Saturday, 06 July 2024

Man 'lost energy' and died during sex: wife

A Zimbabwean man reportedly died during a sex session with his wife last week.


According to, 54-year-old Bonisto Nhunge's wife Patricia refuted allegations that they had a fight over infidelity on the night of his death. However, the whole village speculated that she pulled Nhunge's testicles after sex, leading to his death.

"We were having sex and while he was busy doing me, I discovered that he was losing energy and he then laid his head on my side and collapsed," she said.

"I quickly informed his sister and by the time she arrived he had already passed on and I am surprised since he never complained of any illness. "We had some differences here and there since he was spending money with prostitutes and as a builder some would pay him in kind. On the fateful day, he took time with his sister talking until late before he came to retire to bed and we had sex.

"I never pulled his testicles as is being alleged. People are suspicious since they knew the previous issues that were circulating in the village of his infidelity," said Patricia.

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