Monday, 30 September 2024

Open Letter To President Muhammad Buhari And The Presidential Committee On Anti-corruption By Abdullahi Ishaq


Your Excellency with due honour and respect. First and foremost accept my warmly congratulations as you mark one year in office. May Allah guide and protect you to lead us with all fairness. I write to bring to your attention the internal Corruption in EFCC. These are three factors that have bedevilled EFCC, which also requires your timely intervention… 1- INTERNAL CORRUPTION, 2- VICTIMIZATION, and 3- WELFARE…..

Your Excellency sir, Internal Corruption has gone deep in EFCC which is being perpetrated by the Senior Police officers, right from the leadership of Ibrahim Lamorde to date. Frustrating high profile cases in different forms. The Director of Administration known as DOS, is Lamorde’s boy and confidant. He is notorious in awarding contracts to his cronies and relative’s without bidding. The Account Department also is headed by another Lamorde’s loyalist ( Millions of money allocated by either the Federal Government or the UNODC is being diverted and mismanaged by the Senior Police officers and some none Police principal officers who are heading the department concerned.

Your Excellency, Police and Regular Cadets made up the EFCC, the Police are seconded staff and are meant to served for the period of 3 to 4 years, while the Cadets are the Regular and Pensionable staff. Sir, things have changed to a different dimension, whereby the Police have consistently victimized the Regular staff by indicting, suspending and dismissing Regular staff, whose fault does not require such punishment or penalties. Right from Lamorde’s time to the present leadership, about 30 Regular staff who are very intelligent and who also handles many high profile cases were suspended and dismissed, by using them as scapegoats to give the public the impression that they are fighting internal corruption.

Similarly, whenever a Policeman committed any wrongdoing, they will deploy him back to their Mother organization, without penalizing or prosecuting him for that offence. Am appealing to your good office to constitute an independent committee to investigate the activities of the EFCC from inception to date. Your Excellency sir, Nigerians owe you a greater responsibility of coming out the truth in the fight against corruption in all ramifications, as well as unearthing and exposing those who feel they cannot be fingered or investigated. I also respectfully advice the National Assembly to conduct a Public hearing on the role and activities of the EFCC, to ascertain my claims.

Even after the exit of Ibrahim Lamorde from the Comission, there are still many corrupt police officers, who also are Lamorde’s loyalists. Welfare of staff and training are being denied, considering as against during the leadership of Mrs. Farida Waziri. However each and every Nigerian is optimistic that fighting corruption is one of your cardinal objectives, and EFCC is the lead Anti graft Agency that is responsible for that. But how can we achieve that objective, while there is internal Corruption in the Commission. The relationship between the Police and Regular staff is extremely sour and victimization persists every day.

Your Excellency, the following police officers are among the most corrupt ones in EFCC; DCP. Bolaji Salami who is heading the Admin Dept and DCP. Muhammad Wakili who investigates all Pension cases where hundreds of millions, Exotic cars and properties were extorted, but Lamorde refused to investigate and prosecutes him and team.Also, DCP. Wakili was recently redeployed back to the Police, but yet to be investigated.

I am apealling to your office to investigate him and also revisits all Pension cases investigated by the EFCC. On the other hand, CSP. Usman Imam is another senior Police officer who had served from inception to date. He has made millions from cases he investigated, and had acquired properties in Kano, Apo Abuja, Lagos and other places. He is one of the Lamorde’s boy still working in the Commission to protect his boss’ interests. Habibu Adamu Aliyu ( ), a closed boy to Lamorde and Wakili is well known to be collecting huge amount of money from high profile suspects of Pension cases for his bosses. He recently resigned his appointment from the Commission for the fear of being probe, since all he made was kept hidden with his elder brother who was a former House of Representative Member. Another top collecting point for Lamorde is his SA, known as Mr. Isah Dogonyaro, he had recently left the Commission and gone for a study leave to evade being exposed. There are many more senior Police officers and few Regular Staff, who perpetrated and protect the Corrupt tendecies of their bosses.

Your Excellency sir. For the benefit of this great country and for Fairness, Equity and Justice I am appealing and pleading with you to as a matter of urgent national importance, cause investigation into EFCC as well as reviewing all staff indicted, suspended and dismissed. Sir this is the truth and nothing but the truth, about what has been going on in EFCC. May Almighty help and guide us right.

I implore and craved the indulgence of the public to transmit this medium to President Muhammadu Buhari, and any other person or organisation concerned. Because saboteurs, will always make sure the President does not get such vital information of Whitsle-Blowing. Thank you all…


Abdullahi Ishaq



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