Friday, 06 September 2024


Atupa (Weird but true!!.) A narration of weird but through stories in Yoruba Language.

Why the Olmec Civilization in South America is from the African gene pool

Historian and educator, Dr. Booker T. Coleman, on his take on the Olmec being of African gene pool submitted that the evidence points to African presence much earlier in the Americas than European scholars care to admit.

In Tariq Nasheed’s Hidden Colors 2- The Triumph of Melanin (2012) Documentary, he pointed out that three belts leave the coast of Africa. One from the north, the middle and the south.

A painting of an Olmec family via Hidden Colors

“The middle route leads straight into the Gulf of Mexico even when travelling on an unpowered boat,” noting that the Africans who migrated landed in three regions namely “Tresapotas, San Lorenzo and Larenta.”

Those with an eye on history will recall Gaspar Yanga, the rebel slave leader whose statue is erected in Mexico. But native Mexicans note that although Yanga came via ship being part of the enslaved, there were other Africans in Mexico and by extension the Americas before slavery. These Africans were the Olmecs and others who they say have always been on the land and whose genesis is undocumented.

Historian and metaphysicist, Dr. Phil Valentine submitted that the earliest of the Olmec statues with undeniable Africoid feature was found by a farmer, who was clearing his land to grow corn but came across a ‘big pot’. When he called his land owner who informed state agents and an archaeological dig was done around 1897, an Olmec head was found.

Olmec head found in a land cleared for farming in Mexico

With its Africoid face, challenging the long held assumption that everything worthy in the Americas was from the Mayan civilisation (about 2000 BC), a realisation that Africans had been in the Americas all along (5,000-10,000 years ago) required a change in the curriculum of the education sector so other long held assumptions can be rectified, but it was change those in authority didn’t accept.

“During the construction era after the civil war, the Vatican put out an edict quietly that all western books in academia had to be passed though the Vatican census. Any evidence of Black history had to be taken out of the history books,” Dr. Valentine again noted.

Film Director, Tariq Nasheed revealed European archaeologists in Mexico despite their glaring Africoid features attributed the Olmec statues to tigers, monkeys and aliens rather than Africans.

But if there was any doubt about the African presence in the Americas, Dr. Claude Anderson provided another evidence of that presence.

“6000 years ago, Asians began migrating through the Bering Strait to Canada and Northern US and South. They interbred with Blacks already on the lands who were the Folsom people. Their offsprings were the earliest native Americans who had Asiatic features yet didn’t have the yellow skin but brown skin and round eyes.”

Nasheed pointed to the fact that before 1900 and Europeans falsifying heritage and names to get welfare benefits, Native Americans were very dark skinned, especially in California, Indiana, Milwaukee and Minnesota. Even on the east coast, he observed, the Native Americans were dark skinned.

Dark skinned Native American

The presence of stone heads with ‘African features’ of the ancient Olmec Civilization in South America, prior to the Aztecs and Mayans is proof of the African presence of sailors, explorers and kings.

Historian and scholar, Van Sertima cited the Aztec divinity Quetzalcoatl, who is sometimes represented in Mexico as a Black man with a beard, dressed in white, who arrived six cycles after the last man who came from the foreign lands.

Polish professor Andrzej Wiercinski showed the discovery of African skulls at Olmec sites in Tlatilco, Cerro de las Mesas and Monte Alban. Even more ancient African skeletons that would clearly predate Columbus’ arrival in the Americas were discovered throughout Central America and South America with some even being unearthed in what is now California.

African with West African features in a Costa Rican museum

Columbus whom Europeans claim to have discovered America himself mentioned in his records that, the native people told him that Black skinned people had come from the south and southeast in ships trading in gold-tipped metal spears.  This claim has also been mentioned by Nicholas Leon.

Columbus landed in the Caribbean in October 1492. Malians, led by King Abubakari II, is said to have made his trip to the Americas in 1300. Archaeologists have found a number of artifacts that indicate that Africans had set foot and lived in South America as far back as 13,000 BC to the 600 AD.


People from Axum, Meroe and Land of Punt began settling in South America between this time, according to the skulls found in excavation projects in Ecuador, Valdivia, Chile, and among the Ponuencho of Peru.


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