Saturday, 06 July 2024

Nairobi politician charged with issuing bad cheques

A Nairobi politician was on Monday charged with two counts of issuing bad cheques to a company she had obtained goods from last year.

Lucy Wanjiku Muthaka, who contested the Embakasi West Parliamentary seat on a UDF ticket during the last general election, appeared before Kibera Principal Magistrate Benard Ochoi after spending a night at Kilimani police cells.

The politician is accused of giving two dud cheques to Conquer Technologies limited knowing that he bank account did not have sufficient funds.

The charge sheet stated that on July 23, 2014 at Kirichwa road in Nairobi, she issued a cheque of Sh100, 000 pretending that her account at Kenya Commercial Bank had enough funds.

Police also charged her with issuing another cheque of Sh600,000 to Conquer Technologies and advised her bank not to honor the same.

She denied the charges and was released on Sh200,000 bond with alternative cash bail of Sh100,000.



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