personal agenda. How many ministers have stood before their congregation and told them that God is not concerned about their sins as long as they give their tithes?

I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn’t have to destroy the land, but I found no one. – (Ezekiel: 22:30)

Welcome to the month of Intercession. I am trusting that God will give you enablement to intercede this month because we are all products of intercession. I remember Reinhard Bonke sharing with us in 1989 in Warri, Delta State Nigeria, during his Fire conference a story about intercession. He told us how he went to Zimbabwe for a crusade and how the stadium was filled to capacity with about 150,000 people. He said even though he normally sends an advance prayer team, he was convinced that what he was witnessing was beyond that team's prayer! He now narrated how his assistant read one of the books of Mongo Park. And where Mongo Park said ‘we came here we interceded and we have no converts, but we are confident in one hundred years to come this land will come to the knowledge of God.’ In other words the intercession of the likes of Mongo Park hundred years before Reinhard Bonke was instrumental to not just people coming for the crusade but many people who gave their lives to Christ.

With terrible happenings worldwide; Ebola virus killing thousands in West Africa, militant terrorists beheading people, National leaders devising all manner of ways to loot their nations, uprising of men and women targeting Christians in some nations and forcing them to convert to their believes against their wishes, young men and women now thoroughly confused with the issue of marriage, young men and women finding every reason not to go to church and embracing eastern religion and New age movement, senseless shooting, unimaginable corruption in and out of government circles, many people going to hell without knowing Jesus and the church seems to be hiding like Gideon or sleeping like the disciples at the Garden of Gethsemane. It is time for us to go back to the basics - intercession.

What is intercession? Why should we intercede? For whom do we intercede and how do we intercede? These are the areas I want us to look at so that we can intercede again with accuracy and have results. It is a common saying that if there are people to pray there is a God to answer. I believe if there is someone to intercede there is God to answer, as a matter of fact God says he is looking for intercessors: I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn’t have to destroy the land, but I found no one (Ezekiel 22:30). It is a long time God has been searching; let Him find you this month.

What is Intercession? Intercession is prayer that pleads with God for your needs and the needs of others. But it is also much more than that. Intercession involves taking hold of God's will and refusing to let go until His will comes to pass. Intercession is warfare not welfare, the key to God's battle plan for our lives. But the battleground is beyond the physical. The Bible says, "We are not fighting against humans. We are fighting against forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and spiritual powers in the heavens above" (Eph. 6:12). Intercessory prayer takes place in this spiritual world where the battles for our own lives, families, friends and our nation are won or lost. Intercession according to Isaiah “They will rebuild the ancient ruins, repairing cities destroyed long ago.

They will revive them, though they have been deserted for many generations.” Isaiah 61:4 Intercessions is simply standing in the gap for someone. Everyone who has done anything to assist a newborn baby has stood in the gap. Whether you fed the baby or changed the diapers. When you went shopping for an old person, you stood in the gap and closed it. When you stood or knelt before God in prayer for someone else, you were standing in the gap. You were fulfilling a need for someone who may have been unable to fulfill it themselves. Standing in the gap is our duty, our calling as Christians. God is looking for those who are willing to stand for those who cannot stand for themselves – are you willing? Intercession is a form of petition It is petitioning God in the place of another person (see Ezekiel 22:30, 13:5; Psalm 106:23. Intercession often is the difference between life and death, war and peace, healing or sickness, success or failure, the saved and unsaved, the breakdown and the breakthrough, good governance or bad leadership.

Why must we intercede? Intercession may be the ultimate ministry in God's plan of salvation. Jesus forever lives to make intercession for us (Heb 7:25). He lived a simple life in Nazareth for thirty years and had a public ministry for three years. And now He has been interceding for us for almost two thousand years. That may tell us something of the inestimable importance of intercession. People are going to hell every second! We are commanded to intercede. “The harvest is plenty pray ye the Lord of the harvest to bring labourers.” Lk 10:2 We are in terrible times. The devil is raging, not just raging the devil is rampaging! It is in our times you see nations through judiciary redefining marriage. It is in our times you see high powered prime ministers and presidents born of women using their positions to advocate and promote everything that is against nature. (Rom 1:24-32). It is in our times you see the governor of central bank becoming a whistle blower and instead of listening to him and finding out lost money, governments take pride in sacking him. It is in our times that ISIS is beheading people anyhow . It is in our times that Boko Haram is kidnapping our girls and selling them off for cheap marriage. It is in our times that even the ministers have compromised their positions as described by Ezekiel in the time of old “Her priests have done violence to My law and have profaned My holy things; they have made no distinction between the holy and the profane, and they have not taught the difference between the clean and unclean; and they hide their eyes from My Sabbaths, and I am profaned among them.”Ezekiel 22:26. Let me explain to you what God is saying about His prophets, His priests and His ministers.

The ministers deceive and lie and thus mislead the people. The ministers water down their messages to meet their personal agenda. How many ministers have stood before their congregation and told them that God is not concerned about their sins as long as they give their tithes? How many ministers have stated to their congregation that “life-style” choices are acceptable to God because we must be a people that accept everyone and everything? Today the church is polarized Instead of the church raising disciples and proclaiming Jesus with power and integrity they are busy raising millionaires. Today Christians do not value Sundays any more, it is just another day. So it is okay to skip Church to go to the football game or watch soccer on smart phone and large screens. It is okay to skip Church and sleep in. The word profane means “show disrespect or contempt for sacred things; to treat with irreverence or contempt.” This is how “God’s representatives”, the ministers, are treating Him. Can you imagine a society where those who represent God treat Him with contempt? We are living in one. That is why there is a need for intercession for the church of God and his servants. Who can intercede? You the reader! If you are born again, you are God's son or daughter (John 1:12). As His child, you have a direct "hotline" to God. At any time, you can boldly come into His presence (Heb. 4:16)

This incredible access to God is the basis for intercession. Once you are in God's presence, you can now discover His battle plan for the situation you are facing. And you can be an advocate and petition heaven for your people and nation. “And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.”Jer 29:7 NLT Who should we intercede for? For all men who are not saved.

We held the International Gathering of Eagle’s conference in some Asia countries from the first of October to the 24th Specifically we were in India, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. My experience is like that of Paul in Athens - billions of people serving the unknown God, (Acts 17:16-34) worshiping cows, monkeys and over 3 million gods. On a particular occasion, I saw about ten men close to Salem in Tamil Nadu state carrying a statue. I asked my host ‘What is the meaning of this?’ he told me ‘That is their god.’ Psalm 115 says they have gods that cannot talk, see, and walk. How can you be carrying your gods on your heads! Intercede for 1.2 billion people in India, 250 million in Indonesia, 1.4 billion in China, 750 million in Africa, 42.5 million in Europe, and 528.4 million people in North America! Intercede for leaders - ‘For all men, kings, and those in authority,’ Intercede for the government of your nation, state, county, The Parliamentarians, The Congress, Senate, Members of the House of assembly, Local Government Chairmen, The Judiciary, pray for them to legislate well, to rule with the fear of God, not to be corrupt, not just to serve their terms but to serve their people! Intercede for ‘them that despitefully use you (your enemies).’Intercede for ‘the peace of Jerusalem,’ Intercede for - laborers are needed for the harvest. Intercede that ‘you enter not into temptation’ that you will end well. Intercede for all the saints, The sick, The orphans, The motherless, The fatherless, destitute, One for another (bearing each other’s burdens). Intercede for your unsaved family members. I believe it was the result of intercession for a brother who had a dinner party for me in Sri Lanka on my birthday when his sister in-law and her two daughters gave their lives to Christ when they saw the power of God manifested! It must have been intercession that helped us to lead two taxi drivers and two street girls to Christ in the streets of Singapore!

Intercede for the Pastors, Ministers, GOs, Bishops, Prophets, Evangelists and Teachers that they will lead the church and their congregation well, in righteousness, holiness and integrity. We are tired of hearing of pastors sleeping around and divorcing or being engaged in unwholesome activities. Pray for your church members that are week in faith. Pray for young and old converts we have too many liabilities on the church pews, pray that they will mature and fulfill God’s commission Intercede for your daily needs, Jesus said ‘give us this day our daily bread’ You do not need to be a fraudster, or a yahoo boy or a public fund embezzler. Intercede for your spouse instead of abuse and divorce! Stand in the gap for your children, no matter what they are going through and their poor choices. I tell people I am a product of parental intercession. When growing up I was rascally, my parents would say in anger ‘Dele- yio dara fun e bi moti nwo e yen’ (meaning Dele it will be well with you the way I am looking at you!) Intercede for ‘unity in the Body of Christ.’ Intercede for those that are persecuted for their faith in Christ around the world.

How do we intercede? Intercessory prayer is a serious matter. And just like soldiers who are preparing for battle, we cannot take on the enemy if we leave our weapons behind. That's why we must go into "battle" armed for spiritual conflict (2 Cor. 10:3, 4). Plead the blood of Jesus on yourself. You don’t go to intercession casually otherwise you will be a casualty. No soldier goes to war dressed like a civilian. Fortify yourself, particularly if you will be dealing with national matters and territorial strong holds. Put on "all the armor God gives" (Eph. 6) so that you will be ready to fight with God's weapons. Recognize that Jesus is in control of the situation. Jesus "rules over forces, authorities, powers, and rulers ... over all beings in this world and will rule in the future world as well" (Eph. 1:21). Prayer is to be made to God. Pray with Faith.Quality rather than quantity is stressed. Be specific. There is what is called informed intercession. Pray with intensity. Prayer is not successful because of “much speaking” Empty repetition is forbidden, but earnest repetition is not. Pray with understanding (in a known tongue) and in an unknown tongue. Pray in the Spirit in tongues. Intercede according to the will of God. Pray in secret. Pray always. Pray continually without ceasing. PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens.) Intercede to the Father in the name of Jesus. Pray with a watchful attitude: Pray using the example of the model prayer in Matthew 6:9-l3.Pray with a forgiving spirit. Pray with humility. Sometimes accompany prayer with fasting. Intercede fervently. Pray with submission to God. Use the strategies of binding and loosing in prayer. Pray strategically. Pray prophetically. Pray like a man with authority not as a beggar.

Friends let us go back to intercession. Nigeria will be going for general elections in 2015, it is time to intercede for that nation that God will give us leaders that will develop our nation, so that we shall no more be a laughing stock amongst the comity of nations.

Pastor Amos Dada is the District superintendent of Christ Apostolic Church Bethel Toronto and Convener of The International Gathering of Eagle’s conferences around the world.

OASES NEWS spoke with Ari Goldkind , a Toronto-born defence lawyer who was one of the Toronto Mayoral contestants who lost to John Tory. In this interview with OASES NEWS Ari Goldkind talks on different issues regarding his stance during the debate, how he felt before, during and after the election and his advice for the undeveloped/developing countries struggling for the entrenchment of democracy in their countries.

You became popular all of a sudden in the race; your popularity nearly overshadowed others, what was the magic?

I believe the “magic” was simple honesty. People have become very tired of politicians who say one thing and do another, or who outright lie. They also have been frustrated by the reluctance of candidates, journalists and debate moderators to call anyone out on their untruths. I believe people were happy to see someone enter the fray who was unafraid to challenge the sound bites, and then, later, as they investigated my platform, they also enjoyed seeing plans that were realistic, and which spoke to people like adults.

How did you feel when you were not included in the debates initially and how did you feel thereafter when you were included?

At the very outset I felt that I had to earn my place, by creating a plan and a platform that would establish my credibility as a viable candidate rather than someone on an ego trip. Then, it became apparent that the “system” or maybe the tradition of municipal elections, was incredibly skittish about allowing anyone who did not have “legs,” meaning not having years of city council employment. I was of course very enthusiastic about getting into debates, because I truly wanted to debate rather than merely repeat my own mantra. I believe Torontonians deserve to hear candidates actually discuss things, rather than merely trying to out-shout each other.

During the campaign and debates you were always honest and straight in your opinions. Do you think this caused your mayoral loss?

No, I believe if more Torontonians had been able to hear my opinions, then more would have voted for me, including some in Etobicoke and Scarborough. I believe what caused my loss was insufficient exposure due in large part to being kept out of the media and of debates. I will not blame them entirely, however. I have learned that a campaigning candidate is also responsible for building alliances and contacts along the way, and also that a campaign budget and logistics team are necessary in order to maximize the message across all types of media, and of course, in person. In short, rightly or wrongly, you have to be able to afford to run.

Would you be interested to contest in future for the same mayoral post?

I believe so. I would like to see this city move forward, and I would very much like to eliminate the “us versus them” mentality that has been greatly fostered in recent years. So whether I can do that as mayor or in some related role, I am keen to explore the options.

The election process was so unique, free and fair, no rigging of the election. How did your supporters feel before, during and after the election?

I believe everyone felt the same. It was clean and efficient. The candidate with the most votes won. All I would like to see to improve upon this would be greater turnout. This election’s turnout was comparatively high in the downtown core, but, I am saddened when I see anyone pass up on their opportunity to vote.

In some underdeveloped countries, whenever the contestants lose election for any position they use all kinds of ways to protest, fighting, shooting, killing etc. What would you like to tell those countries about losing an election?

A big problem with that approach is that those who live by the sword die by the sword. When intimidation and violence become your chief tools, no progress can be made, and the evidence is plain to see in so many countries around the world. I recognize that not all countries wish to adopt the style of democracy that we enjoy here, but I feel, too that most hard-working people, regardless of nationality, prefer peace over fighting, and a small amount of prosperity in place of living under tyranny. When people take to the streets to protest against their own loss of democratic rights, as it happened in Hong Kong and in the Ukraine, or perhaps against severe cutbacks to their economic prosperity, as happened in Greece, they have to be careful to ensure that the new administration isn’t just a copy of the deposed one. My advice to people in these situations is that education and awareness is their greatest tool for change. Use the Internet, use conversations use what you can to learn more about the world and how things can be done. Awareness is like light. It helps people see the road ahead more clearly.

How do you see the candidates vs the electorates vs candidates programs/plans? E.g. the candidates would say what people like to hear etc.

If I understand your question correctly, yes, I would like every candidate to be sufficiently prepared to both listen to questions from the electorate and to provide appropriate answers together with facts and data to back them up, and which can stand up to real time fact checking. It angers me when a question is asked about housing for the poor and the answer is skewed back to “subways” or some similar mantra. Politicians are here to serve the people, not the other way around. Lip-service to this principle is not acceptable.

What would you like to change in future in the mayoral election if any?

I would like to see a shorter campaign period but with debates that actually are worth something. I would like to see a system by which the candidates have to prove their worth in more ways than simply paying $200 to register, and then complaining that they don’t get the same exposure as those who work for exposure and platform. And I would like to see a system that does not stick only to the “top three” for no reason. There has to be a way to allow new voices into the system. I would also be strongly in favour of ranked balloting.

Mr. Dennis Adeleke Keshinro a Nigerian-Canadian is a Ph.D. Candidate in Education (Leadership), he holds B.Sc. Accounting, M.Ed., he is currently teaching Infotech and Business Courses in one of the High Schools in Toronto. Dennis is not only known as the brain behind running mobile computer on four Buses in TORONTO, Ontario but the 10th in the world to carry out this project. Nigerians are almost everywhere in the world exhibiting their God gifted qualities.

Nigerians in diaspora are making positive waves making every Nigerian proud. By the time he sat down for the interview the time was already 9.30pm. His office where BELKA students use as workshop or classroom was a very big place, on the wall was a photograph where the Newly Elected Toronto Mayor John Tory had group photographs with BELKA students.

What motivated you to start this Mobile Computer Non-Profit Organization?

BELKA is a unique and innovative organization that started as a child of necessity to help the Jane/Finch neighbors, this was consequent upon an ugly incident.

Beaten by thugs

One late evening I entered an elevator and I saw a lady and three young men, the lady was smoking inside the elevator and I told her not to smoke in the elevator immediately she stopped smoking. When we exited the elevator, to my chagrin the three young men who were with the lady in the elevator came out and beat me to a pulp to the point that I had concussion, paramedics were called and I was resuscitated.

When I regained my health, I contacted some of my friends, colleagues at work and others that we shouldn’t fold our hands and let this ugly incident happened again, although Jane/Finch area is known as a bad area where shooting of guns are common. I told my friends and colleagues that preventive measures must be in place to avoid the bad ones going into full scale gunning down innocent ones and that it would be an opportunity to regain the lost glory of the area and impact positive influence on the lives of the young ones living in the area.

BELKA was born

I decided to embark on this project because I discovered that the area that I was living was full of challenging citizens with social problems that was how I founded BELKA to be able to curb criminalities by keeping people busy, as the saying goes devil finds work for idle hands. This trouble became a peaceful creation of an organization that can activate a good educational program after school in a community.

So I launched Belka Enrichment Centre. We started running Homework club, soccer and basketball. One Summer time we asked what we could do for the students living in the area, the students requested for computer and with access to internet where homework would be carried out, that was how we started a computer program. I financed this project with personal income and some friends’ contributions. John Tory has always been my personal supporter in all ways not just financially. His contributions personally are great.





Who is John Tory and how did you meet him?

John Tory is the new Toronto Mayor. I met him at a barbecue party organized at Jane/Finch area in 2011 which was organized to kick against “gun” as many people were killed that year and to discourage people gunning down or killing people with gun, people came out to kick against violence through BBQ Party. I didn’t know John Tory before this party neither did I know his personality but we had a long discussion that centered on helping Jane/Finch community. In the course of my discussion with John Tory, I explained my plans to help the community members to eliminate or minimize gun violence and reduce poverty to him. I made him to be aware of my strong awareness of the local problems facing the people living in Jane and Finch area regardless of age or ability and my assurance that I would succeed.

To buttress my standpoints, I explained to John Tory that I would stay passionate working with the youth in the community and guide them to success with the idea that working with parents and the youth would create positive environment through educational support which would eventually affect the level of the current violence. As a Teacher, I emphasized on my willingness to be fully committed to the neighbors because if they are busy violence would reduce.

Hence the beginning of investing in a Non-Profit Organization that directly impacts the lives of the neighbors, as this would enable the community members to develop the confidence to tackle any challenges they may face in future instead of using gun. Tory is a man that has the love and passion to help the community, he has forum for young people who are aspiring to become lawyers, he believes in long term job and investment, he created professional jobs, he spends time to talk to people who want to work in the media. He sends volunteers to work with me when needed. He has time to read for children at our program, plays sports like basketball, badminton and so forth with the youth participants.

Mobile Computer Laboratory

One of my strategies was to have computers with internet on the buses, I promised to fix one of the City buses that was no longer in use to become Mobile Computer laboratory. John Tory was so fascinated with the plan and he agreed to help and he assisted in the project. Today I have four buses with Computers but I have started replacing the computer desk tops with Lap tops. John has been a power line behind me to be able to see that the program work. Today the dream is a reality. When parents are busy working and the children are home without support, then bringing the Mobile Educational Centre to the community would help many youth and children would not need to go to community centers.

Other programs besides the Computer laboratory

At BELKA, we provide Tutoring and Homework for students, Program for the New Comer Youth Integration program, Youth Advocacy, Parents support, Mentoring, Mobile Education Center, Media Literacy, Media Literacy, Youth Leadership and Outreach, Soccer Clinics, Basket Balls, etc.

Majority if not all Canadians are immigrants for one reason or the other; for better opportunities, safety, adventure etc. We should not forget that some of the countries we left behind are still enveloped in injustices, poverty, diseases and begging for help. The reason is not far-fetched; it is because these countries are being managed by unacceptable mediocre leaders who lack foresight with shut mental doors to remember the past except to embrace the primordial ways of managing human and material resources because they believe in status quo.

Some leaders lack leadership qualities hence they perform not only below average but below zero. Despite the fact that their countries are facing poverty, war (war is war), political instability, and their citizens are suffering in the midst of plenty while these governments are still dancing naked in the market place before the cloth sellers, looking for barber’s shop in a food court and looking for a restaurant in a carpenter’s workshop tantamount to lack sense of direction like a 4-way major intersection without traffic signs. It is sad that in this 21st century nothing is developing in developing countries. Majority of these leaders often travel to Canada, USA and Europe and they see how things are being done. This is an opportunity for every one of us to educate our minds and start educating those countries. It is necessary to educate the under-developed and developing countries on how politics is being practised in developed countries like CANADA.

John Tory became the new Mayor of Toronto consequent upon the result of the Mayoral election having John Tory, Doug Ford and Olivia Chow as the major candidates. Mr. Ari Goldkind came first from behind (behind Olivia Chow) while Tory came first from the top, which resulted to the election of John Tory as the New Mayor of Toronto. After the announcement of the election, there was no problem, chaos or argument as regards the results of the election. The other candidates accepted the outcome in good faith and wished John Tory the best on the Mayoral seat.

Developing and underdeveloped countries should learn from this simple Municipal election where democracy is real, where the voice of the people reign, and where after the election, there was no chaos but peaceful cohabitation and waiting for another election day to pick who will represent their wards, their Schools and overall their cities again, based on merits and the performances of these newly elected officers with the use of votes. Some of us from other countries know what is going on in our home countries; the use of guns, cutlasses, voodoos, thugs, soldiers, going to Prophets house for special prayers, Police etc. to intimidate opponents evidencing that these countries are still developing or purely underdeveloped therefore they need to emulate the developed countries like Canada on how democracy works.

In Politics, it is the zeal to serve the community not to serve our cronies, family members or our own individual interest. Not how many houses, cars, bank shares, assets, or companies we have but how many lives we touch as leaders and representatives. In politics we should think of how many hospitals we built, how many Foundations we founded and funded to help the less privileged ones, how many hungry people are we ready to feed and programs we have in place for those in need but not flying in private and public jets trotting the globe with very and always unreasonable excuses. Private jets will not feed the hungry ones. Jets are useless if our citizens are hungry; living in abject poverty, lack medical care, etc. No matter how wealthy we are if our citizens or neighbours are hungry and we are watching them suffer in the midst of plenty they will never pray for the wealthy people to see the next day instead they will continue to curse them that may they be afflicted with strange illnesses and not enjoy their wealth until they all drop dead.

The simple definition of Democracy is the government of the people by the people and for the people or government by majority. Let us take time to educate the underdeveloped and developing countries on how things are working in Canada. Let the under-developed and developing countries emulate Canada.

Canadian government gives CARES not TEARS. The developing and underdeveloped countries should emulate Canada that cares and dries her citizens’ tears with the entrenchment of Democracy.

We have been reading mud-slings and innuendos from Anambra leaders and their designate on the internet that points to clear in-fighting between the various Anambra partisans and we, members of Anambra State Indigenes from the Diasporas (ASA-World) demand an immediate stop to them. We all remember vividly and not so long ago when Anambra State was the “laughing stock” and the butt of all the jokes in Nigeria because of such in-fighting and lack of accountability to the citizenry and we all remember the consequences to Ndi-Igbo in general.

From “home for all”, to “the light of the nation” Anambra State of Nigeria continue to send a subliminal messages that implies that if it is well with Anambra, it shall invariably, be well with Ndi-Igbo and Nigeria as well. As the gateway to the Igbo land, Anambra leaders and stakeholders must understand the consequences of their actions and reactions to Ndi-Anambra and consequentially to Ndi-Igbo in general. In other words, Igbo leaders must be aware that instigating and or reacting to instigation or an expressed habitual attitude or prejudice without thought of consequences is detrimental to the wellbeing of Ndi-Anambra and consequentially to Ndi-Igbo in general.

We understand the need for the leaders to “feed the beasts in them” (their egos), but we must take a moment to think of the value added and or consequences to the people that depend on them for their daily lives. We preach to the unconverted when we “talk out of both sides of our mouths”. The principle of one Governor at a time detects that once we elect a governor, we must rally around them to do right by the citizenry. We must also, give due to those who have served the public with distinction. For those who have served with distinction, their records speak for itself. Any attempt to remind the people of serve(s) already on record is nothing more that preaching to the converted.

Governor Willie Obiano and his administration need to stay focused because we, (Ndi-Anambra) expect better days from them. We are proud to say that Governor Willie Obiano started well with his laser-beam on Food Security and with setting up committee for Agricultural Blueprint. The result of his security effort is restoration of peace and stability throughout Anambra State today in ways that has not been seen before. Today Anambra State is the safest place in Nigeria. We are looking for more progress in his other blueprints that he outlined at his inauguration. Let’s focus on those blueprints for sustainable development and continue on the pathway to progress in our noble state.

Credit must be given to Ex-Governor Obi for his service excellence to Ndi-Anambra; specifically, in area of education, road networks, stable civil society and good governance. We wish him well in his future endeavours. If Ex-Governor Peter Obi wants to diversify and to improve his political fortune by joining PDP, it is okay to do so, but it should not be at the expense of the gains already made in Anambra States and certainly not to the chagrin of the current Governor, Willie Obiano and his family.

If his pathway to a different political party is handled properly, it might result into a win-win opportunity for Ndi Anambra and Ndiigbo. Judgement on his transition to a different political party should be reserved. He has served Ndi-Anambra well. History will either vindicate or condemn him for his transition. It is not customary for Ndi-Anambra and or Ndi-Igbo to stunt its people growth. Common sense dictates that we should stay back and allow history to play out.

All members of ASA-World having been reading the mudsling in circulation on the internet from various leaders against each other, unanimously voted to sound this note of warning to the leaders from the respective isles and their handlers;

1. To “cease fire” between both camps for the sake of Ndi-Anambra and Ndiigbo

2. We demand a complete halt on media and internet attacks from the respective isles

3. A reminder to all that no one person is bigger than the people of Anambra; Governors come, and Governors go but Anambra remains for us all

4. Therefore, ASA-World recommends an immediate reconciliation, preferably, behind closed doors.

Loose lips it is said sinks ship.

ASA-World is the umbrella organization of all the Anambra people in diaspora. We are a neutral, non-partisan and non-political organization. We do not support any candidate or political party. We work in concert with a legitimately elected government of the day, credible NGOs and stakeholders to “do right” by our brethren in our home state. We fashion ourselves to the roles of an “ombudsman” and or an intermediaries for the good of the poor and the marginalized. We are not formed by any government and therefore, do not answer to any government and or interest group. We are constituted by over 30 Diaspora Anambra legitimately registered Association globally; from Canada, United Kingdom ,United States, Spain, South Africa, Russia, China, Japan, Ireland, Iceland, Holland, Pakistan, India, Dubai, Greenland and more. Our information on the goings in our homeland come from our family members who are impacted by the actions and the actions of the stakeholders, our direct involvements, and published and respectfully vetted information print media.

Because we are non-political, we embrace all stakeholders from varying political stripes and interest groups, irrespective of their political persuasions. We do not “pander to and or divide” for political gains. Our pursuit of Sustainable Development is the single motivator for rallying over 30 Diaspora Anambra legitimately registered Association globally; from Canada, United States , United Kingdom, Spain, South Africa, Russia, China, Japan, Ireland, Iceland, Holland, Pakistan, India, Dubai, Greenland and more to work with all Stakeholders in through projects and programs in making a difference in the lives of our people.

Rank after all, should not confer rights and or privilege, it rather should impose responsibility. Those leaders entrusted with public trust must conduct themselves with humility and fairness. Those people that are privileged with the public trust must have acute sense of their places in history, as such, must be guided by clarity of purpose.

They must not be distracted by the actions of sycophants that surround them. They must be the “profile in courage” and the audacity to “do right” by those who entrusted them with their most cherished gift( their trust)

Chudi Asidianya, BA, MA, LSC
ASA –World General Secretary

Dr. Nwachukwu Anakwenze
Chairman Anambra World-wide (ASA –World)

In solidarity with ASA-World secretariat, houses the official records of our member countries network from ASPA Canada, ASA-UK (United Kingdom), Anambra Leaders in the USA, ASA Women in the United States, China, Russia, ASUANJ (ASA Japan), ASA China, ASA South Africa, India, Dubai, Ireland, Iceland, Pakistan, ASA Valencia, Spain; ASA Ireland, ASA-Finland, ETC.

ASA World is the umbrella organization of all the Anambra people in diaspora. We are a neutral, non-partisan and non-political organization. We do not support any candidate or political party. We work in concert with a legitimately elected government of the day, credible NGOs and stakeholders in our home state to “do right” by our brethren in our home state. We fashion ourselves to the roles of an “ombudsman” and or an intermédiaire for the good of the poor and the marginalized. We are not formed by any government and therefore, do not answer to any government and or interest group. We are constituted by over 30 Diaspora Anambra legitimately registered Association globally; from Canada, United States , United Kingdom, Spain, South Africa, Russia, China, Japan, Ireland, Iceland, Holland, Pakistan, India, Dubai, Greenland and more

ASA-World embraces all stakeholders and Anambrarians from varying political stripes and interest groups in meeting the needs of our people, irrespective of their political isles. We do not “pander to, and or engender divide” for political gains. Our Preamble supposes that as the umbrella organizations of all the Anambra State citizens worldwide, having recognized the need for sustainable development in Anambra State, agreed to come together, in one voice and act with unity and loves through projects and programs formed an Association on Saturday June, 19 2010 called Anambra State Association World (ASA – World).

ASA-World mission includes, but are not limited, to pursuance of projects jointly by our member nations with one voice and one accord as we establish and prosper our economies, promote our welfare, write our narratives, celebrate our culture and history, and owing nothing but love to all men and women. Our aims and objectives include;

1. To agree when necessary to execute joint projects in Anambra States

2. To advocate for Anambrarians at the highest level

3. To internalize sensitive issues and work for the general good of Anambranians

4. To attain one Global Anambarians voice by speaking in one accord

5. To render selfless and positive services for the well-being of Anambra State

ASA-World Governing Council accredits, assesses and considers any application for membership and reaches a decision considered appropriate on the basis of criteria set aside by the bylaw. All members of ASA-World must safeguard the interest of the association at all times, especially when making decisions or undertaking activities on its behalf in their respective countries, as well as anywhere in the world (including Nigeria). In other words, members of ASA-World and its officials must avoid all situations in which their actions may not be in the best interest of the association and/or which may adversely affect its public image.

Ethical behaviour is the over-riding expectations from all members and officials of ASA-World. Therefore, when information exists that raises doubts as to the ethical behaviour of any member/official, the person concerned must immediately disclose all circumstances leading to the situation and take action to rectify it. All members and officials of ASA-World are volunteers and so never receive remuneration from the ASA-World, but shall be reimbursed for authorized personal expenses incurred while on ASA-World assignments.

Conflict of Interest situation arises when the private interest of a member influences or may be seen to influence his/her decision made on behalf of ASA-World.

Members are resolute in our efforts at flushing out service gaps and in making recommendations in the areas of needed improvements to the government of the day. We collaborate with all stakeholders; government and non-government (NGOs) in identifying the emerging technological, socio-political and economic issues that are beneficial to our people. Here are some of the ways we do it;

1. Formation of world-wide “Action Committee” to deal with issues of significance to our noble state

2. Through economic and capacity building projects that engenders skill transfer and human capital development

3. Continuing to conduct social audit; on human, infrastructural, Human Capital and Service gaps in our state and to advocate on behalf of the Anambrarians the need for transparent government and “Sustainable Development

4. Emphasizing, aggressively through Summits, the needs for entrepreneurship as a vital component in addressing local and State economies, global competitiveness and growth of our human capital

5. Participating in election monitoring to ensure that all elections in our state are free and fair and that power is returned to the people

6. Working towards overcoming a system that installs unpopular candidates against the wishes of the people

7. Engendering positive election process by obtaining and compiling useful information and credible evidence that will be useful in overcoming any alteration of the outcome of the election. Consequently, we engage the services of professional camera men to record and take photos of information that be available for anyone in need of the record(s)

As you can see, ASA World has a huge task ahead. All members have also, voted unanimously at the 2014 AGM to modify their signature programs to fit ASA-World’s Annual Summits. To add more substance to ASA-World’s”Annual initiatives”, medical mission was voted in as a noteworthy new initiative to ASA World’s annual initiative effective July 2015. Thanks to this repertoire a new oomph has been added to our Annual Summit. Our alliances of the willing member nation partners in service organization continue to add to our clarity of purpose driven agenda. ASA-World mantra; “there is no “I” in Team, regardless of whichever way one attempts to spell “team”. Methinks that ASA-World is teamwork personified.

Our agenda is simple, our mission is to ensure that leadership in Anambra State is based on ability to work hard by those entrusted with public trust, see to it that fairness reigns and that a sense of direction and accountability is the cornerstone of government blueprint. In other words, Anambra people can never again, be led by those whose educational and or qualification for public trust cannot be verified.

In solidarity with ASA-World secretariat, houses the official records of our member countries network from Canada, ASA-UK (United Kingdom), Anambra Leaders in the USA,ASA Women in the United States, China, Russia, ASUANJ (ASA Japan), ASA China, ASA South Africa, India, Dubai, Ireland, Iceland, Pakistan, ASA Valencia, Spain; ASA Ireland, ASA-Finland, ETC.

Chudi Asidianya, BA, MA, LSC
ASA –World General Secretary

Dr. Nwachukwu Anakwenze
Chairman Anambra World-wide (ASA –World)

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