Monday, 30 September 2024

Islam and Women By Muhammad Malumfashi


Islam is the complete way of life. It’s a perfect religion, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) left not a thing untouched, his Quran, an exposition for everything (Al-Nahl 89). So there is no way Islam wouldn’t have talked about Women. A whole chapter dedicated to women i.e Chapter 4 ‘Al-Nisai’ of the holy book. This apart from other numerous mentions across the book and traditions of the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Some (of these women) were mentioned as example to be emulated where as others for the opposite and not for one to follow their paths.

Example of such: The first woman created Hauwa. She was created to be a companion, a partner of Adam, she was though not mentioned by name but was referred as Adam’ wife in the Qur’an in several places. The wives of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH), Hadith mentioned their names as Hagar and Sarah the mothers of Ishaq and Isma’il (Prophets of God, PBUT), who were pious women. Quran also mentioned in Chapter 12 ‘Surah Al-Yusuf’ the wife of Aziz (The King of Egypt) which tried to seduce Prophet Yusuf (PBUH), later Quran described the plot of women as a ‘mighty’ one. The wife of Pharoah (Asiya according to narrations) who prayed to God to build a place for her in paradise and save her from Pharoah her husband and other people who are disbelievers. {Chapter 66 Tahreem ‘The Prohibition’}. The mother, sister and wife of Prophet Musa (PBUH) in chapter 28 i.e Surah Qasas and other chapters like: ‘Taha’ 20, Quran told how God ordered Musa’s mother to throw him into the river in fear of Fir’aun, which she did. How he was suckled, later after escaping from Egypt he went to Madyan, where he met two girls, married one. Again, the Queen of Sheba (Saba’) who and her people were worshipping sun before she submitted to Prophet Sulaiman PBUH (Islam), her story narrated in Chapter 27 (Surah Naml) of the holy Quran. A whole chapter named after Maryam ‘Mary the mother Jesus PBUT, not only that a chapter was named after her, her name was called explicitly. She was a good example of modest, God – fearing & chaste woman who wished death than to have an illegitimate child. Other numerous mentions like the wife of Imran ‘Mother of Mary’, many a verses referring to the wives of Prophet PBUH notably chapters 24 & 33.

However some other women were mentioned like the wife of Abu Lahab (according to a Hadith, Umm-Jamila bnt Harb) in chapter 111. She will have her neck twisted with fibre rope in hell, for what she and her husband did to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Mecca. Allah set example for those who disbelieve in chapter 66, the wives of Noah and Lot, despite under Prophets of God but they rejected the doctrine. All they will be told ‘enter fire with those who’ll enter’. May we and our family not be amongst.

Women before Islam

It was one of the companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who said those who witnessed the Jahilliyyah (Pre-Islamic era) will appreciate Islam the more. Before the coming of Muhammad who was a light to the entire universe (not only to women), they were oppressed. In the Arabian peninsula (which though had some level of civilisation), women were nothing short of sex objects then. Relationship they had with men was only and purely sexual. Such can be found in their poetry, which was full of eroticism. The women are always involved in multiple courtships, sleeping with different sets of men at the end of day, the new child is attributed to the man whom he resembles most. Men marry as many as they can (including their late fathers wives) some sleep with them while some turn them to slaves and sell them off. When a woman is in her period she’s chased out of the house compound until she turns pure. Women were free to give birth anytime, nevertheless the female born are used to be buried alive. There’s this story of a young daughter who was wiping the sweat of her dad as he tirelessly dig her grave, at the end he buried her alive. Her crime? She was born a lady, seen a burden or one who brings poverty. One of the pagans of Makkah at that time was reported to have said about women ‘We buy them, use them and then dump them.. ‘

In the Europe, the story wasn’t any different either. If there was any, then it makes it even worse for the women of that time. The emperor of Rome, Imperium Romanium regarded women far inferior to men in the Roman law. Just as it was the case in the Arabia, women weren’t allowed to inherit, they in fact are inherited. Woman was an asset, a movable one. A sex object which have no control over her own desires. It was even a topic of debate, whether a woman has soul or if she’ll be raised after this life in the kingdom of God. They were so relegated.

Women after Islam

That was a brief picture of the inferiority of women across the world before the coming of Muhammad (PBUH), he through divine intervention led a social reconstruction, knowing that men can’t do without women since the creation of Adam. He placed women were truly they belonged to. Not superior to the men, but as those created to be partners by God.

Islam made them enjoy their whole rights, carry out their responsibilities with co-operations from their partners. With their rights not denied in any guise and/or their duties exercised in a fair atmosphere. Women were respected & treated with honour. Nonetheless men enjoyed the natural position of leaders as Chapter 2 verse 228 revealed. This position only adds more responsibilities to the side of the men. Though men have a degree (which of responsibility) they are spiritually equal in the sight of Allah as another verse explained, the most noble in the sight of God (Allaah) is the pious (not by race, gender or tribe). With our different, each unique physical and psychological attributes, it made us adopt to our differrent responsibilities; household, society, war front. These made these roles & responsibilities different but justly balanced. Even we differ in our nature.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emancipated women from the oppression mentioned far above. In all aspects, discussed below are some points.

In terms of education, Muhammad (PBUH) never left women alone. They got scholarship from the Prophet PBUH like the men. He established a school for this purpose, offer sermons to them on Eids. Aisha, one of ‘the mother of believers’ reported over a thousand of Hadiths from her husband PBUH. A lot of companions learnt from her school. In Islam, a woman must have access to education just like the man.

When it comes to parenthood, mothers have the upper hand over the male fathers. In one Hadith the Prophet (PBUH) mentioned ‘mother’ three times stressing before mentioning the father when asked who one should respect more. A lady complained to the Prophet (PBUH) of how her ex-husband want to snatch her baby from her, reminding Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) how she carried the baby in her body for months, then breastfeed him.. Muhammad (PBUH) affirmed she was in the best position to keep the baby. The heavens are under the feet of of Mothers reported a Hadith from Tirmidhi.

Before Islam, as mentioned women don’t inherit. The Qur’an, chapter 4 precisely (and some other) revealed verses regarding the woman’ portion in Islam. The proponents of ‘equal rights’ instead of the half of man’s commanded by Allaah forgot to mention the fact that man has more fiscal & financial responsibilities. Woman, is always under the guardianship of a man (father, uncle, brother, husband and even son at times). Her accommodation, feeding, eduction, clothing and others, all are tied to his neck. A young companion was seen visibly worried after his father died a martyr in one of the battles. The Prophet (PBUH) asked if he was worried over his father who was in Paradise. He replied that he has over 12 siblings (all young female ones) which he’s to take care of. It’s quite reasonable for the young man to have larger share than his sisters which were under his total control until they get married, in his case his father left nothing to inherit but some debts, which he has to pay.

In the Pre-Islam period men do marry a lot of women, Islam restricted that to only 1, 2, .. 4. The Qur’an (Chapter 4, verse 3) only allows marrying more than one on certain pre-requisites. With the fact that women are under their guardians (Wali), such guardians don’t have the right to marry of the women forcefully. Her consent must be sought before the deal. A lady approached the Prophet (PBUH) reporting her father who married her to a man she likes not, Prophet (PBUH) gave her conditions to terminate the marriage or stay (if she likes). She chose the latter only saying she wants parents to know that, they have know such powers. Not only the parents, a companion of the Prophet (PBUH) divorced his wife and later became so disturbed. Prophet (PBUH) was alarmed by his condition, went to meet his ex-wife and asked her if she’ll go back to her former lover. She asked if it was a command from God for so, when she learnt it was only an advice from the Rasul, she rejected the advise of the messenger. Parents or guardians can only propose, if the lady rejects they can only present different options, appeal and advice. In the other side, a Hadith of Prophet PBUH saying ‘when a man comes to you, seeking for your hands in marriage.. when he’s religious enough, accept him, or else there’ll be Fitnah.’ Noting that her dowry ‘mahr’ must be given to her (which they can use to support themselves even out of the marriage). Husbands should treat their wife(ves) fairly with love and compassion. Showing great sympathy and deep affection. The Prophet PBUH said the best to you are the best towards their wives and I’m the best to my wives. One of his wives said he always helps them with the house chores (as it’s the woman duty to keep the house). Lastly When there is no option and the union must be separated, and divorce remains the only option. This must be exercised within the Shariah.

Islam abolished all illicit sexual practices and burying of the females in Surah Isra’, only allowing intercourse after a marriage deal. Then, one has the right to sleep with his wife, according to chapter 2 of the holy Quran, however he wishes only disallowing going from behind. When the wives of Prophet are not clean, they cover their lower body and he deals with anything above that. Also encouraging foreplay to satisfy the partner better. One’ wife shouldn’t reject his offer on bed, as well he shouldn’t deprive them that right. Islam made it compulsory to make equal shifts when one has different homes.


Muhammad Malumfashi is on twitter @ya_waliyyi


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