Saturday, 06 July 2024

Theater audience outraged after woman is stripped naked and raped during live performance

People watching a live performance in the United Kingdom, were shocked when an actress was stripped naked and raped on stage.

The incident unfolded at the Royal Opera House in London on Monday night.
 At some point during the performance, the woman was abused by a group of officers in the Austrian army. The officers first poured wine down the woman’s throat before abusing her with a gun.

She was then forced to undress and ordered to lay on top of a table. There were plenty of cheers for the singers and musicians, but the public reaction to the abuse was quick and harsh.

In response to the criticism, the director of the Royal Opera House, Kasper Holten, issued a statement in which he expressed regret for any distress the show caused.

Holten also defended the show, saying that the production includes a scene that focuses on the reality of women being abused during wartime.

He also said that sexual violence is a tragic fact of war.

The producer of the show, Damiano Michieletto, said that he has no intention of changing anything, saying that if people do not feel the brutality, the suffering that these women had to face, it becomes a show for children.

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