Sunday, 29 September 2024

Terrorism And Post-Jonathan Crucifixion by Tobi Oluwasegun

President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan is undoubtedly the most criticized Leader the country has ever produced, yet the best to steer Nigeria’s Democracy to thrive most especially in his war against the Boko Haram sect. The five year Insurgency seemed to have been the only clog in his wheel of transformation agenda and the big bad tag his administration Inherited as he was criticized by the opposition, betrayed by
inner caucus Judases among his cabinet, thereby leading to his loss at the 2015 Election polls, a great sabotage on his re-election bid

The April 14th Abduction of 276 girls of Government girls secondary school by Boko Haram insurgents went down sour in the annals of National security, rubbished the historical record and prodigy of the Nigerian army as the one of the best ground forces in the world and also bedevilled Dr Ebele Goodluck Jonathan’s Administration as insincere, clueless and slow in tackling and overcoming the Terrorism which had now become a widespread phenomenon around the world with the likes of ISIS,ISIL,AL SHABAB and other terrorist militia holding sway on worldwide democracies. It was truly a rude shock when on the night of that fateful April 14th,terrorists stormed the premises of CHIBOK GOVERNMENT GIRLS HIGH School ,dressed in Military fatigues and successfully carted away all the girls to the Sambisa Forest, passing through Police stations on their way.

Initially, the war on Terror began in 2009 when the late leader of the sect Mohammed Yusuf was killed in a reprisal attack by Nigerian security forces in the presence of a crowd of sympathetic villagers. The abusive handling of that nature whereby the security forces cracked down on 700 boko haram members without considerations sparked a wider reign of terror as it intensified the armed groups
actions. The greatest achievement of the Islamist terrorist group Boko haram was the Chibok Kidnap which Brandished President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan’s Administration as one that plays politics with the lives of citizens. such action that went successful right under the mighty nose of the nation’s security apparatuses sparked not only opposition or national criticism ,but evoked a worldwide condemnation and earned Nigeria an international mock tag. This also exposed the rot in the ongoing war prosecuted against Terrorism

In a reaction, President Jonathan was a bit cowed and slow in taking necessary actions later summoned a National security meeting to investigate the matter. There appeared to be contradiction on the exact numbers of girls missing as examination Body ‘’WAEC’’ gave a different number from the 276 school authorities gave another contrasting figure prompting no corporation with the Borno state Governor Ibrahim Shettima who was in the opposition party with the president. The integrity of the Nigerian Army was at stake and further degenerated after a failed offensive directed at reclaiming the girls from Sambisa proved abortive on the long run.

Some months later, the presumed dead leader of the Boko haram sect Mohammed Abubakar shekau resurfaced in an online video released by the terrorist media wing showing the girls dressed in Muslim outfit, carrying The Holy Quran indicating their conversion to Islamic religion. The leader of Boko haram had
threatened to sell the girls showing its determination to obtaining ransom for their operations .

It was a shame as Nigerian state security spokeswoman Marilyn Ogar rebuffed that video also shown by CNN
saying the Shekau in the video was an Impostor as the real Abubakar Shekau had been killed in an offensive with the Nigerian Troops.

Similarly, the whole issue assumed a political dimension as President Good luck Jonathan was badmouthed by the opposition and other politicians majorly being that he was a minority leader from South-south, a Christian. The Borno state government also a a majority northern opposition were not sincere in acknowledeging the efforts of the federal government.

This prompted uncooperative actions from a northern cabal who had been out from power for the past 15 years and where seeking to regain power by all hook and crook means resolving optionally to discredit the administration of the president shouting Genocide at a time when Dr Good luck Jonathan was willing to prosecute a full blown war on Boko haram. Nigeria’s military top brass was not left out of the Chibok saga as acts of Corruption, Compromise and leakages of military operation, misappropriation of 1 billion dollars security budget fund caused soldiers guarding delicate spots to loose courage ,develop low morale due to the fact that their top commanders failed to give them sophisticated in Prosecuting the war against the Insurgents.

Unfortunately, it could have been a bonus if President Jonathan and the Nigerian Army cooperated fully with the US who had already located the girls and wanted to use non-combat and non conventional means of warfare through gas spray to release the girls.

The leakage of such classified security operations prompted America to conclude that the Nigerian Military was uncooperative, insincere and not willing to end the insurgency. However, president Jonathan was not willing to sale help for interest as it is believed the US renders no help without interest of bargain for something in return Such could have been the easy way out to nip terrorists in the bud and save Nigeria from worldwide protest, an international perception that the Nigerian government failed to care for its citizens most especially as a Human rights organization Amnesty International brandished Nigerian security forces
Abusive for using excessive force in the war against Boko haram which was rebuffed by the Top bras of the Military. President Jonathan got it all wrong when he decided to offer a solution to the Boko haram issue by political bargaining. He promised to end the before the General elections. This was a big opportunity for politicians and betrayists in his government who had sympathy for the Islamic sect to shout rants for the opposition and cry foul against the President. What Could have been the main reason for the agitation by the Boko haram terrorist? No one seemed to understand their motive initially, unlike the Niger-delta militants who fought against resource marginalization and environmental abuse ,Boko haram which
translates to ‘’western education is sin had at one timeadvised President Jonathan to convert to Islam.

Politically, criticisms continued to trail GEJ’S second term Declaration. He was not also seen in the good light for hosting a world economic forum while the nation was bleeding with unrecovered Chibok kidnapped girls. Occasionally, Northern elders began to discredit his administration with vilifying statements, corrupt politicians allegedly aiding the Boko haram menace began to fund them and this lead to a wider display of courage, emboldened and terror unleashed by the sect who now adopted Guerrilla hit and run warfare tactics.

 The military, mostly compromised by boko haram sympathizers began to frustrate acts of success in ending the war fully against Boko haram. Desertion and dereliction of duty became the order of the day among Nigerian troops in the forefront operations against the insurgents..

Top military commanders were allegedly selling arms to Boko haram Insurgents. Mutiny occurred at one time as a General offer commander was almost lynched by in Kaduna by aggrieved soldiers who lost 41 colleagues brutally to terrorist in an an operation against the Insurgents. Corrupt military chiefs who had been benefitting from the whole war were not willing to cooperate with the government.

Northern Elders failed to cooperate with president Jonathan also and instead decided to negotiate with the Terrorist. Things had fallen apart and Jonathan had somehow been at on the receiving end because his focus on 2015 election had beclouded his cabinets sense of reason as no one really cared at putting to end the Insurgency. it seemed to be business as usual, not until when Boko haram’s efforts received a boost with their media wing towards the end of last year. Propaganda now became the order of the day. It was alleged that the opposition party APC was the sole sponsor of the sect bent on decapacitating the current administration.

False news, false and politically sponsored opposition protests became rampant in the social media crippling governments drive in conflict resolution. The united states now in a diplomatic row with Nigeria further compounded the latter’s woes by refusing to sell arms to the government, forcing Nigeria to turn to Russia .This continued until the Beginning of the year that ushered in a Political season.

President Good luck Jonathan’s last minute promise of a ending the insurgency with a six-week war and ridding the states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa of terrorists received a little brightened hope from demoralized Nigerian’s and a little bashing to the opposition. The last minute war prosecuted by
Good luck Jonathan succeeded in turning the tide against the Insurgents by procuring arms from Russia. This strengthened the Army and boosted morale among ground troops in the forefront of the anti terror war. Boko Haram’s late adoption of capturing territories to form a caliphate in the decimated Northern states with the adoption of ISIS ideology was not to be tolerated at all.

Large swathes of territories were recaptured and recovered by the Nigerian army in the first week of intensified offensive meant to dislodge and rid affected states of terrorist. Such victory was not unconnected to the multinational joint Task force, that conducted a cross border offensive, exterminating fleeing Insurgents and reclaiming border territories held by the terror group. GEJ’s nod for hiring of South African mercenaries STTEP contributed immensely. The great achievements at such dying minute seemed to have been a morale booster for the Presidents second term bid. but when the election came Jonathan lost with a wider margin ,most especially in the Northern states where riddled of terrorism.

Such Crucifixion on the Cross of terrorism was not possible except with the help of Political judases who sold their Master’s Political ambition for a billion pieces of Gold, not even silver. President Jonathan mistake of granting states 25billion dollars sometime in 2010 to states paved way for the sponsoring of opposition parties by his own judases and he paid the ultimate price on the cross of terrorism because of betrayals by party politicians and leaders who felt he had nothing to offer again thereby sabotaging his second term re-election agenda. The loss to president elect Rtd Major General Muhammad Buhari was the final crown of thorns that was laid on the head of president Good luck Ebele Jonathan’s re-election bid. Nigerians should ask themselves if Buhari is not the Political Barabbas released in place of a Saviour.

 Interestingly, he seemed to have chanted that forgiving prayer conceding defeat ‘’FATHER FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO”. If he didn’t concede to his opponent Rtd major General Muhammad Buhari, Nigeria could have been under an Atmosphere of disarray and democracy would have failed to survive. The crucified President Jonathan was hailed by many world leaders for his courage and spirit of unity which silenced the rants of the opposition. However, it is hoped that Boko haram which has been silenced do not rise again

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