Monday, 30 September 2024

Rodenticide: Annihilating The ”Rats” In Our Bureaucracy By Ade Ilemobade


“The Corporation is civil society’s attempt to become state; but the bureaucracy is the state which has really made itself into civil society.”-Karl Max

    Arise, O compatriots, Nigeria’s call obey

    To serve our fatherland

    With love and strength and faith

    The labour of our heroes past

    Shall never be in vain

    To serve with heart and might

    One nation bound in freedom, peace and



Arise, O Nigerians, it is time to kill the ”Rats” to save our fatherland from rodents eating our yam from within the Bureaucracy/Ministeries.

We must annihilate them with love and strenght and faith, without these the labour of our heroes past would be in vain and we might be struck again with Jonathanian Lassa fever.

We must prevent a situation wherein our heart and might are susceptible to rodent virus of corruption and all vices or dishonorable behaviours, so that we can achieve our goals of freedom, peace and unity.


What is Bureaucracy:


Bureaucracy; Note, the word would be used interchageably to mean also Bureaucrat, which is an administrative policy-making nonelective government officialism (dom) that predominates through knowledge acquired over time in managing government departments.


According to Max Weber bureaucracy can be regarded as the most efficient rationalistic methodology that we human beings have created to administer our commune in a civilized mannerism.


J.S. Mill saw bureaucracy as perspicuous or contradistinctive from representative government. Furthemore, he posited that bureaucracy has some benefits most significantly the accumulation of know-how in those who actually conduct the affairs of government. However, Mill wrote “A bureaucracy always tends to become a pedantocracy”.


The president needs to make hay while the sun shines by getting rid of all the ”Rats” within  Nigeria Bureaucracy/Ministeries because these are unexploded landmines or improvised explosive devices buried but waiting to be activated like sleeping cells of Al-Qaeda.


There are too many Osamas, Al zawahiris, Abu Sayafs, Shekaus in the system not to mention the Anninis, Oyenusis, Escobars, El-Chapos, Tompolos and Asari Dokubos within the Nigeria Bureaucracy/Ministeries.

These are pot-pourri of felonic illustrations of how bad the whole institution has become and it is a vivid reminder that something out of the ordinary must be done to re-oxygenate our cadaver.


We need to understand here that Bureaucracy can be very difficult and resistance to change because of the ”routinematic” or procedural nature of their daily activities, not forgetting the peculiar nature of our own Nigerianess heaven of corruption.


They, Bureaucratic ”Rats” are snakelike meandering through the system poisoning the blood vessel of our nation so we must take urgent but drastic remediation by annihilation with Metal phosphides a quick-acting poison that can kill ”Rats” in a few hours by attacking vital organs and the central nervous system.


Put differently the president must begin a rigorous cleansing of Nigeria Bureaucracy/Ministeries if he desires to win the war against our grand cesspool of corruption with a knockout.


”Rats” are fundamentally corrupt and have perfected the arts of proliferation with the establishment of different Islands of hegemony within the Bureaucracy/Ministeries for the enhancement and consolidation of their evil machination to sabotage the administration as it is presently constituted, with all kinds of disreputable shenanigans. A case in point is the pollution of Budget 2016 with questionable inclusions.


”Rats” are anti-system anti-Bureaucracy because they have perfected burrowing an ingenious mannerism to sabotage the orderliness which is a function of Bureaucracy and in the absence of order what you would have is anarchy.


The anarchism of Bureaucracy created by ”Rats” give credence to the practice of corruption and people within the system start to see corruption as justifiable conduct of disobiedience to the principles of order which are the rules and regulations laid down to guide the proper functioning of Bureaucracy.


Ours are vivid example of these scenarios. Whenever and wherever there are no external controls or supervisions in terms of structured accountability placed on Bureucracy, inward looking mentality and rationale envelop its superstructure and it becomes an Island onto itself.


This was the case in Nigeria before the inception of @mbuhari administration it was a Bureaucratic jungle, a state of nature (Leviathanism) everyone is naturally willing to fight one another for the ”goodies” in a corruption-laden Bureaucracy.


The termination of the appointments of 26 Chief Executives of government parastals by the president should be seen as the prelude to what I would expect should be an ongoing purge of the system because at every stratification of the Nigeria Bureaucracy/Ministeries there are hybride ”Rats” fully pregnant and about to deliver like a proliferous plant and they are mostly in the middle cadre. Therefore, more work in this regard Mr. President.


The roles of Economic and Financial Crime Commission coupled with that of Independent Corupt Practices and other Related Offences Commission cannot be overemphasized here, since some of the expelled/sacked Chief Executives and their cronies or Godfathers were said to engage in fraudulent, dishonourable misdaventure while in positions of authority, so an indepth investigation and prosecution of culpable individuals must begin earnestly.


We are not there yet, but we have started on a journey/process of redemption let us join hands with the govenrment to rid Nigeria of ”Rats”.




OTUNBA ADE ILEMOBADE is a philosopher

Twitter: @pearl2prince

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