Monday, 08 July 2024


Atupa (Weird but true!!.) A narration of weird but through stories in Yoruba Language.

Communiqué on the 2nd World-Wide Igbo Festival of the Arts and Language and Culture

The logistics on the 2nd World-Wide Igbo Festival of the Arts and Language and Culture held on the 23 through the 25th of July 2015 at the Frontier Igbo Village Museum in Staunton, Virginia, USA has just concluded  and on behalf of Council of Igbo States in Americas representing all the Igbo States from Nigeria in Americas (CISA) constituting of Abia, Anambra, Anioma-Delta, Ebonyi, Enugu, Imo, and Rivers States, I am pleased to declare the 2015 2nd World-wide Igbo Festival of the Arts and Culture a success and an experience for the ages”. To use baseball analogy; the organizers and the participants “hit the ball out of the park”; meaning striking a ball “well” and delivering it successfully on target. 

However, every activity require a “post mortem” an investigation of the facts of a situation, particularly one that had an undesired outcome generally referred to as lesson learned and a look at better ways of utilizing resources moving forward. It includes future collaboration, recommendations and actions plans that may mean review of our current approaches to business, our relationship with the Museum and the corresponding viabilities for “Sustaining” future CISA community development initiatives.  


One clear positive out of the “post mortem” was the reaffirmation of the increasing importance of CISA in articulating the framework for “Igbo Agenda” and the needs for investing in Igbo language culture and traditions as a way of achieving and or enhancing regional economic equilibrium.


Another thing to keep in mind as we collectively work towards leaving our imprints on the landscape is that, irrespective of the corresponding “ups and down” along the way, history would always remind us that “the measure of the size of one’s accomplishment is by the obstacles he/she had to overcome to reach his or her goal”- Booker T. Washington. 


What was also, profound on the review of the recently concluded 2nd Igbo World Festival of the Arts and Culture was the need to set standards in the ways we operate and as we up the “antes” on our efforts at being on the spotlight in our collaboration with the United States government, sponsors, funders, world-wide audience, especially, given that we now operate under a 501c (3) designate, the need to set priorities and to heighten our standards has become more apparent in keeping with accountability and transparency required of organization that operates under the 501c (3) scheme. Standards after all, are proven driver of growth and development.


The review of 2nd World-Wide Igbo Festival of the Arts and Language and Culture also, recognized that building CISA of tomorrow will require new priorities and coordinated efforts that are based on streamlining and twitching certain portfolios and aligning and realigning the respective roles to work much more effectively together and in concert with the Executive Council of CISA who in turn is accountable to the President Council (the state representatives) who invariably reports to the respective States that they represent at Council of Igbo States in Americas (CISA).  


Recommendations for review of our standard operating methods should include:

  1. A look at principles on why and what types of standards are needed moving forward

  2. identification of the different types of  activities that are needed to present full cultural activities at our annual Igbo World-Wide Festival of the Arts, Language and Culture

  3. roles and capabilities of the DSGs, Committees and Chairs in relation to project implementation, adjustments and improvements


    It is my hope that a developed comprehensive framework for the necessary standards on our method of operation moving forward, can contribute to a needed improvement and sustainable development of CISA. I look forward to a General Council meeting that will unveil in greater detail, some of the positive discussions and areas of improvement that will include action plans for future growth and development of CISA and a “Synergic Relationship” with the Frontier Igbo Village.


    I will be remiss in my duty if I do not acknowledge our gains over the years. To be clear, our gains at this year’s Festival was not an “overnight sensation”, but rather a compendium of exhaustive efforts from all members, well wishers, our partners in services organizations and reviews of the lesson learned from our 2014 1st Igbo Festival of the Arts and Culture. We will continue to streamline our structure for our professional growth and sustainability of CISA. Our destiny demands it, our children require us, and our future mandates us. After all, a hundred years from now, it will not matter what our bank accounts was, the sort of houses we lived in, or the kind of cars we drove, but the world may be different because we were important in the lives of our children – Forest E. Witcraft (paraphrased). In other words, today’s “World-Wide Igbo Festival of the Arts and Language and Culture” may be tomorrows Annual Pilgrimage” to the Frontier Village on a historical inquires on how the 16st century Ndi-Igbo of Nigeria lived.


    A heartfelt gratitude  goes to the Planning Committee of the 2015 2nd Igbo Worldwide Festival of the Arts and Culture under the leadership of Dr. Paul Okechukwu Oranika, CISA Executive Council, membership, Volunteers organizations below must be recognized for their contributions in making this grandeurs occasion a success on all accounts. Thanks you all for your “virulent show of support” in our community development initiatives. Special gratitude goes to our South African connection under the leadership of Amadi O. Amadi and Chief Okorie Mba from Timbuktu, Mali, Our Igbo Union from Toronto and Edmonton Canada respectively for coming out in number to grace the event and to make it a true worldwide event.  Special shout out to Chief Chris Nwakoby, President of the Anambra State Progressive Association in Toronto, Canada for his masterful job at moderating the Symposium /Panel Discussion.


    In a vintage cultural gathering, the event was dignified with the presence of our royalties that reads like the who is who:


    His Royal Highness;

  1. Eze Obidiegwu Onyeso , Eze Nri

  2. Eze Uzu, Gibson Nwosu, Eze Awka

  3. Eze Cletus Ilomuanya, Chairman, Council of Igbo rulers

  4. Eze Daniel Emereonye

  5. Igwe Ejiamatu Nwokeabia

  6. Igwe JN Gguye, Oranyelugo11, Odenigbo 1, Okpuno Agude of Ugwu Oba

  7. Igwe Cyril Anochili Anayo and;

  8. Chief Gary Igariway, the overall Chairman of Ohaneze Ndigbo


    Also notable at the event were Chief Ugezu O Ugezu and many Nollywood actors. Our gratitude to you all for making time out of your busy schedule to grace us with your presence. A heartfelt gratitude also goes to the incomparable Governor Peter Obi, Former Governor of Anambra State , Chairman designate of the 2015 2nd Festival of the Arts and Culture, who although was not able to attend the event due to unforeseen circumstance, endeavored to send his Senior Special Assistant, Chief Val Obienyem in his place, with a message.


Other notables that added real cultural value to our community development initiatives, visible at the event were representatives from the Nigeria Consulate General, Consul. Kate Igbodike, Consul Culture and Consul Ifeoma Dibia, Consul, Immigration. Dr Ignatus Ukbabia the unsung hero behind CISA success at the 2014 and our 2015 gains deserves an honourable  mention in this communiqué.


Our unabashed gratitude goes to the names and groups below for their contributions:




1. Chief Ononaka

Brought all the artifacts that beautified the scene and all the masquerades; in fact more than we could use.

2. Anambra State Association, Women’s Wing

Ten women in uniform led by their President, madam Vicky Agba and Dr. (Mrs.) Ujunne Akpuaka. Danced Egedege music.

3. Enugu State Association, Women’s Wing

Led by Odibeze

4. PILA Performance - m ma Igbo Nile led by Oriak Kanay fnanya Ntkg.

One of the greatest performers of the weekend. The children/Youth sang the national anthems; the adults and youth performed the African Line dance.

5. Boston Igbo School led by Dr. Ben Aduba

Another wonderful performance

6. Nkwa m Agbgh or Maiden Dance of Afikpo led Ms. Uchechukwu Ogbuagu

A thrilling and gyrating great dance filled with fun – a reminiscence of the old Afikpo women’s dance.

7. Egwu m Agbgh of the Youth Wing of Nwannedinamba led by Ms. Nneka Ikpeama


A wonderful performance

8. War Dance led by Jerry Uka and Chief Okorie Mbah of Mali

A real War Dance

9. Ms Igbo Queen and children

Ms. Erica Akpuaka

10. Ms Africa Queen and children

Ms. Frances Udukwu

11. Emeka Nwosu

Transportation – did a Herculean job of picking guests from the entire airports - near and far. Deserves a golden Award!

12. Dr. Edward Nwachi --- (Ebonyi)

Co-MC during naming ceremony



Of course,

Dr. Stephen Uche (Arreri)

Vice-Chair, Planning Committee


DSG Culture

Organized all the festival performing groups


Organized all the hotel reservations


Coordinated the Ohanaeze S/A, Cameroon, and Mali.

Part MC


Useful Links below to see highlight events at the festival:


Chudi Asidianya, BA, MA, LSC, IEO

President, Council of Igbo States in Americas

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