Monday, 30 September 2024

Dishonesty: Reverend Kukah’s Seemingly Honest Vituperation, A Reflection Of His Chameleonic Character, By Ade Ilemobade

The dishonesty in the seemingly honest vituperation of Rev. Mathew Kukah is a reflection of his chameleonic character an inconstant personality who would project the defence of dishonourable individuals as if it is an ironcast attempt in the defence of the defenceless masses of Nigeria.

I am not flabbergasted by his latest odoriferous campaign to manipulate socio-economic and political development in the country to fit into his agenda of talking from both sides of his larynx. He is a pretender to honesty trying very hard to seek a compromised excluded middle between good and bad telling us not to talk about the past because for him that is now irrelevant but I wonder whether we can really move forward without taking a deeper reflection on the past in a sustained mannerism so that we would be able to overcome repetition of the malaise our past has imposed on us as a nation.

Here is Rev. Mathew Kukah “We didn’t vote a government to complain about yesterday. If we wanted yesterday, the new government would not be there. It is really about taking responsibility. No matter how much you praise or abuse Jonathan, he is not the president of Nigeria”.  It is clear from the above statement that this is grand partisanship we have Rev. mathew Kukah who is more concerned about Jonathan and the possibility of him going to jail that he is prepared to weave good and bad together in a contortionist melancholic speech to defend indefensibility.

The obvious fundamental question to ask Rev. Mathew Kukah at this point is whether he has advised his friend Jonathan to take wholehearted responsibility for the bad things he did while he was the president of Nigeria since he Kukah confirmed to us in his latest tirade that “The previous government didn’t only do bad things; it did a lot of good things”. I have not read anywhere that Jonathan Came out openly based on the advice of Rev. Mathew Kukah to make atonement for his maladministration rather what we witness is a stonewalled silence from a man who ”didn’t only do bad things”.

The irony of Rev. mathew Kukah speech is that it turned out to put Jonathan and the Catholic Church that he represents in a very difficult position as a cult of people whose agenda is to protect those who have massively looted Nigeria confirming to us the peadophiliac incestuous relationship we have always known. Most people would not be surprised either given the disgraceful history of peadophiliac incestuousness in the Catholic establishment. This is a subject for another article enough of our digression.

Rev. Mathew Kukah has the constitutional right to express his opinion and I am happy he is doing that but I also have the right to disagree with him on issues of national significance like the anti-corruption engagement of the present administration; we need to send people to prison to make it clear that not only are we going to confiscate all that you have acquired illegally you will also go to jail as a deterrent to others, I will like to go beyond jail to death penalty.

Rev. Mathew Kukah one of the reasons why people do not have food on their table is because funds that could be used to provide sustenance or provision of basic needs of life for the generality of our populace were stolen by greedy few that Rev. mathew Kukah and the Catholic Church in Nigeria are/were defending using subterfuge.

We must keep talking about the past and it must be encrypted in our medulla oblongata, even in the West past is often revisited via memorials, commemorations, monuments and in curriculum to avoid relapse. The president must keep on drumming it into the ears of Nigerians that corruption is at the root of our problems and the change in my view must begin with Rev. mathew Kukah because his vituperation is a clear indication of the fraudulent and criminal familial arrangement that is making people wonder aloud whether there is something in this fight for the man in Cassock because we do not often hear/heard the Catholic Church megaphoning during the Jonathan administration about Jonathan and Patience evil machinations the only exception to the rule is Rev. Mbaka.

Lastly corruption is at the root of poverty and inequality in Nigeria most egalitarian societies are not as corrupt as we are, the war on corruption shall free funds for socio-economic development ”corruption has direct consequences on economic and governance factors, intermediaries that in turn produce poverty” _Corruption and Poverty: A Review of Recent Literature by Eric Chetwynd Frances Chetwynd Bertram Spector.


OTUNBA ADE ILEMOBADE is a philosopher

Twitter: @pearl2prince

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