Saturday, 06 July 2024

If you go for an audition half naked, what do you expect?

Nollywood Actress, Philips Angela, says the industry which was once a disciplined sector ‘in all aspects,’ has now become an indecent ground because of the ‘do or die’ attitude of some aspiring actresses seeking for fame.

In a chat with Vanguard, she said ladies should be blamed for sexual harassment and not the men that come after them.

The actress who started acting in the late 80s in the now rested popular soap opera ‘Beyond the Clouds,’ explained that ladies who want acting roles by all means are the ones that lead themselves into the act with the way they dress half naked for audition.

According to her, the sad situation is a bad one.

Speaking further, she said, “I’ve never been sexually harassed.

“If you go for an audition half naked, what do you expect? Besides, most people are very desperate for movie roles; they are willing to do anything to act in a movie.

“So, it isn’t about being harassed, it is about you.

“If you set up yourself for harassment, you would be harassed. Most upcoming actresses set themselves up for harassment,” she added.

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