Saturday, 06 July 2024

Rwandan singer convicted for presidential assassination plot

 Popular Rwandan singer, Kizito Mihigo, has been sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for his involvement in a plot to kill President Paul Kagame


The High Court in Kigali has handed down its sentence on Kizito Mihigo for crimes ranging from complicity in a terrorist act to conspiracy to commit murder. Mihigo will remain behind bars for the next 10 years.

One of his three co-accused was acquitted while others received their own sentences.

“The court did not find sufficient proof implicating Kizito on the crime of complicity in a terrorist act. He is guilty on the crimes of formation of a criminal gang, conspiracy against the established government or the President of the Republic and conspiracy to murder,” said Judge Claire Bukuba.

“Prosecution had asked for a life sentence for Kizito, but considering that he pleaded guilty and prayed for pardon, the court has reduced his sentence to 10 years.”

Kizito admitted to working with the FDLR, a terrorist group based in DR Congo, RNC, a South Africa-based organisation founded by Rwandan fugitives. Both FDLR and RNC have been linked to a series grenade attacks in the country.

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