Monday, 30 September 2024

Freethinkers: Northern Elites And The Ostriches, By Ade Ilemobade

Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II and Mallam Nasir El-Rufai have become the Ostriches that Northern elites are seeing in their dreams because to see an Ostrich in your dream as it is now the case cosmologically speaking with the Northern elites suggests to us that elitist in the Northern hemisphere of Nigeria are in denial of concrete and obvious reality of the inhuman conurbation they have created that will soon implode leaving them scouring their manhood in the public.

There is no denying the fact that a rigorous scouring in respect of changing the socio-economic indicators of poverty stricken Northern Nigeria into a dynamic, modern, forward looking society would require Freethinkers or Ostriches like Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II and Mallam Nasir El-Rufai dealing out blows of enlightenment at various fora to awaken the renaissance mentality missing amongst the pseudo-religious conservative elites of Northern extraction.

These Ostriches are vehemently saying to the Northern elites to consider the repudiation of archaic views, rules and regulations that are of no fundamental significance in the advancement of humanity and their political sphere of influence because without the adaptation to modernism and the wealth of knowledge available to advance human dignity Northern Nigeria would remain in Governor Abdul’aziz Abubakar Yari’s primitive state of nature  where ”God Sent Meningitis To Punish Nigerians For Their Sins.”

The constitution of Nigeria guarantee the right to freedom of expression in chapter 4. Section 39(1) ”Every person shall be entitled to freedom of expression, including freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart ideas and information without interference.”  Therefore, whatever opinions expressed by Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II and Mallam Nasir El-Rufai via a memo to the President are still within their constitutionally guaranteed rights, so why the hullabaloo and attempt at silencing Freethinkers.

I wonder about the superstructure on the basis of which the feudalistic monologue bandied around by Northern elites in respect of the view that Monarchs do not engaged in critque of public policy is coming from.

Are Monarchs not Nigerians with the same fundamental rights. Where is the constitutional prohibition?

Sincerely speaking Monarchs represent the interest of their people than the so called elites who congregate in their cocoons in Abuja or various capital cities shielded from the reality of inhuman cornubation they have created. Monarchs are the first point of political administration in the community they know more than the pseudo Northern elites which are creation of disjointed self aggrandisement.

I will advice the so called Northern elites look into their history books as a journey of self-rediscovery and enlightenment to the reality that Royal Fathers are the most political and Royalty is a political institution of a kind no doubt they have always played politics influencing government policy directions for the betterment of their community or society at large.

The same crude politicians/Northern elites will go to the Monarchs for advice and consultation yet they do not want them to express opinion on national issues.

You cannot intimidate Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II and Mallam Nasir El-Rufai because there would be no need for that private talks that have kept Northern Nigeria backward and Nigeria underdeveloped. The padypady talks are what is killing us like cancer, learn to deal with this new phenomenon of openness by Ostriches.

We must speak truth to power always. We must stand for something. We must show courage and defend the dignity of humanity. Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II and Mallam Nasir El-Rufai are courageous Ostriches sticking their necks out for truth and justice.

You may not agree with my viewpoints but you do not have the right to intimidate me into oblivious silence.



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