Sunday, 29 September 2024

The 2015 Elections And The Rouse Of Ethnic Militias In Nigeria

Nigeria is a pluralistic society moving towards quite another matter. In former times, national leaders had rallied their political forces with the exhortation that unity in diversity must not be compromised for political differences or social inequality. It is so disheartening these days that Nigeria is slowly but surely dividing along ethnic climes, religious sentiments and tribal life by its so-called flesh and blood. This strategy of conquest by disparagement employed by our kith and kin will continue to weaken our fragile democratic institution, diverse cultural values and relic continental relevance.
It is clear as day that tribe is mafia and that ethnic cleansing is a form of genocide. This is why the percipient role played by all these unlawful and vetoed ethnic champions like the Odua Peoples’ Congress (OPC), Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB), Ex-militants of the Niger Delta in our already intense political space is anti-democratic and suspicious.
Our pledge of allegiance as patriotic Nigerians is to sustain the tenet of peace and unity even if bullies attack us and our buddies. In view of this, patriotism frustrates any knavish political trick that could undermine the greatest good to the greatest number. Patriotism entails building national strength through solidarity even in the face of a common enemy. Hence, it becomes obvious that, I become unpatriotic the very day i start romancing with ethnic militias impregnated with vices. Yes, I become unpatriotic for I too am a Nigerian. In fact, you become more unpatriotic the day you start refusing to strengthen our weak democratic institutions because you too are Nigerians.
Ethnic militias and their sponsors are great evils to our developing society but yet ethnic militias keep striving in countless leaps and in bounds, some keep hoisting flags as proof of territorial dominance while the native land that gave birth to us all is dicing with danger of infertility and malnutrition. Sometimes, I extremely wonder, why the children of our native land will keep devising to plunge us all into anarchy. Why would they result to disrupting societal peace, inciting violence, making derogatory remarks and singing proverbial and war songs? Why would they suddenly become guerrillas fighting for toadies forgetting the whole Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system could become rubbles within an eye’s twinkle?
On March 8th 2014, the Biafra Zionist federation (BZF) rekindled their hope of reclaiming Biafra’s independence when its sturdy clan overwhelmed the sophisticated military personnel and intelligence by operating for hours successfully at the safest building in Enugu state (Enugu Government House). They hoisted their flag that same day and even boastfully promised to do same in the entire government house exposing the lives and properties of the Ndigbo’s to danger. In another development, they warned the Boko-Haram dynasty in the Northern region never to cross their boundaries to wreak havoc in any South-eastern state. Ever since that warning, they have sincerely adhered to a fault.
Boko-Haram is still a threat today no matter the successes recorded recently by those playing active roles (patriots) in fighting those beasts that have killed, destroyed, stolen, maimed and are still engrossed in these various unpatriotic and nefarious act.
In a nutshell, the main region in Nigeria (Southern and Northern regions) boasts of ethnic militias in its complicated armoury. There is the OPC in the South-western part of Nigeria, Boko-Haram in the Northern part of Nigeria. MASSOB in the South- eastern part of Nigeria, and the Niger-Delta militants in the South-South. Our history book is prime evidence that they exist and that they have clear-cut plans to implement. Most importantly, as the Election Day draws very near, they have higher mandates- it is either to make or to mar the electoral architecture. If the way these ethnic militias have conducted themselves in the school of morality and equally gone about their sponsored protests against good electoral reforms is anything to go by, then it is apparent that the simple task is to secure your region for “my party” come the 28th of March 2015 (Election Day) and get “these” as recompense.
Why would it be at this time that a Nigerian will be awarding a contract (pipeline security) to an ethnic militia? Why not this time? Don’t you know it will provide almost 15,000 jobs for Yoruba Youths? If the national coordinator of OPC, Gani Adams is still living in the figment of his imagination, let him continue but as for me and many discerning Nigerians, it is another sorry case of bringing sweets to bribe us. Too late!
What can these megalomaniacs not do to get power? What is the big deal to sycophants making grave promises? Do these power seekers really count the cost before striking a pact with sons of perfidy? Have they forgotten that many innocent Nigerians had died all because sheriff signed a pact with Mohammed Yusuf in a bid to get power back then in Borno state?
In good conscience, any nation that keeps energizing ethnic militias, funding their wicked act and keeps providing cover ups for their public sin will continue to slide into atrophic economic growth. Yes, any nation that keeps celebrating ethnic militias, religious bigots and mediocre at the full expense of flag-wavers will continue to languish in untold torments and celebrated slavery. Unfortunately, the nation even has more nationals against it than nationals for it in recent times. These nationals against the nation have started collaborating with the enemies within once again; giving them the strong accord to sabotage the collective will of the people. Deeds of partnership have already preceded this alliance, terms and conditions have equally been reached. Indubitably, the imminent of post-election violence is no longer a prophecy. However, according to Ben Franklin, “there is no bad peace and no good war but as it stands, kingdom may rise against kingdom, principalities against principalities no matter who emerges.”
In 1999, the Timorese militia group that had vehemently opposed autonomy reacted violently to the outcome of the Indonesia election. This militia group went on rampage all over the East Timor, destroying infrastructures, murdering pro-independence supporters and forcing large numbers of East Timorese to flee their abode because East Timorese voted in favour of independence. This is why I believe that, no matter how painful the birth pangs of progress becomes, we must collectively rise against ethnic militias who are bent on destroying the land of our birth.
March 28th 2015 will go down memory lane as the determining factor that changed the destiny of Nigeria, if it truly turns out to be so. History would judge us if we refuse to rewrite our history. Then, if we do not want to face the brutal judgement of history, definitely, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Security Forces, Observers and other relevant agencies must not a bit shirk their sacred responsibilities. Let us say, the INEC has good intentions but will they pass the Ron-Seal test? Will it not be corrupt and bias all the same? Corrupt in that, “I won the elections” but “he won the count”. Will it? Will it not? Only time would tell.
As a final point, I want to urge Nigerians to raise their words and not their voice because voice votes will not count at this point of rewriting history. Fighting does not change the course of history, only a vote does. History is watching us and paying attention to details, the international community are observing proceedings even as Nigerians elect a new president. Please get it right!
Orukotan Ayomikun Samuel
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