Monday, 30 September 2024

@DeleMomodu False Analogy As Corroboration Of Negative Historiography Of Governance, By Ade Ilemobade

Philosophical conceptualization of truth has been a controversial subject matter for eon within the discipline of philosophy.

Moreover, Life in general is in great part about seeking truth or the knowledge of truth introspectively or extrospectively and whichever ways we seek truth we are confronted with the obvious reality of its relativeness ontologically speaking.

It is a well known fact in philosophy that it is impossible to develop meaning absolutism within the purview of referential analysis in other to avoid infinite regression.@Delemomodu statement ”I will always tell Baba the truth.” is a typical example of regurgitation that disturbs my logical tranquility. Let us even take it for granted that this is a commonsensical regurgitation, is there any common sense no one ever seriously doubts or do we have to accept @Delemomodu claim to absolute truth commonsense statements as the only coherent truth that it is impossible to deny.

My view, @Delemomodu is confusing belief with truth because you have an opinion or belief about, over, a particular subject matter constructed in propositional term does not make your belief the truth in a philosophically contentious issue as governance in Nigeria.

To talk/write about always telling Baba the truth on governance in a polarised and explosive clime like ours is to negate the biconditionality in the nature of truth vis-à-vis the multiplicity of truth values in our clime: (P) is true if and only if (P), therefore @Delemomodu truth can only be absolute if everyone within the geopolitical entity called Nigeria agrees with his version of truth. I do not see that happening now and not in the foreseeable future.

Another issue that disturbs my logical tranquility is @Delemomodu‘s overexaggeration of his influence and importance in Nigeria. Please, don’t get me wrong he has the right to feel self important but to claim he has a panacea to Nigeria governance issues as oftenly asserted is jejune.

Here is @Delemomodu pontificating and generalizing:

“Our people love the concept of change in the metaphysical sense but not in any way that hurts them and their families or friends.”

Dele our people will have to love the concept of change in the real sense if we are to make progress in Nigeria. Their “metaphysical fantastical delirium” will eventually evaporate when consistency of policy formualtion and implementation deliver dividend of democracy. Pardon me for the quoted phrase.

It is condescending to describe/ascribe to Nigerians some derogatory metaphysical illusion in terms of understanding what is good for the generality of the people, please do not underestimate the intellectual or cognitive capacity of our people to decipher goodness of government actions or inactions.

Nigerians are more discerning than the non descript “They” you mentioned in your article. Who are these people if I may ask.

“Trust me, every government has them. If you ask me, it is one reason most of our governments have failed so spectacularly.”-@Delemomodu

By presenting a jundiced anonymity and non descript ”They” to corroborate negative historiography of governance in Nigeria you are only playing to the gallery of argument from false analogy and argumentum ad baculum as a specificity of the negative form of an argument to the consequences of action or inaction in other to find justification. You can not treathen Nigerians and the government with negative historiography since conditions prevalent are not the same.

I must say here that you are one of the “They” since you claimed you speak truth to Baba always and to previous administrations as a means to ”influence” governance decisions and policy making processes therefore we can take it for granted that some of your opinions played some kind of role in the spectacular failure of previous governments. I assume they must have followed your pontification religiously since you always speak the truth as a panacea to good governance.

What truth I ask.

Is it the truth not to continue with the cause of action in respect of the salient war against corruption, impunity and grand theft of our commonwealth.

Here is @Delemomodu again the oracle in Ghana ”The solid foundation of discipline and incorruptibility he was laying was uprooted in one fell swoop! Nigerians’ penchant for good life and happy living won the day.” I wonder what Dele would not do in the name of hedonistic prostration and materialistic lifestyle.

@Delemomodu you are fond of overgeneralization in most of your articles which is another usurpation of my logical tranquility. Please, most Nigerians do not have a strong inclination for “good life and happy living” that are predicated upon lawlessness, fraudulent behaviour, corruption, stealing and profigacy. Most Nigerians want a diligent good life and happy living that are not predicated on what has predominated your metaphysical view points.

What you have just described is not about Nigerians but a few selfish corrupt people who would rather go for nepotism, corruption and fraudulent machinations in other to advance the so called materialistic lifestyle you are propagating.

I am happy that June 12 1993 was spectacularly truncated, I am old enough to understand the politique and the shenanigans of key players either in politics and in their business life that they do not in my opinion deserve to rule Nigeria really “wat mij betreft” June 12 1993 is irrelevant.

Let us keep the discourse alive. Beliefs and Opinions are not absolute truth, we must be circumspect when people claim to speak absolute truth always because they are burden on democracy.

OTUNBA ADE ILEMOBADE is a philosopher

Twitter: pearl2prince

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