Monday, 08 July 2024


Atupa (Weird but true!!.) A narration of weird but through stories in Yoruba Language.

Bus driver rapes student to death because she was wearing short skirt and was outside late at night

A bus driver in India, who was arrested, charged and convicted of rape, blamed the victim for her death, saying that she should have not fought back while being raped.

Mukesh Singh, who was one of the group of men convicted of raping and murdering the 23-year-old medical student on a bus in New Delhi, has suggested that the brutal assault was to teach the victim a lesson for being out late at night with a friend.

The victim and a male friend were on their way home after watching a movie when they accepted a lift from a private bus carrying five men and a 17-year-old boy

The men beat the friend of the victim and brutally raped the woman before throwing them off the bus. The woman suffered terrible injuries to the internal organs and died.

Four of the men were sentenced to death by hanging while the fifth defendant in the case was found dead in prison where he was being held for trial.

The 17-year-old boy was also convicted of the crime and sentenced to three years in a rehabilitation home.

Singh, who was driving the bus and together with the other three adult men has filed an appeal in the case, suggested that victim and her friend were attacked for being out late at night.

Singh also criticizes the victim for defending herself, saying that when being raped, she should have just be quiet and allow the men to do their business.

Singh also said that women are more guilty of rape than men. He said that a decent woman does not walk on the street at 9:00 p.m.

Men and women are not equal, he claimed. Women belong at home, where they should cook and clean. They should not be in clubs and bars, wearing the wrong clothes.

Only about 20 percent of women are good, he concluded.

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