Sunday, 29 September 2024

Some tips for your New Year resolutions


People change with time, so do their aspirations. New Year resolutions are an opportunity to gauge our goals. Some take them seriously. Some bid them farewell just after the clock strikes twelve. Some call it a second chance to dream with eyes open.

Here is a guide to help you decide realistic New Year resolutions.

1. Realistic Resolutions – Instead of weaving dreams in the air, make resolutions that would have significance in and add a meaning to your life.

2. Accomplish the incomplete – If you still feel that the resolutions you made last year and abandoned midway are worth a second shot, give it another chance!

3. Monitor progress – Resolve this year to monitor how far you are holding on to your commitment, it will help you to hang on.

4. Quit an addiction – It will not take you anywhere good. If it does you no good, why stick to it? If needed, seek help of professionals. If you have the will, you shall find the way.

5. New Skills – Learning something new and interesting is always fun and a value addition too.

6. Contribute for a Cause – Giving back to the society is the least we can do to make the world a better place to live in.

7. Step up or Step Down Social Media Activity – If you have been out of touch with your pals and peers, social media would help you get back to the grove. But if your virtual life is affecting your personal life, it is time you remedied that.

8. Relive your childhood – Bring back the simplicity in life, dance in the rain, play bano, jump blada, just be carefree.

9. Fun With Family – Bonding with the family will add a treasure trove of memories for you to cherish all your life.

10. Save money - Save money by making healthy lifestyle changes. Use a matatu once in a while or explore carpooling. Take stock of what you have in the fridge and make a grocery list. Aimless supermarket shopping can lead to poor choices for your diet and wallet.

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