Monday, 30 September 2024

“Injustice, Corruption And Impunity In EFCC” Any Hope For EFCC…? By Abdullahi Ishaq


Ladies and Gentle men, this is a piece in addition to my earlier write ups about the Internal Corruption in EFCC. When I was under investigation, the then EFCC Chairman, Ibrahim Lamorde, one of the most Corrupt Policeman on earth, promised and assured my Former Boss, DCP. Ahmed Abdurahman, that he will stop all ochestrated investigative activities on me and I will continue with my job. His reasons are as follows:

“that the person who framed, indicted and wrote a petition against me i.e. DCP Wakili Mohammed, has fraudulently collected the sum of N100 Million Naira, a M-Class Mercedes-Benz and Toyota Prado Jeep  from Pension suspects, so how can person like DCP. Wakili write a petition against your PA?” Ibrahim Lamorde assured my boss of Investigating and bringing Wakili to book. Also, same Lamorde told my boss that information at his disposal, revealed that the Director of Administration DOS, one DCP. Bolaji Salami had been awarding contracts to his relatives and cronies. Lamorde also assured my boss of dealing with DOS, as soon as Ex-President Jonathan confirms his appointment in 2012.

Lamorde further informed Abdurahman that the Head of ISOS, Intelligence and Special Operations Section, one CSP. Suleiman Abdul, another department in EFCC is fraudulently collecting money from cases under his investigation. He Lamorde promised to investigate and deal with these corrupt senior policemen. All those  promises Lamorde made to no avail, because he has been collecting his lion share from them in form of (Returns), and swept my own case under the carpet.

My fellow brothers and sisters, I challenge Ibrahim Lamorde to a debate on all these claims, let him come clean and lets face the public. I swear and promise to prove all these claims.

Since  i joined the EFCC in 2006, I have never been issued with even a simple query. You people can see the typical wickedness of the EFCC Policemen. Why was my name being used, that I was sent to Atlanta, America, for a Pension Biometric Exercise. Whereas the Senate invited me on the said allegation, but discover it was a set up. Why didn’t they cause investigation to get the culprit? Why was my Senate  Invitation Letter  seized and hidden by Lamorde’s SA, Isah Dogonyaro? It was just four months of my suspension, when the Senate invited me, not knowing that Lamorde was fooling my boss that my job will continue. I would have told the 7th Senate all what was happening in EFCC, particularly the money they extorted from Pension suspects like, John Yakubu Yusuf and Dr. Sani Teidi Shuaibu, which Habibu Adamu Aliyu (an acclaimed saint) and two 2 others were used as collecting point. If Ibrahim Lamorde was a credible and sincere leader, why was my petitioner DCP. Wakili one among the Corrupt EFCC Police, allowed to be part of the the Appointment Promotion and Disciplinary Committee APDC panel, which interviewed me while on suspension?

A failed procedure. I suppose all these was staged manage to intimidate and persecute me in order to indict my former  boss DCP. Abdurahman, who was one of the Senior Police officers closed to Mrs. Farida Waziri. As at then, he was occupying a higher position than that of  DCP Wakili. Ibrahim Lamorde and DCP Wakili, his Pension team have had several meetings, deliberating on how to frame and indict me in order to succeed in nailing my boss DCP. Abdurahman. Some months before my indictment, two of my colleagues who worked with DCP. Wakili gave me the wind that their team members are working very hard to indict me. That my boss, DCP. Abdurahman was their target.

In a related development  one Dr. Sani Teidi Shuaibu was forced by Habibu Adamu Aliyu to write a statement, indicting me and my boss DCP. Abdurahman, claiming that  I was given N30 Million Naira to give to my boss which till date none of my persecutors can substanciate. In the course of their investigation only N4,000 was recovered from both my salary and savings accounts. In all the statements they obtained from my Banks, the largest in-flow was N740, 000 which was paid by the EFCC as an allowance. Nothing was recovered in my room or my rented house in Kaduna State.

Ladies and Gentle men, you can see the Injustice, Corruption and Victimization being inflicted on Regular Staff in EFCC by seconded senior policemen. It’s only the Regular staff that are faced with these persecutions. Allah ya isa, Ibrahim Lamorde and DCP. Wakili Mohammed, God will surely deal with you people for the Injustices and wickedness in destroying the career and future of the Regular staff of EFCC. Always, it is Regular staff that are corrupt! it is Regular staff that are subjected to all forms of persecution and victimizations. Why? Why? Why? The policemen pushes the Regular Cadets to the public for redicule, after they must have messed up all necessary evidence in any case being investigated ( ). Thereafter, they give impression to the public that the Regular Staff are not ripe to be given free hand to man the EFCC in terms of investigations. I want Nigerians to ask where is Ibrahim Lamorde? Despite all the several genuine allegations against him, has the EFCC under a Policeman been able to bring him in for questioning. That can never happen, because a policeman will always protect the corrupt acts of his fellow policeman. There is need for a total overhaul of the kind of leadership that the President should use to achieve both internal and external fight against corruption by EFCC.

Fellow compatriots, let’s synergize to fight these injustice and impunity in EFCC. My former boss Abdurahman consistently met Ibrahim Lamorde appealing for me to continue with my job, but Lamorde turned deaf ears and subsequently deployed DCP. Abdurahman back to their Mother organization, the Nigeria Police Force without any signal or memo to that effect. I am appealing to our dear President MuhammaduvBuhari, to take note on all these impunities. Honestly, these bad policemen in EFCC will ensure that all Regular staff are dismiss from EFCC before 2019. This battle is a collective responsibility of all Nigerians, how can we successfully fight corruption, while the EFCC is full of injustice and internal corruption.

I once again challenge Ibrahim Lamorde and DCP. Wakili to come and engage me in a public hearing, to see if they can defend themselves. May God save EFCC. Why are we the junior ones subjected to all injustices and persecution? The big and mighty fraudulent seconded police officers are involved in so many atrocities of mismanaging public funds, sitting on staff promotion and walfare, sexual harassment of female officers, with pretence to give them rapid promotion but nobody cares to probe and expose them… Why, Why, why…. Oh God. May the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria rescue the EFCC from the so called Senior Seconded Policemen at Management Level in EFCC.

Thank you all.


Abdullahi Ishaq

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