Monday, 30 September 2024

New Year Cross-Over Church Services: The New Madness Of Black People

Black people are the least successful people in the world. According to research, in USA white people are five times richer than black people. In the UK alone, half of young black males are unemployed. In Africa, poverty is the continent’s middle name. Yes, white people and racism can be blamed here and there for the suffering of the black people, but the truth is most of the suffering of the black race is self-inflicted. Black people refuse to think for themselves. One of the greatest gifts God gave to mankind is the ability to think critically but sadly, black people refuses to do this, always needing a “man of God” to think for them. Donald Trump is reported to have said black people are lazy, I think what he meant was that black people are cognitively lazy. It’s not a racist statement, it’s brutal truth.

Being the poorest people in the world, yet the most religious, believing that God should somehow miraculously bless them with wealth by going to church and yet they will always remain in poverty. Not long ago I was also part of the black circus of religion. Being in a black Pentecostal church made me completely retarded as I was no longer able to use my God-given mind to think for myself. I entered the church building with money and left it there thinking that would give me a breakthrough.

Today I watch in sadness as millions of my black brothers and sisters abandon their minds in the name of Church/God. As we are entering into the New Year, black people will be flocking to churches on 31st December for All Night Services dubbed The Crossovers leaving churches at early hours of the morning on New Years Day. Most of these Crossover services have nothing to do with the salvation of soul or seeking the face of God but rather claiming financial breakthroughs and miracles.

The Black Pastors, Spiritual Fathers and “Prophets” will be making the most of New Year’s Eve. For them, New Year is a time to make more millions as they tell their gullible followers to sow seeds so that they will be blessed in 2017. They will be telling single women that they will be getting married in 2017. People will be promised big breakthroughs, cars, houses, businesses, promotions etc. Everyone will be all hyped up at these freaky Crossover services.

New Year After New Year Black people is promised breakthroughs by mega-rich “prophets”.

Now the sad thing is these gullible followers were promised the very same thing the previous year. They were also told that 2016 was their year but at end of the year, they are exactly the same as they were the previous year, and the year after. No breakthroughs! No miracles! But they will still go again this New Years Eve for some fresh “anointing”. Is this not some mental illness?

In the UK prosperity false prophet, Uebert Angel has resorted to having Porn Star Ray J as his guest of honor at his CrossOver all night service just to pull the crowds. Ray J is the Black American who made Kim Kardashian rich and famous (through a sex tape) whilst being the loser in the end. Now Uebert Angel thinks it’s something worth bragging about that Ray J will be a guest of honor at his Crossover night service.

Eubert Angel’s Crossover guest of honor Ray J is known for making Kim Kardashian famous through a sex-tape

Zimbabwe probably has the highest population of prosperity “prophets” in Africa even though it is now the second poorest country in the world. The poverty stricken people of Zimbabwe are obsessed with false prophets and spiritual Fathers.

Zimbabwe’s biggest Spiritual Father Ezekiel Guti has promised his millions of followers that 2017 is the year of “Having and not giving back what you already have”, whatever that means. False Prophet Walter Magaya will be holding his own Crossover Night where he is promising his blind followers prosperity. Another Zimbabwean False Prophet Eugene Makore who is always bragging on Facebook about his flashy cars has asked people to sow a seed (money) so that they receive their 2017 breakthroughs. The breakthroughs even come in packages, gold, silver, bronze, and platinum. These packages are according to how much money you give off course. With the platinum package, you get a chance to speak to Eugene Makore directly on the phone, which is supposed to be a “blessing”.

2017 Breakthrough packages being sold by false prophet Eugene Makore

If you think Eugene Makore is barking mad, wait for this. Father of all false prophets in Africa Emmanuel Makandiwa is also doing a massive New Year Cross Over service for 2017 where he is promising even bigger financial miracles and breakthroughs. The gullible followers are being told to pay as much as $7000 for bigger blessings. Emmanuel Makandiwa is the spiritual son of TB Joshua who was humiliated in November 2016 after giving a false prophecy that Hillary Clinton would win the USA presidential elections. If Zimbabweans are able to make these “Men of God” millionaires, why then do they blame Robert Mugabe for poverty.

Below is a shocking video of a worker of Emmanuel Makandiwa asking people to give money for 2017 breakthroughs.

Zimbabwean Makosi Musambasi who shot to fame in 2006 after entering Big Brother UK now resides in Nigeria where she is now a teacher of the bible. She often tells people that if you don’t tithe (giving money in church) you will die poor. She will also be attending an all night Crossover Service by Nigerian Bishop Abioye where people are expected to bring empty bottles and be given “anointing oil” by their prophet.

Big Brother Makosi Musambasi is now a bible teacher in Nigeria who encourages black people to give to the church lest they die in poverty

As I mentioned at the beginning of the article, white people are more successful financially than black people simply because they use their brains, its that simple. God doesn’t grant you success because you have paid money in church or fasted. Mark Zuckerberg didn’t pray and fast to become a billionaire, he simply used his intelligence and added hard work to it. No Papa had to lay his hands on him to invent Facebook.

So for those single women who have been promised husbands by their “prophets”, forget what Papa has said and just get out more, and maybe stop putting too much makeup that you are barely recognisable, and surely you will meet someone. For those who want financial breakthroughs, work hard, be innovative and maybe use your God given talents to get to your destiny. You don’t need special anointing oil from a “Prophet” to be successful.

2017 will just like any other year. You make it special by your own efforts. It won’t be a year of breakthroughs or whatever stupid themes  your “prophets” promises you.

Until black people are able to think for themselves, work hard, identify opportunities, take  a risk in entering into new areas, they will continue to be impoverished hence a nitch market for self-styled prophets to be richer. For 2017 start by celebrating New Year in your own houses. Stop this New Year Cross-Over madness. You will save yourself a lot of money that you will surely need throughout the month of January as you recover from Christmas spending. Happy New Year my readers!


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