Saturday, 06 July 2024

Brazen couple who cheated taxpayers out of £90,000 went on dream wedding to Cuba while they were on bail for benefits fraud (and even used the cash to take TWENTY friends with them)


  • Tracey Dougherty and Stephen Turner claimed almost £90,000 together
  • Couple denied living together in Wigan to become eligible for handouts 
  • They flew 20 guests to Cuba for a lavish wedding while on police bail
  • A month earlier they had been arrested for suspected fraud by officials
  • Dougherty, 38, was jailed for eight months at Liverpool Crown Court
  • Her 60-year-old husband was told to repay money fraudulently claimed 

A couple falsely claimed £90,000 in benefits to fund their dream wedding in Cuba which took place while they were on bail for previous fraud. 

Tracey Dougherty, 38, and Stephen Turner, 60, claimed tens of thousands of pounds together over a period of 15 years. 

Dougherty told officials she was a single mother of four to claim income support, housing benefit and council tax benefit while Turner claimed out-of-work benefits despite being a self-employed driving instructor. 

Tracey Dougherty and Stephen Turner conned officials out of almost £90,000 in benefits that was used in part to fund their lavish Cuba wedding 

The couple's deception was discovered when police searching their Wigan home found wedding invitations on which Ms Dougherty boasted about paying for guests' flights. 

She was jailed for eight months while her husband was ordered to repay more than £2,000 following a trial at Liverpool Crown Court. 

She had in fact moved in with Turner who was also given government money as his mother's carer for a spell. 

Alone the woman claimed more than £84,000 over 12 years, all the while living with her partner. 

In August 2013 the couple were arrested when officials suspected they had been committing benefit fraud. 

The couple flew 20 guests to the exotic destination for their 2013 nuptials after being bailed for fraud
Ms Dougherty claimed benefits for a single parent despite living with her partner and her four children for 12 years 

The following month, after denying living together, they married in the exotic setting while on bail, the conditions of which did not prevent them from travelling abroad. 


They both pleaded guilty to falsely claiming benefits at Liverpool Crown Court. Council bosses have slammed their behaviour since. 

Councillor Paul Kenny said: 'This couple lived a lavish lifestyle at the expense of the local taxpayer. 

'At a time when people are struggling to make ends meet, this kind of behaviour will no doubt frustrate those footing the bill. 

'Benefits are there for people who need them, not for those who want to subsidise their income and pay for expensive holidays.'

The couple appeared before Liverpool Crown Court where they admitted benefit fraud. Dougherty was jailed for eight months while her husband must repay more than £2,000 

The couple appeared before Liverpool Crown Court where they admitted benefit fraud. Dougherty was jailed for eight months while her husband must repay more than £2,000 




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