Monday, 01 July 2024

Latest News

Nigeria’s plastic pollution is harming the environment: steps to combat it are overdue

Pius Utomi Ekpei/ AFP via Getty Images Emmanuel O. Akindele, Obafemi Awolowo University A key theme at this year’s United…

Net zero by 2050 will hit a major timing problem technology can’t solve. We need to talk about cutting consumption

Shutterstock Mark Diesendorf, UNSW Sydney Many climate activists, scientists, engineers and politicians are trying to reassure us the climate crisis…

Why Nigeria’s electricity grid collapses and how to shore it up

Motorists drive at night on a road without street light as Nigeria struggles with power outages in a commercial district…

Here’s how food waste can generate clean energy

In an effort to reduce the growing problem of food waste disposal, researchers are focusing on developing new green technologies…

The battle for AGL heralds a new dawn for Australian electricity

shutterstock Bruce Mountain, Victoria University Two events in the past week mark a watershed for Australia’s electricity industry. The first,…

Popular News

Floating solar panels pictured in 2022 in a water reservoir…
Across the African continent, more than 300 new hydropower projects…
  Manufacturers and Organised Labour have kicked against Wednesday’s electricity hike by…

How oil and water create a complex conflict in the Niger Delta

Oil smeared fishboats on oily mud in the river during low tide at K-Dere, near Bodo in the Niger Delta…

How revenues from oil and gas in Africa can be made to work for ordinary people

Barrels in Nigeria used for transporting oil to communities. Stakeholder Democracy/Flickr Jeremy Lind, University of Sussex Critics point out that…

What Big Oil knew about climate change, in its own words

The oil industry was aware of the risks of climate change decades ago. Barry Lewis/InPictures via Getty Images Benjamin Franta,…

Global energy targets don’t deal with people’s real problems in Zimbabwe

Even if additional energy production capacity was added to the national grid through renewables, questions remain about whether access will…

Criminality isn't the only way to see electricity theft in Zimbabwe. Here is why

shutterstock Ellen Fungisai Chipango, University of Johannesburg Electricity theft is a global challenge and Zimbabwe hasn’t been spared. The country…

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