Saturday, 06 July 2024

Nigerians Consider Police And MDAs The Most Corrupt


Recent opinion poll conducted by the researchers from NOIPOlls agency shows that Nigerians consider Nigerian Police Force along with Ministries Departments and Agencies (MDAs) as the most corrupt institutions in the country.

Nigerians Consider Police And MDAs The Most Corrupt

85 per cent of Nigerians consider their homeland to be ridden with corruption. Source: NOIPolls


Nearly one fourth of the poll participants blame weakness of public institutions as the main cause of high corruption levels in Nigeria, while approximately every fifth of all Nigerians who have participated in public opinion survey consider poverty as a one of the main causes fuelling corruption.

Nigerians Consider Police And MDAs The Most Corrupt

85 per cent of Nigerians consider their homeland to be ridden with corruption. Source: NOIPolls

85 per cent of Nigerians are convinced that Nigerian society is ridden with corruption to a highest extent, considering Ministries Departments and Agencies (MDAs) along with Nigerian Police Force as the most corrupt institutions in the country.

Nigerians Consider Police And MDAs The Most Corrupt

Weak public institutions and poverty are fuelling corruption in the country, Nigerians think. Source: NOIPolls

Nevertheless, according to poll results, every third Nigerian would rather bribe a policeman in case of driving without a driving license instead of going through the legal procedure.

The conclusion made by NOIPolls specialists out of that fact that to fight corruption in Nigeria it is highly needed to “gradually alter the general acceptance of corruption as a norm in the society, alongside the strengthening of government institutions, especially anticorruption agencies”.

Nigerians Consider Police And MDAs The Most Corrupt

The most corrupt institutions in Nigeria, according to public opinion. Source: NOIPolls

With a sample of this size, we can say with 95 percent confidence that the results obtained are statistically precise – within a range of plus or minus 3 per cent” stated NOIPolls representaives.

Nigeria ranked as the 15th most corrupt country according to the “Transparency International’s Corruption Index”.


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