Saturday, 06 July 2024

Hole in the heart prince returns with ‘Gift of Life’


Just back from an all-expense paid trip to the USA, courtesy the ‘Gift of Life’ organisation to correct his heart condition, Taiwo Abiodun captures the joyful reunion of Prince Tomiwa Adewale Abegunde with his school mates, teachers; and of course the joy of his parents, especially his father, the Olunaun of Unaun, Owo, Ondo State, who was with him all the way.

The whole school vibrated as shouts of joy engulfed the air. Without doubt, it was a day of joy and reunion for students and teachers of Fourah Bay International School, Owo, and Ondo State as they welcomed back one of their students Prince Tomiwa Adewale Abegunde, who had just returned from a trip to Memphis, United States of America, where he successfully underwent treatment for his hole in the heart ailment. They quickly convened an assembly, where they all thanked God for his safe return and took turns to shake hands with him. Emotions also flowed, as Adware’s mum and teachers wept for joy. And why not! Literally speaking, his can be described as the story of a boy just back from the threshold of the dead. Sporting a Gift of Life ‘T’ shirt, the man at the centre of the whole activities fought back tears. You could tell that he was overwhelmed in the euphoria and could go on and on with the jubilation; but suddenly he was reminded he had to go home and rest. Doctors specifically impressed it on his father to make sure he takes a long rest, before commencing regular activities.

Adware hadn’t been to the school for months. The story of his illness was first published in Sunday Nation in October, 2013. Then, his parents had cried out for public assistance, upon discovering that their little boy had a hole in the heart and needed to go through an expensive heart surgery.

Fortunately for them, help came in the shape of Gift of Life, a non governmental organisation based in Memphis, USA, after Tunji Onibode, a Lagos-based businessman and philanthropist contacted them on the boy’s behalf. The organisation thus facilitated his trip to the USA and also paid for his successful treatment at Memphis Hospital.


Genesis of the problem

Adewale’s father, His Royal Highness, Olanrewaju Abegunde, the Olunaun of Unaun, Owo said “Adewale started complaining of his ill health four years ago. He started with cough, then pains in his chest; and then he could no longer attend school regularly. He became weaker and weaker. Eventually, he went through series of tests in the hospital and was diagnosed with a hole in the heart condition. We were told he needed a surgery, which could only be done in India and America. We therefore had no choice but to cry out for help, having already exhausted our resources.”

Continuing, His Royal Highness said “Help however came, following the publication of his story in The Nation newspaper, when Mr. Tunde Olabode linked us with Gift of Life NGO in America.  Before then, we received several text messages, with people offering all kinds of advice. Some said to take him to church, while some others suggested trado-medical options. We managed to get the visa and air ticket and landed in the United States on January 17, 2015. At the airport, the organisation arranged to meet us. They also footed the hotel bill, hospital bill, and took care of feeding and several other things.


I wept on the way to theatre

The monarch recalls that the boy was subjected to many tests. The doctors also said his health was fast deteriorating. “I was told that the boy would have slumped and die one day, if we hadn’t come in at the time. I also wept when he was being led to the theatre for the surgery, which they said would last three hours. The surgery was performed by Dr. Kumar of Le Bonhuer of Children Hospital, Memphis. I was consoled but reminded that anything could happen, and to take heart and continue to pray for his survival. The President, Vice President and other Gift of Life members also took turns to console me, but at a stage, we all broke down and wept. We thus hung in suspense, hoping for the best.

“After three hours, they came out to tell me that the operation was successful. To say the least, we were all relieved. I went in to see him sleeping. He woke up looking very weak, but still recognised me. He was discharged the following day and immediately started going about freely. In fact he was given only paracetamol, and that is what he has been using, nothing more! He was told to come back for medical check-up after 15 years.”


How Nigerian doctors destroyed Adewale’s eyes

The family also seized the opportunity of the trip to seek treatment for Adewale’s eye, since he also suffers from eye defect. Here, the Monarch received a big shock. “The doctors said his eyes had been destroyed by the doctor who operated on them in Nigeria in a bid to remove cataract from them. They said the doctor who operated on his eyes did a bad job, as one of them had gone bad and the other was almost going blind. They also wanted to know if I sued the doctor for the damage done.”

The monarch revealed that his son’s eyes were operated upon at a government hospital in Lagos Island. He however thanked God for taking them to America; else the second eye could also have gone blind.

Asked to compare the medical practice in Nigerian and the USA, the Olunaun of Unaun said there are no bases for comparison. “In fact the gap is just too wide; we are not doing well here at all. In a ward where my son was operated,  there were about 15 to 20 echo machines; but here in Nigeria, one needs to go to Oshogbo or very few places for  an echo machine.”


Fun after the surgery

Although the royal father went to the USA on a solemn mission to save his son’s life, he said he nevertheless had fun, courtesy of the organisation that sponsored the treatment. As at the last count, he said the organisation has done this operation for 56 children; yet this has not stopped them from making sure these medical tourists get a rich dose of the American fun.

“After the surgery, the Foundation started taking us round. They took us to the museum, hotels, zoological gardens, the Mississippi River and other attractive sites; all at their own expenses. For three weeks, we were lodged in a mini palace, with full security, and a housemaid, who attended to us and took care of us.”


Royal reception

Contrary to general opinion, he said Americans appreciate our culture and dressing, something he said added to his joy. “They took pictures with me; I was in the midst of over 100 white men who treated me very well and attended to me with honour .They made me feel at home. The  members  organisation, who are also people of high repute Bill Pickens (head of Gift Of Life Mid-South, Mephis Tenneessee ), Tracy Rusoom Chism, Stephanie Baker Lawson, Dick Cockrell, Joe Fracchia,  Bernado Zapatas, William Schrader, Lynn Lanier, George Chism, Lisa Wilcox and Sussan Scott were all wonderful.”


Home at last

The traditional ruler returned home on February 18, and gladly declared that the three weeks he spent in the United States was like six months, as he was beginning to miss home and long to be back amongst his people. He recalled how some members of the FedEx family and his son Adewale wore long faces, as they headed for the airport, en-route Nigeria. “Even I could not hide my feelings at the airport. We were all going to miss each other.”


Advice to Nigerian government

The Monarch advised the Federal and State governments to borrow a leaf from the western world and equip our hospitals. But for the endemic corruption in the country, he cannot fathom why Nigeria’s health system cannot rise above such deplorable level.

Adewale’s mother, Olori Olanike expressed her gratitude to The Nation Newspaper for the publication of the story that eventually led to saving her son’s life. She said “I am saying a big thank you to you all, especially The Nation newspaper and Mr. Tunde Onibode, who assisted in all these. Adewale’s health has improved; he can now walk, sleep and breathe very well, and no longer complain of pains! Since he came back, he has also been eating very well.”


At school

Adewale’s parents expressed their appreciation to his school’s proprietor, Mr. Mensah James, whom they said stopped collecting school fees, as their son’s condition aggravated. “The boy is brilliant and it pained the School’s Proprietor that he was falling sick, so he stopped collecting fees from us.”

On his part, the young prince, now bespectacled with his recommended glasses meant to correct his eye condition, regaled his colleagues with stories of their trip. In between, he also told The Nation of how beautiful and interesting America is; the big buildings and offices, and warm welcome by the organisation, which he described as “so loving!”

Mr. Sulaiman Babatunde, Adewale’s tutor described the JSS1 student as very brilliant. “We all had been praying for him, until we heard that an organisation in the US sent for him and took care of him. He is a lover of everybody and we are all happy to have him back and healthy.”

Some of the students, including Babatunde Adekiya, Mumuni Ade and Victor Olorunsusi also spoke glowingly about the young prince, even as they flocked around him, taking pictures and sharing in his moment of joy.

Mensah James, the school proprietor on his part said “I am very, very happy. The boy is a special boy. When the parents came to tell us that he was being taken to America, we were glad and we all prayed for him. He is clean, brilliant and certainly a future leader.”




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