Wednesday, 03 July 2024

THROWBACK: How Olajumoke Orisaguna accidentally catapulted to international fortune and fame.

Imagine walking down the street and the next thing you know, you are an international modeling sensation. This is what has recently happened to new model Olajumoke Orisaguna.

Olajumoke was minding her business selling bread when apparently she photobombed British rapper Tinie Tempah, singer Ty Bello and their photographer during a photoshoot in Nigeria.

Bello was fascinated by the bread seller and posted the image on Instagram. Welp, you know how the ‘Gram’ works. People were amazed by her beauty, elegance, and substance and wanted to know more.Bello and Tempah were flooded with questions about her.

“Who is she? Everyone has been asking if this lady is a model…It was just perfect coincidence,” wrote Bello on Instagram.


Naturally, the world of social media went on the hunt and located the 28-year-old Olajumoke, a mother of two.

“So I found her …our beauty from the @tiniegram shoot and boy have I got a fantastic story to share with you all,” Bello wrote on Instagram.

Bello didn’t stop there. He helped the young lady land a modeling contract. She appeared on the cover of This Day Style, but he isn’t done. He plans on doing a documentary about her life as well.

This is an amazing story that actually hits close to home for me. This past weekend, I just arrived home from Ghana, my first trip to Africa, where you can find young and older ladies walking the side of the road carrying various items on their heads.

The utter poverty is a sobering gaze for the typical American, especially me, so when the internet talks about this being a big moment in the life of this Nigerian beauty, personally I can see why. Not that money and fame is important, but the only reason they are selling items, like bread, on the side of the road is to support their family.

PUBLIC NOTE: The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not reflect the view of the Urban Intellectuals, affiliates or partners.




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