Monday, 30 September 2024

People are revealing the weirdest and most scarring things they've caught their parents doing

There are some images that are forever etched onto our memories.

Let's hope, for your sake, one of them isn't witnessing your parents lying naked and motionless in front of the TV, lights dimmed as if some sort of mystic ritual.

Indeed, such instances would scar you for life. It might explain why so many people are revealing on Quora the most horrific encounters they've had with their parents. Maybe it's therapeutic.

One user explains that they found a trove of sex toys and outfits in their mother's cupboard . Another saw 'doggy style' long before they should have done.

Here are a handful of other upsetting and NSFW scenes (we've cut some of the longer ones)

1. Amanda Zawjatunazmul with an alarming intrusion:

"I was 16 and in bed. My father was prudish but my mother not. My bedroom was at the bottom of the stairs up to their room.

"Apparently my mother decided to cheeky flirt by tossing cold water onto my dad in the shower so he got out and chased her, trying to hug her while she had her good work clothes on.

"Anyways, I'm minding my own business with my CD player and headphones on and it's 10:45-11pm.

"I don't remember how or why their bedroom door opened because my mother was laughing too hard but my dad ended up rolling down the stairs and into my room. Naked.

Not something you want to see in your bedroom

"I'm looking in shock and keeping my eyes up at his face as he covers his junk and he yells at ME! He's like, "Amanda! Go to your room! And I was so flustered I just said, "but, daddy! I am in my room!!!"

"He got up, careful to keep his butt and privates hidden and he's like: 'Good! Go to sleep! I've told you about these headphones. I don't want to see this again.' And I just snarled back 'I don't wanna see this again either!'

"My mother was about dead by then. Her laughter was silent and she’d slid to the floor as my dad did what sounded like the fastest upstairs naked dash ever."

Have you ever walked in on your parents doing something weird? Tell us about it using the form at the bottom of the article

2. Alexandra Beagle now calls her mum 'Agent Orange'

"In high school I worked part time at Arby's. I busted my rump and worked like a slave during my shifts because I really enjoyed that job and I needed the money for gas, phone bill, etc.

"Now, I should note I did not get off any earlier or later than I usually did.

"I arrived home at my expected time and sluggishly half walked/half crawled down the hall towards my bedroom. I had to pass my parents room in order to do this.

"An orange blur in the corner of my eye appeared.

Getty Shocked Woman
So many things wrong with this story


"I turned to look and - OH GOD! - my dad was buried between my mother's thighs. Her orange socks was the blur that caught my attention.

"I shrieked in surprise and disgust whilst running like a mad man to my bedroom. Now not only was I dead tired and exhausted from a hard day at stomach was threatening to regurgitate its contents.

"My mom still denies it to this day. I call her 'orange socks' and she gets irritated haha. Or, more hilariously, Agent Orange."

3. Jamie Barth here, making everyone want to vomit:

( Warning: Graphic and GROSS content)

"I once walked in on my mother lancing a huge boil on my father’s inner thigh, right at the moment when it popped at about a pint of clear fluid, pus, and blood came running out on to towels that they had put down for this purpose.

"Well, the part that didn’t fly across the room and hit the wall when it popped."

4. Anonymous with possibly the strangest thing in history:

Getty Fresh seafood platter

"Coming home and seeing them steam cleaning the carpets.

"In Halloween costumes.

"It was April.

"My mother had on a nurses uniform and an Indian headdress.

"My dad had on a a superhero costume, complete with tights.

"High on hashish.

"Cooking fish sticks.

"They asked me to get the fish sticks out of the oven and if I wanted dinner.

"I am forever scarred for life."

5. Melissa Davis with an earnest tale:

"Several years ago I was visiting my parents and went into my dad’s upstairs office to use the internet after my parents had gone to sleep.

"My dad is kind of messy (like myself) and on top of his desk were stacks and stacks of notebooks.

"I was absentmindedly shuffling through them and all of the boring notes he had about various insurance claims (his job at the time.)

"Somewhere in that stack I found a yellow legal pad with a list of all the ways he had screwed up in life and all the ways he wasn’t a good enough person. It broke my heart in a way I can’t describe, and I don’t like to think about.

"The worst was all the ways he thought he’d let my mom down. My mom has constantly berated him my entire life. I mean, she did this to my brother and me as well, but it almost seems acceptable to do this to kids. Not to your husband.

"My dad works 60 hours a week so my mom could stay at home. He was a good, involved dad. But this list was all of the things my mom had nitpicked him about, and ways he just wasn't good enough.

"I always thought my dad was stoic and a very manly-man, but that list showed me how small he thought he was when, in truth, he wasn't a bad guy at all."

6. We wouldn't blame Sunny Purdin if she now only has one hand

"My stepfather had just left the house and I was in my parents’ bedroom talking to my mom. I leaned on the bed and felt something wet on my hand. I went to smell my hand and realized I had just put my hand in the 'wet spot.'

"My mom was pretty embarrassed. I wanted to cut my hand off."

7. Andrea Morrow with a frank recollection:

Getty Close-up of couple's legs in bed together

"Sex, I’m afraid. I walked in on them. Well, several of my siblings and I did. Luckily for us their room was darkened so we didn’t see much.

"Still. I was 8 at the time and nearly 50 years later I remember it as if it was yesterday. Just one of those things I would love to forget."

8. And James Ashton uncovering what sounds a bit like a strange ritual:

"Mine isn't catching them having sex which I'm actually quite relieved to hear so many of you have after unwillingly hearing it happening so many times in my youth. (sic)

"Mine is a slightly weirder story, allow me to take you back to when I was around 12-years-old I stayed up really late watching WWF wrestling as it was called back then, the main event had just finished and I was so ecstatic with how it went down that innocent little me couldn't wait to share the news with somebody.

"Having no friends present at the time I thought it'd be a great idea to go and tell my parents what just happened knowing full well they wouldn't care, a part of me couldn't contain my excitement like a kid on Christmas Day I defended the stairs two at a time smiling like the grinch.

"My smile soon faded when I swung around the corner of the living room and, I sh** you not acid couldn't burn this image from my mind. I saw my parents lying next to each other on the rug completely naked watching some weird show on tv, not sure if it was pornographic or not.

"Anyway they were laid fully straight parallel to one another facing away from me with a hand on each other's genitals in a low light.

"I'd watched coneheads recently and thought this was some kind of alien mating ritual that I had uncovered and feared for my life that I'd caught them.

"I recall running upstairs as fast as my little chicken legs could go and diving under the covers because we all know it's as safe as houses under there. Waiting with my wee heart beating like a drum and clinging to my covers like a crab to the side of a pot I waited and waited but they never came.

"I still haven't discussed this with them to this day, it was all sorts of f***ed up. I'd rather have seen them going at it less questions would have been asked."


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