Sunday, 29 September 2024

Xenophobia: South African Consulate appeals to Nigerians in Toronto.

On Monday; April 20, 2015  Nigerians  in Toronto converged at the South African General Consulate to protest against the killings  of  Africans living in South Africa.

Ms Funmi Olumade an Activist and the  APC Womens’s Leader in Toronto  told  OASES NEWS that she called the South African Consulate last week Friday  to inform them  of their intention to hold a rally, but no response to her call as she was promised that an officer would call her back.

The Protest Chief Leader;  Alhaji Kay Alabi who is also the chairman of APC Canada and the Executive Director of African Canadian Social Development Council (ACSDC) told OASES NEWS Reporter  that The Consulate replied them this afternoon through the APC Canada Women’s Leader Ms. Funmi Olumade via email.  Kay Alabi expressed his satisfaction that the email sent to him is evidence that the South African government is on top of the game by trying to resolve this immediately. When OASES NEWS asked why the delay in responding to the protest that took place on Monday and just replying now, Kay Alabi explained to OASES Reporter  that the protocol must be observed for  everything especially such sensitive issue like Xenophobia.

Find below the letter from the Consulate General, Toronto.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Toronto : Consulate General <
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Date: Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 11:29 AM
Subject: SA government official response to the xenophobic incidents in SA

To whom it may Concern

Please see here below the official response by the Government of the Republic of South Africa regarding the unfortunate xenophobic attacks that have occurred in South Africa in the recent weeks. 

·         The South African government condemns in the strongest possible terms the recent outbreak of violent attacks against foreign nationals, particularly fellow Africans from various African countries, in the KwaZulu-Natal Province and other parts of the country.

·         South Africa’s transition to democracy was one of the world’s most iconic testimonies of tolerance and peaceful co-existence. Under the stewardship of the father of a democratic South Africa Nelson Mandela the country had an unwavering dedication to democracy, selflessness, reconciliation, service to humanity and a better life for all. 

·         The recent attacks on foreign nationals, particularly fellow Africans from various African countries, are a threat to our historical achievements as a nation. Moreover, the attacks go against the democratic values enshrined in the Constitution.  

·         The South African Government views the attacks on foreign nationals as a criminal offence that will not be tolerated. South Africa is a constitutional democracy governed by laws. Everyone working and living in the country must obey its laws in their totality. No one has the right to take the law into their own hands. The South African Government will enforce the laws of the country and will not hesitate to act against criminal activity or those found to incite violence.  

·         The South African Government will also do everything within its power to ensure the safety of all citizens and foreign nationals irrespective of their status. Similarly, foreign nationals must meet all the legislative and regulatory requirements as prescribed by our immigration laws.


·         South Africa is a multicultural society that welcomes and promotes interaction among people of different backgrounds.  As such, nothing can justify the criminal activity and intolerance that these attacks represent. Solutions can be reached through constructive engagement and by working together.  

·         South Africa is a signatory to various international obligations that protect foreign nationals and refugees, including the Geneva Protocol on Refugees. As a signatory to this Protocol, and as a country that cherishes human rights, we have to protect the basic rights of every human being within our borders, including foreign nationals.  

·         Since the advent of democratic governance in 1994, South Africa has worked cordially with African countries not only to consolidate bilateral relations that are flourishing politically, economically and socially, but also to advance continental integration.  

·         South Africa will not forget the hospitality and support we received from fellow Africans during the difficult times of our anti-apartheid liberation struggle. During this time, it was Africa that opened its doors and became home for many South Africans who fled the persecution of the apartheid government. For many decades, Africans fought side by side with South Africans in a war against apartheid, contributing to the freedom we have today. The South African Government, therefore, urges South Africans not to allow a few individuals to reverse and undermine our historical achievements. 

·         South Africa’s foreign policy is driven by the vision to achieve an African continent that is peaceful, democratic, non-racial, non-sexist, united, prosperous and which contributes to a world that is just and equitable. South Africa pursues this vision, informed by the values of Ubuntu (Humanity).  

·         The Constitution of our country protects the rights of all people living within the country, South Africans and foreigners alike; The South African Government will, therefore, do everything within the law to ensure the safety of all citizens and foreign nationals irrespective of their status. 

·         The South African Government has thus far responded as follows to this matter: 

a)    President Jacob Zuma has on a number of occasions provided his leadership on this matter by publicly condemned the unwarranted violent attacks on foreign nationals, the looting of their business premises and appealed for calm and tolerance across the country. The most recent of these statements by President Zuma were issued at the National Assembly meeting at our Parliament yesterday;  

b)    President Zuma has assigned the Ministers of Home Affairs (Mr Malusi Gigaba), Police (Mr Nathi Nhleko) and State Security (Mr David Mahlobo) to arrest the violence that has broken out in parts of the country particularly in the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Province and some parts of the Gauteng Province. This includes the establishment of an Inter-Departmental Task Team to coordinate the response; 

c)    A Panel of Experts has been set-up under the leadership of the former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Judge Navi Pillay. Its purpose is to advise the Government on the integration of foreigners into their communities on an ongoing basis; 

d)    Additional law enforcement officers have been mobilised from around the country and deployed to the affected areas to enforce the law and prevent further attacks; 

e)    Thus far, a number of suspects have been apprehended; 

f)     All district disaster management centres have been placed on high-alert and a 24-hour call centre has been established; 

g)    Shelters have been set-up to accommodate displaced foreign nationals and basic amenities such as water, sanitation, and healthcare are being provided; 

h)   The South African Government is working closely with the UNHCR, UNICEF as well as non-governmental organisations to provide food, psycho-social and other support to those affected;

i)     The process of reintegrating those who were displaced back into their communities has begun;

j)      The Ministry of Small Business Development, will fast-track the implementation of the National Informal Business Upliftment Strategy (NIBUS) as part of addressing the concerns and challenges that face the informal business sector. NIBUS is anchored on three key pillars, namely skills development among the South African population, exploring partnerships between locals and foreign traders and reviewing policies and regulations; 

k)    The repatriation of those foreign nationals that want to go back to their countries of origin is not the immediate wish of the South African government but in the instance that there are those that want to be repatriated, the South African government will work with those nationals and the United Nations to facilitate their repatriation and issue them with proper documentation to make sure that they are repatriated safely; and 

l)     Community engagements are being conducted through the Communities in Dialogue programme, Community Safety Forums, Ward Committees, and through Community Development Workers, amongst others.


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