Saturday, 06 July 2024

Woman Palaver: Faaji FM Presenter Attacked Over Affair With Another Man's Wife

A popular radio presenter with Faaji FM, Mr Soji Omotayo, recently escaped death by whiskers when a jealous husband attacked him with a machete.

A jealous husband attacked a popular radio presenter with Faaji FM, a sister company of Africa Independent Television, Mr Soji Omotayo with a cutlass after suspecting he was having an affair with his wife.
The attacker simply called Kunle is known to be a car dealer at Sango, Ado-Odo/Ota Local Government Area of Ogun State. The OAP was attacked on the 22nd of August.

Omotayo said that he was surprised by the attack because he and Kunle had been doing business together for years. Kunle was said to have lured the victim to his house at Sango on that fateful day, saying that he had secured a ‘publicity job’ for him. Omotayo and his Personal Assistant got to Kunle’s house around 8am and called him on the phone that they were already at his gate. The presenter left his PA inside his car and went to meet his supposed benefactor.
He said: “I was ushered into his living room. When I entered, I met his daughter and wife there.

They greeted me and left the living room. I noticed that he locked the door, but did not remove the key from the keyhole. The man then asked me if my wife was in Nigeria and I said yes. He told me to call her that he just wanted to say hello to her.
“What shocked me most was that after he collected the phone from me, he told my wife he purposely invited me to his house just to kill me. He told my wife that I was dating his wife.”

Omotayo said that before he knew what was happening, Kunle had pocketed his phone and brought out a sharp machete from his trousers.

Kunle allegedly inflicted cuts on Omotayo’s head, arm and stomach. Omotayo said: “I started shouting for help. Before I knew what was happening, another machete landed on my stomach.

"I struggled with him to take possession of the machete. I pushed him away before I was able to open the door and locked him inside.
Some of the residents gathered at the gate to see what was happening.”
The presenter explained that it was his call for help that alerted his PA and residents of the area. He said: “My PA and his wife joined in calling for help. People rushed into the compound. Among the people that rushed to his house was Alhaji Moruf Alagbe, who invited policemen from Onipanu Police Station, near Obasanjo Farms in Ota.The policemen took me to their station alongside the suspect.”
Omotayo said that he was rushed to the hospital by one Inspector Liasu from the police station, where his head was stitched. He added: “Other parts of my body where I sustained injuries were treated. I was then brought back to the station, where some family members of the culprit had gathered.

They begged me for settlement, but I told the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) that what I wanted was justice.”
According to Omotayo, when he reported to the station the following day, he was shocked to discover that Kunle had been granted bail. The case was later transferred to Zone 2 Police Command, Onikan, Lagos State for further investigations.

At press time, Kunle could not be reached on his mobile phone as it was switched off. When contacted on the phone, the Zone 2 Police Public Relations Officer, Mr Lawal Adebowale, said he was driving. But, subsequently, Adebowale refused to pick his calls.
Source: New Telegraph

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